- Mandible (insect)
Insect mandibles are a pair of appendages near the insect’s mouth, and the most anterior of the three pairs of oral appendages (thelabrum is more anterior, but is a single fused structure). Their function is typically to grasp, crush, or cut the insect’s food, or to defend against predators or rivals. Insect mandibles, which appear to be evolutionarily derived from legs, move in the horizontal plane unlike those of vertebrates, which appear to be derived from gill arches and move vertically.Grasshoppers, crickets, and other "primitive" insects
The mouthparts of
orthoptera n insects are often used as a basic example ofmandibulate (chewing) mouthparts, and the mandibles themselves are likewise generalized in structure. They are large and hardened, with cutting surfaces on the portion and chewing or grinding surfaces . Large pieces of leaves can therefore be cut and then pulverized near the actual mouth opening. This same simple structure is seen in all of the remainingPolyneoptera n insect orders, with the exception of theParaneoptera (Hemiptera ,Thysanoptera , andPhthiraptera ). Likewise, the mandibles of adult and larvalOdonata are simple and generalized, whileEphemeroptera rarely feed as adults, though the larvae ("nymphs") have simple mandibles.True bugs
Hemiptera , and other insects whose mouthparts are described as piercing-sucking, have modified mandibles. Rather than being tooth-like, the mandibles of such insects are lengthened into stylets, which form the outer two parts of the feeding tube, or beak. The mandibles are therefore instrumental in piercing the plant or animal tissues upon which these insects feed, and in helping draw up fluids to the insect’s mouth.Beetles
Nearly all adult
beetle s, and many beetle larvae, have mandibles. In general form they are similar to those of grasshoppers: hardened and tooth-like.Beetle mandibles show a remarkable amount of variability between species, and some are very highly adapted to the food sources or other uses that the species has for them. Certain
firefly larvae (family Lampyridae) that feed on snails have grooved mandibles that not only physically break down their prey, but also deliver digestive fluids by these grooves.Ground beetle s (family Carabidae) of the tribe Cychrini have long mandibles that project far in front of them, which aid them in feeding on snails inside their shells.Members of the
stag beetle family (Lucanidae) have greatly enlarged mandibles that are often forked, resembling the horns of variousdeer , from which their common name comes, and similar mofications appear in various scarab beetles andlonghorn beetle s. Males of these beetles use their mandibles to grasp or displace each other as they compete for mates.Lice
The mandibles in Phthiraptera (lice) are also modified into piercing stylets.
Thysanoptera (thrips ) have a variation of piercing mouthparts. In this order only the left mandible is present, modified into a stylet.Neuropteroids
Within the
Neuropterida , adults have chewing mouthparts, but the mandibles of male dobsonflies are non-functional in feeding. The larvae in many lineages are predatory, with mandibles modified with grooves along which digestive saliva flows, while the larvae of the familySisyridae have the mouthparts developed into a sucking tube which they use to feed on the liquid tissues of freshwater sponges.Ants, bees, and wasps
Most adult
Hymenoptera have mandibles that follow the general form, as in grasshoppers. The mandibles are used to clip pieces of vegetation, gather wood fibers, dig nests, or to capture and disassemble prey. What is unusual is that many Hymenoptera have the remaining mouthparts modified to form aproboscis (a "tongue" used to feed on liquids), making them virtually the only insects that normally possess both chewing mouthparts "and" sucking mouthparts (a few exceptional members of other orders may exhibit this, such as flower-feeding beetles that also have "tongues").Flies
Several families of flies, notably
mosquito es (family Culicidae), have mandibles that are modified into stylets for piercing, similar to the true bugs.Flies of the
Muscomorpha , including the house fly, "Musca domestica",stable fly , "Stomoxys calcitrans", blow flies (family Calliphoridae), and many others, lack mandibles altogether, and the mouthparts are designed for sponging up liquids.Butterflies and moths
All but a few adult
Lepidoptera lack mandibles, with the remaining mouthparts forming an elongated sucking tube. The exception is the mandibulate moths (family Micropterigidae), which have fully developed mandibles as adults.ee also
Insect mouthparts
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