List of BBC Radio 4 programmes

List of BBC Radio 4 programmes

Current and former programmes broadcast on BBC Radio 4.

Note that BBC Radio 4 has existed only since 30 September 1967: programmes broadcast by its predecessor, the BBC Home Service (1939-1967), are listed only where they were continued by Radio 4. The years indicated in brackets after programme titles refer to the dates of the programme's first, subsequent, and final broadcasts, where known.

Many of Radio 4's past comedy and drama productions have been, and continue to be, rerun on the digital radio channel BBC 7.

News and current affairs

*"The Africans" "(2007–)"
*"A Point of View"
*"Analysis" "(1970–)"
*"Any Answers?" "(1955–)"
*"Any Questions?" "(1948–)"
*"Asian Diasporas" "(2007–)"
*"The Bottom Line"
*"Broadcasting House"
*"The Commission"
*"The Copysnatchers"
*"Crossing Continents"
*"Face the Facts" "(1984–)"
*"Farming Today"
*"Farming Today This Week"
*"File on 4"
*"From Our Own Correspondent" "(1955–)"
*"In Business"
*"Inside Money"
*"Law in Action"
*"Letter from America" "(1946–2004)"
*"Money Box"
*"More or Less"
*"Nice Work (discontinued)"
*"The Pariah Profession"
*"The Politics of Hunger"
*"PM" "(1970–)"
*"Seven Days"
*"Straw Poll"
*"Straw Poll Talk Back"
*"Taking a Stand"
*"Taking Issue"
*"Talking Politics"
*"Today" "(1957–)"
*"Today in Parliament"
*"United Nations or Not?"
*"The Week in Westminster"
*"The Westminster Hour"
*"With Us or Against Us"
*"The World at One"
*"The World This Weekend"
*"The World Tonight"
*"Yesterday in Parliament"

Arts and drama

*"The Afternoon Play"
*"The Afternoon Reading"
*"The Archers" "(1950–)"
*"Back Row"
*"Beyond the Iron Curtain"
*"A Book at Bedtime" "(1959–)"
*"Book of the week"
*"The Classic Serial"
*"The Dark House"
*"The Film Programme"
*"The Friday Play"
*"Front Row"
*"A Good Read"
*"Kaleidoscope" "(1973–1998)"
*"The Heard"
*"Open Book"
*"Poetry Please"
*"Saturday Play"
*"Saturday Review"
*"White Nights"
*"With Great Pleasure"
*"Woman's Hour Drama"


*"Brain of Britain"
*"Masterteam" - The team form of "Mastermind"
*"Round Britain Quiz"
*"X Marks the Spot"
*"Counterpoint" "(1986–)"


Panel games

*"I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" ("The antidote to panel games") "(1972–)"
*"Just a Minute" "(1967–)"
*"Armando Iannucci's Charm Offensive"
*"Many a Slip" "(1964–1979)"
*"My Music" "(1967–1993)"
*"My Word!" "(1956–1990)"
*"The News Quiz" "(1977–)"
*"The 99p Challenge"
*"The Personality Test"
*"The Unbelievable Truth" "(2006–)"
*"Puzzle Panel" "(1998–2005)"
*"Quote... Unquote" "(1976–)"
*"Whispers" "(2003–2005)"
*"Whose Line is it Anyway?" "(1988)"

ketch shows

*"The Consultants"
*"Dead Ringers"
*"Down the Line"
*"I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again" "(1964–1973)"
*"On the Town With the League of Gentlemen" "(1997)"
*"Little Britain"
*"Milligna (or Your Favourite Spike)"
*"The Million Pound Radio Show"
*"The Museum of Everything"
*"The Now Show"
*"On the Hour" "(1991–1992)"
*"Radio Active" "(1980–1987)"
*"Round the Horne"
*"The Sunday Format"
*"That Mitchell and Webb Sound"
*"Week Ending" "(1970–1998)"


*"Absolute Power"
*"Acropolis Now"
*"After Henry"
*"Clare in the Community"
*"Count Arthur Strong"
*"Dad's Army"
*"Double Science"
*"Ed Reardon's Week"
*"Flying the Flag" "(1987–1992)"
*"Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off"
*"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" "(1978, 1980, 2004–2005)"
*"King Street Junior"
*"Living with the Enemy"
*"The Navy Lark" "(1959–1977)"
*"Not Today, Thank You"
*"Old Harry's Game"
*"One Foot in the Grave"
*"Our Brave Boys"
*"The Party Party"
*"Rigor Mortis"
*"Revolting People"
*"Rudy's Rare Records"
*"The Sofa of Time"
*"What Are You Talking About?"
*"Weak at the Top"
*"Yes Minister"
*"You'll Have Had Your Tea"


*"Ross Noble Goes Global"
*"Ross Noble On"

Topical lectures

*"Chris Addison"
**"The Ape That Got Lucky"
**"Chris Addison's Civilisation"
*"Fanshawe Gets to the Bottom of"
*"Rainer Hersch":
**"All Classical Music Explained"
**"Rainer Hersch's 20th Century Retrospective"
*"Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation"
*"Life, Death and Sex with Mike and Sue"
*"Mitch Benn's Crimes Against Music"
*"The Problem with Adam Bloom"
*"People Like Us"
*"Round Ireland With a Fridge"
*"Mark Steel":
**"The Mark Steel Lectures"
**"The Mark Steel Revolution"
**"The Mark Steel Solution"
*"Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better" "(2007)"
*"Will Smith Presents the Tao of Bergerac"


*"15 Minute Musical"
*"Alison and Maud"
*"All Gas and Gaiters"
*"All the Young Dudes"
*"And Now in Colour"
*"Armstrong and Miller"
*"As Time Goes By"
*"At Home with the Snails"
*"The Atkinson People"
*"Babblewick Hall"
*"Beachcomber, by the Way"
*"Bearded Ladies"
*"The Betty Witherspoon Show"
*"Big and Little"
*"The Big Booth"
*"The Big Business Lark"
*"The Big Town All Stars"
*"The Bigger Issues"
*"The Boosh"
*"Boothby Graffoe"
*"The Borscht Belt"
*"Brain of Britain"
*"Brothers in Law"
*"The Burkiss Way"
*"The Cabaret of Dr Caligari"
*"The Cabaret Upstairs"
*"The Cheese Shop"
*"Chewin' the Fat"
*"The Children's Hour"
*"The Clitheroe Kid"
*"Comedy Album Heroes"
*"Concrete Cow"
*"Creme de la Crime"
*"The Curried Goat Show"
*"Delve Special"
*"The Department"
*"Dial M for Pizza"
*"The Dictionary Quiz"
*"Dr Finlay's Casebook"
*"Do Nothing 'Till You Hear From Me"
*"Does the Team Think"
*"Down Your Way"
*"Double Income No Kids Yet"
*"Double Trouble"
*"Drop Me Here, Darling"
*"Elephants to Catch Eels"
*"The Embassy Lark"
*"Five Squeezy Pieces"
*"Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel"
*"The Frankie Howerd (Variety) Show"
*"Forty Nights in the Wildebeest"
*"Foul Play"
*"Four at the Store"
*"Four in a Field"
*"Four Joneses and a Jenkins"
*"Frank Muir Goes Into"
*"Fred Housego's Unknowns"
*"Goodness Gracious Me"
*"The Grumbleweeds Radio Show"
*"Guy Browning's Small Talk"
*"The Harpoon"
*"Harry Hill's Fruit Corner"
*"Hearing with Hegley"
*"Henry Normal's Encyclopedia Poetica"
*"Hinge and Bracket":
**"At Home with Hinge and Bracket"
**"The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket"
**"The Random Jottings of Hinge and Bracket"
*"Hole in the Wall Gang"
*"Hordes of the Things"
*"The House of the Spirit Levels"
*"How Tickled Am I"
*"The Hudson and Pepperdine Show"
*"I Think I've Got a Problem"
*"In Conversation With"
*"The In Crowd"
*"In One Ear"
*In the...
**"In the Red"
**"In the Balance"
**"In the Chair"
**"In the End"
*"Injury Time"
*"It Sticks Out Half a Mile"
*"The Jason Explanation"
*"Ken Dodd's Palace of Laughter"
*"The Ken Dodd Show"
*"Kenneth William's Playhouse"
*"King Cutler"
*"King Stupid"
*"Knowing Me, Knowing You"
*"Ladies of Letters"
*"The League Against Tedium"
*"Lee and Herring's Fist of Fun"
*"Legal, Decent, Honest and Truthful"
*"Lenin of the Rovers"
*"Linda Smith's a Brief History of Timewasting"
*"Lines From My Grandfather's Forehead"
*"Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World"
*"Listen to Les"
*"The Little Big Woman Show"
*"The Ll Files"
*"A Look Back at the Nineties"
*"The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul"
*"Man of Soup"
*"Marriott's Monologues"
*"The Masterson Inheritance"
*"The Mausoleum Club"
*"McKay the New"
*"The Mel and Sue Thing"
*"The Men from the Ministry" "(1962–1977)"
*"The Michael Bentine Show"
*"The Miles and Millner Show"
*"The Milligan Papers"
*"Milligan, Or Your Favourite Spike"
*"Milton Jones":
**"Another Case of Milton Jones"
**"The House of Milton Jones"
**"The Very World of Milton Jones"
*"The Monkhouse Archive"
*"More Mr Mulliner"
*"The Motion Show"
*"The Motorway Men"
*"Naked Radio"
*"The Next Programme Follows Almost Immediately"
*"The Nick Revell Show"
*"Night Class"
*"No Commitments"
*"Old Dog and the Partridge"
*"The Omar Khayyam Show"
*"Palace of Laughter"
*"Parsley Sidings"
*"The Party Line"
*"Radio Anarchists"
*"Radio Fun"
*"Radio Lives"
*"Radio Roots"
*"The Rapid Eye Movement"
*"The Reduced Shakespeare Radio Show"
*"Ring Around the Bath"
*"Robin and Wendy's Wet Weekends"
*"Romantic Friction"
*"Ronan the Amphibian"
*"Room 101"
*"Saturday Night Fry" — "(1988)"
*"Scenes from Provincial Life"
*"Sean Lock":
**"Sean Lock, 15 Storeys High"
**"Sean Lock's 15 Minutes Of Misery"
*"Set and a Song"
*"Seymour the Fractal Cat"
*"Share and Share Alike"
*"Should We Be Laughing?"
*"Shuttle Diplomacy"
*"The Shuttleworths"
*"Six Characters in Search of an Answer"
*"Six Geese a Laying"
*"The Six Mothers in Law of Henry VIII"
*"The Skivers"
*"Slices of Life"
*"The Small World of Dominic Holland"
*"Smelling of Roses"
*"Something or Other"
*"Son of Cliché"
*"Sounding Brass"
*"Sounding Off with McGough"
*"Stand Up 2"
*"Stand Up America"
*"Stand Up Great Britain"
*"Stand Ups and Strumpets"
*"Stanley Baxter and Friends"
*"Stockport, so Good they Named it Once"
*"Struck Off and Die"

*"A Swift Laugh"
*"Talk to Sleep"
*"That Mitchell and Webb Sound"
*"That Reminds Me"
*"There'll Never be Another"
*"Think the Unthinkable"
*"This Is Craig Brown"
*"Three Men Went to Mow"
*"Tim Merryman's Days of Clover"
*"Time For Mrs Milliner"
*"To the Manor Born"
*"Toad Squad"
*"Too Many Songs"
*"A Touch of Mistlet"
*"Travels with my Anti-Semitism"
*"Truly, Madly, Bletchley"
*"Turns of the Century"
*"Two Doors Down"
*"Two Priests and a Nun Go into the Pub"
*"Two Thousand Years of Radio"
*"Unnatural Acts"
*"Up the Garden Path"
*"We've Been Here Before"
*"Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads"
**"Wheeler's Fortune"
**"Wheeler's Wonder"
*"Where Did It All Go Wrong?"
*"Who Goes There"
*"A Whole 'Nother Story"
*"Why Bother"
*"Wild Things"
*"Winston in Love"
*"The Wonder Years"
*"The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere"
*"The World of Pub"
*"The Write Stuff"
*"You Had to Be There"

cience, technology and medicine

*"All in the Mind"
*"Another Five Numbers"
*"Brief History of the End of Everything"
*"Britain's X-Files"
*"Case Notes"
*"A Cell for All Seasons"
*"Changing Places"
*"Check Up"
*"Climate Wars"
*"The Columbia Astronauts"
*"Costing the Earth"
*"Dial a Scientist" — "(~1976) (see Brian J. Ford (scientist))" ["Answers from Dial a Scientist" (ISBN 0563128925, pub. 1976))"]
*"Emotional Rollercoaster"
*"Five Numbers"
*"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
*"Home Planet"
*"Land Lines"
*"Leading Edge"
*"Life as a Teenager"
*"Life as an Adult"
*"Life in Middle Age"
*"Living with Pain"
*"Living World"
*"The Material World"
*"Mind Changers"
*"The Mozart Effect"
*"Nature's Magic"
*"The New X-Files"
*"One Man's Medicine"
*"Rainforests of the Deep"
*"Red Planet"
*"Reith Lectures"
*"Science Now" — "(1974–1975+ (?)) (see "Brian J. Ford")" [ [ Brian J Ford's "Science Now" 'bibliography' - Accessed 12 Jun 2007] ]
*"Scientists in a Shoebox"
*"Seeds of Trouble"
*"Small Dog on Mars"
*"Stars in Their Eyes"
*"Swan Migration"
*"Tales of Cats and Comets"
*"Think About It"
*"A Twist to Life"
*"Unearthing Mysteries"
*"Walk Out to Winter"
*"What Remains to Be Discovered?"
*"Whatever you think"
*"Where are you taking us?"
*"Wild Europe"
*"Wild Underground"
*"World on the Move"
*"Wrestling with Words"

Religion and ethics

*"Bells on Sunday"
*"Beyond Belief"
*"Bigots and Believers"
*"The Choice"
*"Church Going"
*"The Daily Service"
*"Devout Sceptics"
*"The Four Noble Truths"
*"A Higher Place"
*"In the footsteps of Moses"
*"Lent Talks"
*"The Long Search"
*"The Moral Maze"
*"Prayer for the Day"
*"The Real Patron Saints"
*"Something Understood"
*"Sounding the Divine"
*"Sunday Worship"
*"Thought for the Day"
*"Words from the Cross"


*"Back to Beeching"
*"The Child Migrants"
*"City of the Sharp Nosed Fish"
*"The Dark Origins of Britain"
*"The Decade of Self-doubt"
*"Falkland Families"
*"For What It's Worth"
*"Great Lives"
*"Heroes and Villains"
*"A History of Human Folly"
*"In Our Time"
*"Lend Me Your Ears"
*"The Long View"
*"Mapping the Town"
*"Making History"
*"Memory Like Shells Bursting"
*"Reconciling Histories"
*"The Reunion"
*"The Roman Way"
*"The Routes of English"
*"The Secret Museum"
*"Soldier, Sailor"
*"The Telemark Heroes"
*"This Sceptred Isle"
*"The Three Voyages of Captain Cook"
*"Tiger Tales"
*"Voices of the Powerless"
*"What If..?"
*"Why Did We Do That?"


*"The Archive Hour"
*"Between Ourselves"
*"Cartoon Clichés"
*"Chetham's School of Music"
*"Chain Reaction"
*"Community Caring"
*"Cutting a Dash"
*"A Dance through Time"
*"Darcus and Dickens"
*"Deep Blue"
*"Desert Island Discs" "(1942–)"
*"A Different World"
*"Excess Baggage"
*"File on 4"
*"The Food Programme"
*"Four Corners"
*"The House I Grew Up In"
*"Gardeners' Question Time"
*"Go 4 It"
*"Great Lives"
*"Home Truths" "(1998–2006)"
*"In Living Memory"
*"In Our Time" "(2002–)"
*"In Touch"
*"An Indian in Bloomsbury"
*"Is It On?"
*"Last Word"
*"The Learning Curve"
*"Let's Pretend"
*"The Message"
*"Nothing to Do But Drink"
*"On the Ropes"
*"On Your Farm"
*"Open Country"
*"Painted Fabrics"
*"Public Records, Private Lives"
*"Questions, Questions"
*"Reel Histories"
*"Subterranean Stories"
*"Thinking Allowed"
*"This Sceptred Isle" "(1995–1996, 1999, 2001, 2005–2006)"
*"Veg Talk"
*"Weekend Woman's Hour"
*"Winnie the Pooh Lost and Found"
*"Woman's Hour"
*"Word of Mouth"
*"A World in Your Ear"
*"You and Yours" "(1970–)"


*"Loose Ends" "(1986–)"
*"Off the Page"
*"Start the Week"
*"Stop The Week" — "(1974 [ [ "History of the BBC - 1970s" (BBC) - (pdf) - Accessed 12 Jun 2007] ] -1992 [ [ Jeremy Nicholas (lyricist) - Accessed 12 Jun 2007] ] )"
*"Where Are You Taking Us?" — "(1973? [ [ Brian J Ford's 'bibliography' for 1973 - Accessed 12 Jun 2007] ] -1974? [ [ Brian J Ford's 'bibliography' for 1974 - Accessed 12 Jun 2007] ] ) (also see Brian J. Ford (presenter))"


*"After Happy Ever (Radio Show)"
*"After Eden"
*"Pick of the Week"
*"Shipping Forecast"
*"Test Match Special"
*"Weather Forecast"
*"UK Theme" — "(1973–2006)"

External links

* [ BBC Radio 4 site - A-Z of all Radio 4 programmes]


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