Surf's Up

Surf's Up

Surf's Up may refer to:
*"Surf's Up" (film), a 2007 computer-animated film
**"Surf's Up" (video game), a video game based on the 2007 film
*"Surf's Up" (album), a 1971 album by The Beach Boys
**"Surf's Up" (Beach Boys song), a song by The Beach Boys from their album of the same name
*"Surf's Up", a 1981 song by Jim Steinman, sung in 1984 by Meat Loaf
*"Surf's Up!" (album), the second album by David Thomas and Two Pale Boys
*"Surf's Up!", a 1995 single by Warren DeMartini
*"Surf's Up" (TV Series), a cartoon television series shown on The N and NickToons

ee also

*Surf culture

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