1975 in poetry

1975 in poetry

in?=in poetry
in2?=in literature
cp=19th century
c=20th century
cf=21st century



* With the 1974, fall of the dictatorship in Greece, poets, authors and intellectuals who had fled after the coup of 1967 returned, and this year many began publishing in that country.

Works published in English

New Zealand

* Alistair Campbell, "Dreams, Yellow Lions"
* Lauris Edmond, "In Middle Air" [Robinson, Roger and Wattie, Nelson, "The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature", 1998, "Lauris Edmond" article]
* Bill Manhire, "Song Cycle", New Zealand
* Ian Wedde:
** "Earthly: Sonnets for Carlos"
** "Pathway to the Sea"

=United Kingdom=

* Arthur J. Ball, "Collected Poems"
* Thomas Blackburn, "Selected Poems"
* Edwin Brock, a book of poetryThis is as much information as was available in "The Britannica Book of the Year 1976" (for events of 1975), published by The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1976]
* Allen Brownjohn, "A Song of Good Life"
* Charles Causley, "Collected Poems"
* John Fuller, a book of poetry
* Roy Fuller, "From the Joke Shop"
* Roger Garfitt, "West of Elm"
* Robert Graves, a book of poetry
* Seamus Heaney:
** "Stations", Ulsterman Publications
** "North", Faber & Faber
** "Bog Poems", Rainbow Press
* Michael Ivens, "Born Early"
* Elizabeth Jennings, "Growing-Points"
* George MacBeth, "In the Hours Waiting for the Blood to Come"
* Derek Mahon, "The Snow Party." Oxford University Press
* Christopher Middleton, a book of poetry
* Leslie Norris, "Mountains, Polecats, Pheasants and other Elegies"
* Ruth Pitter, "End of Drought"
* Peter Porter, a book of poetry
* James Reeves, "Collected Poems"
* Edgell Rickword, "Collected Poems"
* Alan Ross, a book of poetry
* Vernon Scannell, a book of poetry
* Henry Shore, "Selected Poems"
* Alan Sillitoe, a book of poetry
* Stevie Smith, "Collected Poems"
* R.S. Thomas, "Laboratories of the Spirit"
* John Wain, a book of poetry


* John Barrell and John Bull, editors, "The Penguin Book of English Pastoral Verse"
* J.M. Cohen, "A Choice of Comic and Curious Verse"
* Peter Redgrove, editor, "Lamb and Thundercloud", from the Arvon Foundation creative writing courses at Totleigh Barton Manor in Devon
* Wole Soyinka, editor, "Poems of Black Africa"
* "Poetry Introduction" (Faber & Faber) the third in the series
* "Treble Poets" (Chatto & Windus)

Criticism, scholarship and biography in the United Kingdom

* Edward Lucie-Smith, "The Burnt Child", autobiography
* Norman Nicholson, "Wednesday Early Closing", autobiography
* Laurie Lee, "I Can't Stay Long", mostly travel pieces by this poet
* Kathleen Raine, "The Land Unknown", autobiography

United States

* A.R. Ammons, "Diversifications: Poems"
* Maya Angelou, "Oh Pray My Wings are Gonna Fit Me Well"
* John Ashbery:
** "Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror" later awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the National Book Critics Circle Award
** "Vermont Notebook"
* Ted Berrigan, "A Feeling For Leaving"
* Gwendolyn Brooks, "Beckonings"
* Lin Carter, "Dreams from R'lyeh"
* Robert Creeley, "Backwards" and "The Door: Selected Poems"
* Ed Dorn and Jennifer Dunbar, "Manchester Square", Permanent PressWeb page titled [http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poet.html?id=1837"Archive / Edward Dorn (1929-1999)"] at the Poetry Foundation website, retrieved May 8, 2008]
* Ed Dorn, "Collected Poems: 1956-1974", Four Seasons Foundation
* Allen Ginsberg, "Hadda be Playin' on a Jukebox"
* Marilyn Hacker, "Presentation Piece"
* Michael S. Harper, "Nightmare Begins Responsibility" [http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/277 Web page titled "Michael S. Harper"] at the Academy of American poets website, accessed April 23, 2008]
* John Hollander, "Tales Told of the Fathers"
* Erica Jong, "Loveroot"
* Kenneth Koch, "The Art of Love"
* Joyce Carol Oates, "The Fabulous Beasts"
* George Oppen, "Collected Poems" (New Directions)
* Charles Olson, "The Maximus Poems", third volume (posthumous)
* Carl Rakosi, "Ex Cranium, Night"
* Charles Reznikoff, "Holocaust"
* Adrienne Rich, "Poems: Selected and New, 1950-1974"
* Charles Wright, "Bloodlines"

Criticism, scholarship and biography in the United States

* John Hollander, "Vision and Resonance", criticism
* Reed Whittemore, "William Carlos Williams: Poet from Jersey"

Other in English

* Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin: "Site of Ambush", Dublin: The Gallery PressWeb page titled [http://www.gallerypress.com/Authors/ENchuilleanain/enchuill.html "Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin"] at The Gallery Press website, accessed May 4, 2008]
* Don Domanski, "The Cape Breton Book of the Dead", Canada
* George Woodcock, "Notes on Visitations: Poems 1936-75", Toronto: Anansi, Canada [ [http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/anarchist_Archives/bright/woodcock/woodbiblio.html Web page titled "The Works of George Woodcock"] at the Anarchy Archives website, which states: "This list is based on The Record of George Woodcock (issued for his eightieth birthday) and Ivan Avakumovic's bibliography in A Political Art: Essays and Images in Honour of George Woodcock, edited by W.H. New, 1978, with additions to bring it up to date"; accessed April 24, 2008]

Works published in other languages


* Adonis, "Al-Aghani al-Thania Li Mehyar al-Dimashki" ("The Second Songs of Mihyar al-Dimashki"), Syria
* Mahmood Darwish, a book of poems? (Palestine)
* Abdel Wahhab al-Bayyati, a book of poems? (Iraq)
* Amal Dankal, a book of poems? (Egypt)


* Thorkild Bjørnvig:
** "Delfinen"
** "Stoffets krystalhav"

French language


* Jean l'Anselme, "La Foire à la ferraille"
* Philippe Dumaine, "Aux Passeurs de la nuit"
* Pierre Loubière, "Poèmes à la craie"
* Charles Bory, "L'Enfant-soliel et la croix"
* Jean Pourtal de Ladevèze, "De La Source azurine"
* Jean-Louis Vallas, "Resonances de Paris"

Criticism and scholarship

* Robert Sabatier, "Histoire de la poésie française"
** volume on the Middle Ages to the sixteenth century
** volume on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

German language

West Germany

* Herbert Asmodi, "Jokers Gala"
* Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, "Westwärts 1 und 2" (posthumous)
* Frank Geerk, "Notwehr"
* Klaus Konjetsky, "Poem vom Grünen Eck"
* Kaspar H. Spinner, "Zur Struktur des lyrischen Ich" Frankfurt am Main: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft" (scholarship)Preminger, Alex and T.V.F. Brogan, et al., editors, "The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics", 1993, Princeton University Press and MJF Books, "German Poetry" article, "Criticism in German" section, p 474]


* Kostas Varnalis, " _el. Orgi laou"
* Nikiforos Vrettakos, " _el. Diamartiria"
* Kostas Stergiopoulos, " _el. Eklipsi"
* Yiorgos Yeralis, " _el. Elliniki nikhta"
* Yannis Ritsos:
** " _el. Kodonostasio"
** " _el. O tikhos mesa ston kathrefti"
** " _el. Hartina"
** " _el. Petrinos khronos" (written in the Makronisos concentration camp in 1949)
** " _el. Imnos kai thrinos yia tin Kipro", about the Turkish invasion of Cyprus
** " _el. Meletes", a book of essays


* M. Dor, "Mappot Hazeman"
* Haim Gouri, "Ad Kav Ha-Nesher" ("The Eagle Line"), by an Israeli writing in Hebrew [ [http://www.ithl.org.il/author_info.asp?id=101] Web page titled "Haim Gouri" at the Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature Web site, accessed October 6, 2007]
* Y. Ratosh, three slim volumes which appeared simultaneously
* I. Pinkas, "Al Kav Hamashveh"
* Y. Ratosh, three slim volumes which appeared simultaneously
* D. Rokeah, "Ir Shezemana Kayitz"
* Y. Tan-Pai, "Olam Kazeh Olam Kaba"
* A. Trainin, "Ha-Shaar Hasotum"
* Nathan Yonathan, "Shirim"


* Pier Paolo Pasolini, "La nuova gioventú"
* Giovanni Raboni, "Cadenza d'inganno"


* Marco Forti, editor, "Almanacco dello Specchio" for 1975, an anthology (from Arnoldo Mondadori's publishing house) which included poems by Eugenio Montale, Mario Luzi, Albino Pierro, Vasco Pratolini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Giovanni Testori, Giovanni Guiducci, Rossana Ombres

Portuguese language


* A. Ramos Rosa, "Animal Olhar"
* Fiama Brandão, "Novas Visões do Passado"
* A.-F. Alexandre, "Sem Palavras nem Coisas"


* N. Dorizo, "The Sword of Victory. Verses, Poems and Songs"
* Yu. Drunina, "The Star of the Trenches. New Poems"
* K. Vanshenkin, "Campfire Reminiscences. Wartime Lyrics"
* Ya. Smelyakov, "Verses of Many Years"
* B. Kunyayev, "Devotion. Poems"
* I. Molchanov, "Half a Century. Verses"
* G. Korshak, "The Stellar Hour"
* I. Ulyanova, "Birch Tree Rain"
* A. Roshka, "Steel and Flint" (translated into Russian from Moldavian)
* S. Eraliyev, "Herald's Word" (translated into Russian from Kirgiz)

oviet anthology

* "Winds of Different Colors"

panish language


* Vicente Gaos, "Diez siglos de poesía"
* Luis Cernuda, "Antología poetica", introduction and selection by Philip Silver

=Latin America=

* Juan Gonzalo Rose, "Obra poética" (Peru)
* Javier Sologuren, translator from Swiss, Italian and French, "Las uvas del racimo" (Peru)
* Raúl Gonzáles Tuñón, "Antología poética" (Argentina), posthumous
* Juan Gelman, "Obra poética" (Argentina)
* Pablo Antonio Cuadra, "Tierra que habla" (Nicaragua)
* Roberto Fernández Retamar, "Cuaderno paralelo" (Cuba)
* Jorge Enrique Adoum, "Informe personal sobre la situación" (Ecuador)
* Olga Orozco, "Museo salvage" (Argentina)
* Hernán Levín, "El que a hierro mata" (Chile)


* Octavio Paz, "Children of the Mire: Modern Poetry from Romanticism to the Avant-Garde", text of his Charles Eliot Norton lectures at Harvard for 1971-1972
* José Coronel Urteche, "Rápido tránsito", critical essays
* Margit Frenk, "Cancionero folklórico", anthology of popular poetry


* Kjell Espmark, "Det obevekliga paradiset", the last volume of a trilogy
* Claes Andersson, "Rums kamrater"
* Ylva Eggehorn, "Han Kommer"


* Hirsh Osherovitch, "The World of Sacrifices"
* Arie Shamri, "Rings in Stem"
* Hillel Shargel, "A Tree in the Window"
* M. Shklar, "In Imagination Sealed"
* Moshe Nadir, "A Day in a Garden"
* Alef Katz, "Morning Star"
* Yakov Friedman, "Poems and Songs", three volumes (posthumous)


* Zbigniew Herbert, "Mr. Cogito", which was translated into 15 languages and dramatized in 1975 (Poland)
* Julian Przybos, "Poems and Notes" (posthumous) (Poland)

* Miroslav Holub, a book of poetry? (Czecholslovakia: Czech)
* Jan Skacel, a book of poetry? (Czechoslovakia: Czech)

* Nichita Stanescu, selected poems (Romania)
* Ion Alexandru, selected poems (Romania)

Awards and honors

* Nobel Prize for Literature: Eugenio Montale, Italian poet, prose writer, editor and translator

English language


* See 1975 Governor General's Awards for a complete list of winners and finalists for those awards

=United Kingdom=

* Cholmondeley Award: Jenny Joseph, Norman Maccaig, John Ormond
* Eric Gregory Award: John Birtwhistle, Duncan Bush, Val Warner, Philip Holmes, Peter Cash, Alasdair Paterson

United States

* Bollingen Prize: Archie Randolph Ammons
* National Book Award for Poetry: Marilyn Hacker, "Presentation Piece"
* Pulitzer Prize for Poetry: Gary Snyder, "Turtle Island"
* Walt Whitman Award: Reg Saner, "Climbing into the Roots"
* Fellowship of the Academy of American Poets: Robert Hayden
* Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize: Cid Corman, "O/I" (Judge: Hayden Carruth)

French language


* Prix Appolinaire: Charles Le Quintrec, "jeunesse de Dieu"
* Grand Prix de poésie of the French Academy: Gabriel Audisio, "Racine de tout"

panish language

* Casa de las Américas prizes:
** Omar Lara (Chile), "¡Oh buenas maneras!"
** Manuel Orestes Nieto (Panama), "Dar la cara"


* A Soviet state prizes for poetry:
** K. Kuliyev, "The Book of the Earth"
** L. Martynov, "Hyperboles"


* Tony Tost, American poet
* Razvan Tupa, Romanian poet


* January 15 — Sydney Goodsir Smith, poet, dramatist and novelist
* February 10 — Nikos Kavadias, Greek
* March 3 — Sir Thomas Herbert Parry-Williams, 87, Welsh poet, translator and academic
* April 23 — Rolf Dieter Brinkmann (born 1940) German poet
* May 10 — Roque Dalton, 39, (born 1935), leftist Salvadoran poet and journalist who wrote on death, love, and politics; executed
* September 20 — Saint-John Perse, 88, French diplomat and poet, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1960
* November 2 — Pier Paolo Pasolini, 53, Italian film director, author and poet
* November 23 — Francis Webb, 52, Australian poet
* Dates not known:
** Andreas Empeirikos, Greek (born 1901)
** Janko Glazer, (born 1893)
** Vojko Gorjan, (born 1949)


* "Britannica Book of the Year 1976" ("for events of 1975"), published by "Encyclopaedia Britannica" 1976 (source of many items in "Works published" section and rarely in other sections)

ee also

* Poetry
* List of poetry awards
* List of years in poetry

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