- Goldfields-Esperance
The Goldfields-Esperance region is one of the nine
regions of Western Australia . It is located in the south eastern corner ofWestern Australia , and comprises the local government areas of Coolgardie, Dundas, Esperance, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Laverton, Leonora, Menzies, Ngaanyatjarraku and Ravensthorpe.It also incorporates that area along the
Great Australian Bight to theSouth Australia n border known as theNullarbor .The Goldfields-Esperance region is the largest of Western Australia's regions, with an area of 771,276 km². It is mostly a low and flat plateau of extremely ancient
Precambrian rocks which have been stable since long before thePaleozoic . Because of the extreme geological stability and the absence of glaciation since theCarboniferous , the soils are extremely infertile and generally quite saline. Consequently, the region supports the lowest stocking rates in the world: it is considered that "onesheep per square mile" is the maximum sustainable rate except in the small wetter area near Esperance. There are noriver s: any rainfall that is not absorbed by the dense rooting systems of the native flora percolates to form extremelysaline groundwater which is very frequently too salty even for adult sheep.The climate is mostly hot and dry. Annual rainfall is typically around 250mm (10
inch es) per year and can be very variable, except in the small area near Esperance andCape Arid National Park where reliable winter rainfall can give annual totals as high as 635mm (25 inches) falling mainly in the winter months. Most rainfall is produced bythunderstorm s in spring or summer or by cloudbands from the northwest in autumn and winter, but sometimes cyclones from thePilbara decay into rain depressions and produce heavy rainfall.Climate change has already had a major impact: in the Kalgoorlie - Eucla - Wiluna - Giles area annual rainfall has increased by over 40 percent since 1967 - probably due to lower frequencies ofanticyclone s located over the interior of Australia instead of the adjacent oceans.It has a population of about 59,000 people, about half of whom live in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. Another quarter live in the Shire of Esperance, and the remaining shires are very sparsely populated. Nearly 10% of the region's population are of Aboriginal descent, which is substantially higher than the state as a whole.
The economy of the Goldfields sub-region is based on the extraction and processing of various mineral resources, primarily
gold andnickel . Further south near Esperance, the economy is based onagriculture andfishing , withwheat andbarley widely grown; however, this requires huge inputs infertiliser s because of the sandy nature of the soils and is a major threat to the region's great plant diversity.External links
* [http://www.gedc.wa.gov.au/ Goldfields Esperance Development Commission]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.