La Sexta

La Sexta

Infobox TV channel
name = laSexta
logofile = LaSexta.jpg
logosize = 63px
logoalt = laSexta
launch = March 27 2006
closed date =
share = 5.2%
share as of = 2008
share source = EGM
owner = Gestora de Inversiones Audiovisuales La Sexta
country = flagcountry|Spain
former names =
replaced names =
sister names =
headquarters = Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona
timeshift names =
web =
terr serv 1 =
terr chan 1 =
sat serv 1 =
sat chan 1 =
cable serv 1 =
cable chan 1 =
sat radio serv 1 =
sat radio chan 1 =
adsl serv 1 =
adsl chan 1 =

company_name = Gestora de Inversiones Audiovisuales La Sexta
company_type = Private
foundation = 2005
location = Barcelona & Madrid, Spain
key_people = Emilio Aragón (Chairman of the Board), José Miguel Contreras (CEO)
num_employees = 650
revenue =
industry = Media
products = Television stations
homepage =

La Sexta (usually shown as laSexta, "The Sixth") is the sixth nationwide broadcast television station in Spain. It is privately owned and began broadcasting in 2006.


La Sexta began broadcasting on March 27, 2006 but only for Madrid and Barcelona. As of June 1, 2006, 85% of the Spanish population can receive it.

On August 9, 2006, La Sexta secured the rights to Saturday Liga football matches in Spain, having outbid the FORTA (association of TV channels of the Autonomous Communities) which has held the rights for over fifteen years.

On May 16, 2007, La Sexta announced that they had secured a five-year Formula One exclusive broadcasting deal beginning in 2009. [cite web|url=,view.spy?artid=82555 |title=F1 bags $1.5bn in Spanish TV deal |accessdate=2007-05-17]


Shareholders of Gestora de Inversiones Audiovisuales La Sexta, S.A.:

* 51% GAMP (Grupo Audiovisual de Medios de Producción), made up of:
** 69.95% Grupo Árbol-Globomedia (Emilio Aragón) and Mediapro
** 9.8% Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa (Basque bank)
** 8.25% El Terrat (Andreu Buenafuente)
** 12% Bainet (Karlos Arguiñano)
* 40% Televisa (a Mexican broadcast network)
* 9% smaller investors such as Gala Capital (property of George Soros)


Shows include "My Name Is Earl", The Office", "Law & Order", "The Sopranos", "NCIS", "The King of Queens", "Entourage", "Family Guy", "Futurama", "Bones", "30 Rock", and "Prison Break". Despite La Sexta's signal only being available to approx 85% of the Spanish television audience (mostly via digital terrestrial which is still to take off in Spain), the channel managed to secure the rights to the 2006 World Cup. As a result of its limited reception, it ended up sharing the transmission rights with the other new private channel, Cuatro, which simultaneously broadcast matches of a national interest.

Similarly, La Sexta screened the 2006 FIBA World Championship during August 2006, as well as broadcasting the EuroBasket 2007 being celebrated in Spain.

Prime Time


ee also

*Andreu Buenafuente
*El Gran Wyoming
*Berto Romero
*Rodolfo Chikilicuatre

External links

* [ Official Site] es icon

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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