Yttrium(III) sulfide

Yttrium(III) sulfide

Chembox new
Name = Yttrium(III) sulfide
ImageFile =
ImageName = Yttrium(III) sulfide
OtherNames = yttrium sulfide
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 12039-19-9

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = Y2S3
MolarMass = 274.01 g/mol
Appearance = yellow crystals
Density = 3.87 g/cm³, solid
MeltingPt = 1925°C
BoilingPt =

Section3 = Chembox Structure
CrystalStruct = cubic

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
EUClass = not listed

Yttrium(III) sulfide (Y2S3) is an inorganic chemical compound.


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