- Serbian country codes
As state union of
Serbia and Montenegro dissolved following the independence referendum inMontenegro , newly independentSerbia dealt with the issue of assignment ofcountry codes . This task, which could seem trivial, is made hugely complex by the number of countries in the world having names which begin with the letter S. In September 2006, the proposal of the Serbian government to obtain the code RS (Republic of Serbia) was accepted byISO .Summary
Two other codes from the 38 sequence have been assigned:
Montenegro was assigned +382 on September 6, 2006 [http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/09/06/europe/EU_GEN_Montenegro_International_Code.php] . The new code will be phased in by February, 2007.
ISO 4217
This code is used for national currency, in this case -
Serbian dinar . This three letter code is composed of, by rule, first two letters of the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 and a third letter is initial of the currency itself - RSD. Exceptions from the rule are made only in the third letter, if that suits the country better - however that is not the case here.External articles and resources
*sr icon [http://www.elitesecurity.org/t20025-Srbija-Crna-Gora-koje-ce-biti-ime-domena-Internet-domen-Srbije-RS-SS-SP-SQ-SW-ili-SX "Srbija i Crna Gora - koje će biti ime domena? Internet domen Srbije: RS, SS, SP, SQ, SW ili SX"] , Elitesecurity, February 5, 2003.
*sr icon [http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2006&mm=07&dd=22&nav_category=12&nav_id=205509 "Kodovi Srbije SP i SPA?"] , B92, July 22, 2006
*sr icon [http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2006&mm=07&dd=27&nav_id=205981 "Vlada predlaže skraćenice RS i SRB"] , B92, July 27, 2006
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