Long posterior ciliary arteries
- Long posterior ciliary arteries
Infobox Artery
Latin = arteriae ciliares posteriores longae
GraySubject = 146
GrayPage = 571
Caption = The arteries of the choroid and iris. The greater part of the sclera has been removed.
Caption2 = Iris, front view.
BranchFrom = ophthalmic artery
BranchTo =
Vein =
Supplies = iris
ciliary body
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = a_61
DorlandsSuf = 12153876
The long posterior ciliary arteries are arteries of the head arising, together with the other ciliary arteries, from the ophtalmic artery. They are two in number for each eye.
They pierce the posterior part of the sclera at some little distance from the optic nerve, and run forward, along either side of the eyeball, between the sclera and choroid, to the ciliary muscle, where they divide into two branches.
These form an arterial circle, the circulus arteriosus major, around the circumference of the iris, from which numerous converging branches run, in the substance of the iris, to its pupillary margin, where they form a second (incomplete) arterial circle, the circulus arteriosus minor.
The long posterior ciliary arteries supply the iris, ciliary body and choroid.
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