Laser star model of quasars

Laser star model of quasars

The laser star hypothesis is a hypothesis put forward by the physicist Y. P. Varshni in 1973 in response to several developments in astrophysical and earth-based research, and his belief that the existing body of work on quasars, or "quasi stellar objects," suffered fundamental difficulties. It states that quasars are hot stars with strong stellar winds which are producing natural lasing. This model is contradicted by the current astrophysical science community understanding that quasars are distant active galactic nuclei.


* "Redshifts in quasi-stellar objects", Varshni, Y.P., Phys. Can., vol. 29, no. 24, pp. 23-24, 1973

* " [ Alternative explanation for the spectral lines observed in quasars] ", Varshni, Y.P., Astrophys. Space Sci., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. L1-L6, 1975

* " [ Laser action in stellar envelopes] ", Varshni, Y.P. and Lam, C.S., Astrophys. Space Sci., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 87-97, 1976

* " [ The red shift hypothesis for quasars: is the Earth the center of the universe? Part I] ", Varshni, Y.P., Astrophys. Space Sci., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 3-8, 1976

* " [ The red-shift hypothesis for quasars: is the Earth the center of the Universe? Part II] ", Varshni, Y.P., Astrophys. Space Sci., vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 121-124, 1977

External links

* [ Plasma Laser Astrophysics] , "John Talbot et al" - Plasma recombination lasers in rapidly cooled stellar atmospheres.
* [ Timeline of History of Lasers] , "John Talbot" - Noted are discoveries of laser action in quasars (1973), CO2 lasers in the atmospheres of Mars and Venus (1981), far-infrared laser star by Kuiper Airborne Observatory (1995) and ultraviolet laser star by Hubble Space Telescope (1996).
* [ Plasma laser star model of QSOs] , "Banerji, S. and Bhar, G.C." - Highlights striking corroboration between laser-star predicted emissions and observed spectra of quasars (QSO's).
* [ Plasma Laser Stars] , "Varshni, Y. P." - Comprehensive outline of laser star hypotheses and numerous abstracts. Beginners to the laser star hypothesis might find this to be a complete source in itself for learning about laser stars.
* [ The quasar 0805 + 046 as a helium-rich shell star] , "Varshni, Y. P." - Abstract describing correlation between predictions of laser star hypotheses and observable reality.

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