

Isochronous : From Greek iso, "equal" + chronos, time. It literally means to occur at the same time or at equal time intervals. The term is used in different technical contexts.

*In telecommunication, "isochronous" has the following meanings:
#Of a periodic signal, pertaining to transmission in which the time interval separating any two corresponding transitions is equal to the unit interval or to a multiple of the unit interval; but phase is arbitrary (and in some systems may change slowly over time)
#Pertaining to data transmission in which corresponding significant instants of two or more sequential signals have a constant phase relationship.
*In power generation, "isochronous" means that the frequency of the electricity generated is 'flat' or constant, and there is zero generator droop.
*In the Universal Serial Bus used in computers, "isochronous" is one of the four data flow types for USB devices (the others being Control, Interrupt and Bulk). It is commonly used for streaming data types such as video or audio sources.
*In dynamical system theory an oscillator is called "isochronous" if the frequency is independent of its amplitude. For instance, in horology, "isochronous" refers to a mechanical clock or watch which runs at the same rate regardless of changes in its drive force, so it keeps correct time as the mainspring unwinds.
*In particle accelerators an isochronous cyclotron is a cyclotron where the field strength increases with radius to compensate for relativistic increase in mass with speed

Closely related to the property of being "isochronous" is the term isochrone referring to contour lines of equal time, for instance, in geological layers, tree rings or wave fronts.



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  • isochronous — adjective a) happening at regular intervals Their entire national telephone network is isochronous, with a clock distribution tree radiating from a single, protected cesium reference clock. b) happening at the same time; isochronal These packets… …   Wiktionary

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  • Isochronous signal — In telecommunication, an isochronous signal is a signal in which the time interval separating any two significant instants is equal to the unit interval or a multiple of the unit interval. Note 1: Variations in the time intervals are constrained… …   Wikipedia

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  • isochronous line — izochrona statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. isochrone; isochronous curve; isochronous line vok. Gleichzeitenkurve, f; Gleichzeitenlinie, f; Isochrone, f rus. изохрона, f; кривая равного времени, f pranc. isochrone, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

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