Higher category theory

Higher category theory

Higher category theory is the part of category theory at a higher order, which means that some equalities are replaced by explicit arrows in order to be able to explicitly study the structure behind those equalities.


Strict higher categories

N-categories are defined inductively using the enriched category theory: 0-categories are sets, and (n+1)-categories are categories enriched over the monoidal category of n-categories (with the monoidal structure given by finite products).[1] This construction is well defined, as shown in the article on n-categories. This concept introduces higher arrows, higher compositions and higher identities, which must well behave together. For example, the category of small categories is in fact a 2-category, with natural transformations as second degree arrows. However this concept is too strict for some purposes (for example, homotopy theory), where "weak" structures arise in the form of higher categories.[2]

Weak higher categories

In weak n-categories, the associativity and identity conditions are no longer strict (that is, they are not given by equalities), but rather are satisfied up to an isomorphism of the next level. An example in topology is the composition of paths, which is associative only up to homotopy. These isomorphisms must well behave between hom-sets and expressing this is the difficulty in the definition of weak n-categories. Weak 2-categories, also called bicategories, were the first to be defined explicitly. A particularity of these is that a bicategory with one object is exactly a monoidal category, so that bicategories can be said to be "monoidal categories with many objects." Weak 3-categories, also called tricategories, and higher-level generalizations are increasingly harder to define explicitly. Several definitions have been given, and telling when they are equivalent, and in what sense, has become a new object of study in category theory.


Weak Kan complexes, or quasi-categories, are semisimplicial complexes satisfying a weak version of the Kan condition. Joyal showed that they are a good foundation for higher category theory. Recently the theory has been systematized further by Jacob Lurie who simply call them infinity categories, though the latter term is also a generic term for all models of (infinity,k) categories for any k.

Simplicially enriched category

Simplicially enriched categories, or simplicial categories, are categories enriched over simplicial sets. However, when we look at them as a model for (infinity,1)-categories, then many categorical notions, say limits do not agree with the corresponding notions in the sense of enriched categories. The same for other enriched models like topologically enriched categories.

Topologically enriched categories

Topologically enriched categories (sometimes simply topological categories) are categories enriched over some convenient category of topological spaces, e.g. the category of compactly generated Hausdorff topological spaces.

Segal categories

These are models of higher categories introduced by Hirschowitz and Simpson in 1988,[3] partly inspired by results of Graeme Segal in 1974.

See also


  1. ^ Leinster, pp 18-19
  2. ^ Baez, p 6
  3. ^ André Hirschowitz, Carlos Simpson (1998), Descente pour les n-champs (Descent for n-stacks)
  • John C. Baez; James Dolan (1998). "Categorification". arXiv:math/9802029. 
  • Tom Leinster (2004). Higher Operads, Higher Categories. Cambridge University Press. arXiv:math.CT/0305049. ISBN 0521532159. 
  • Carlos Simpson, Homotopy theory of higher categories, draft of a book arXiv:1001.4071 (alternative URL with hyperTeX-ed crosslinks: pdf)
  • Jacob Lurie, Higher topos theory, arXiv:math.CT/0608040, published version: pdf
  • nlab, the collective and open wiki notebook project on higher category theory and applications in physics, mathematics and philosophy
  • Joyal's Catlab, a wiki dedicated to polished expositions of categorical and higher categorical mathematics with proofs

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