PRO (category theory)

PRO (category theory)

In category theory, a PRO is a strict monoidal category whose objects are the natural integers and whose tensor product is given on objects by the addition on integers. By an integer n, we mean here the set {0,1,ldots,n-1}.

Some examples of PROs:
* the discrete category mathbb{N} of integers,
* the category FinSet of integers and functions between them,
* the category Bij of integers and bijections,
* the category Inj of integers and injections,
* the simplicial category Delta of integers and monotonic functions.

The name PRO is an abbreviation of "PROduct category". PROBs (resp. PROPs) are defined similarly with the additional requirement for the category to be braided (resp. to have a symmetry, or a permutation).

Algebras of a PRO

An algebra of a PRO P in a monoidal category C is a strict monoidal functor from P to C. Every PRO P and category C give rise to a category mathrm{Alg}_P^C of algebras whose objects are the algebras of P in C and whose morphisms are the natural transformations between them.

For example:
* an algebra of mathbb{N} is just an object of C,
* an algebra of FinSet is a commutative monoid object of C,
* an algebra of Delta is a monoid object in C.More precisely, what we mean here by "the algebras of Delta in C are the monoid objects in C" for example is that the category of algebras of P in C is equivalent to the category of monoids in C.


* cite journal
author = Saunders MacLane
year = 1965
title = Categorical Algebra
journal = Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
volume = 71
pages = 40–106

*cite book
author = Tom Leinster
year = 2004
title = Higher Operads, Higher Categories
publisher = Cambridge University Press
url =

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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