List of category theory topics

List of category theory topics

This is a list of category theory topics, by Wikipedia page.

Specific categories

*Category of sets
**Concrete category
*Category of vector spaces
**Category of graded vector spaces
*Category of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces
*Category of sets and relations
*Category of topological spaces
*Category of metric spaces
*Category of preordered sets
*Category of groups
*Category of abelian groups
*Category of rings
*Category of magmas
*Category of medial magmas


*Initial object
*Terminal object
*Zero object
*Group object
*Magma object
*Natural number object
*Exponential object


*Zero morphism
*Normal morphism
*Dual (category theory)
*Image (category theory)
*Commutative diagram
*Cartesian morphism
*Slice category


*Isomorphism of categories
*Natural transformation
*Equivalence of categories
*Faithful functor
*Full functor
*Forgetful functor
*Yoneda lemma
*Representable functor
*Functor category
*Adjoint functors
**Galois connection
**Pontryagin duality
**Affine scheme
*Monad (category theory)
*Combinatorial species
*Exact functor
*Derived functor
*Enriched functor
*Kan extension of a functor
*Hom functor


*Limit (category theory)
**Product (category theory)
**Equaliser (mathematics)
**Kernel (category theory)
**Pullback (category theory), fiber product
**Inverse limit
***Pro-finite group
**Pushout (category theory)
**Direct limit
**Direct sum

Additive structure

*Preadditive category
*Additive category
*Pre-Abelian category
*Abelian category
**Exact sequence
**Exact functor
**Snake lemma
***Nine lemma
**Five lemma
***Short five lemma
**Mitchell's embedding theorem
*Injective cogenerator
*Derived category
*Triangulated category
*Model category

Dagger category

*Dagger symmetric monoidal category
*Dagger compact category
*Strongly ribbon category

Monoidal category

*Closed monoidal category
*Braided monoidal category

Cartesian closed category

Structure (category theory)

*Comma category
*Localization of a category
*Enriched category

Topoi, toposes

* Topos
* Sheaf
* Gluing axiom
* Descent (category theory)
* Grothendieck topology
* Introduction to topos theory
* Subobject classifier
* Pointless topology
* Heyting algebra

See also: Abstract nonsense, Homological algebra, Glossary of category theory

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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