South Central Farm

South Central Farm

The South Central Farm, also known as the South Central Community Garden, was an urban farm and community garden located at East 41st and South Alameda Streets in an industrial area of South Los Angeles, California (known as South Central Los Angeles). At 14 acres (~0.056 km²), it was considered one of the largest urban farms in the United States. The farm has been sold, and the farmers have been evicted. The farmers are disputing the validity of the sale in court and are also having vigils in protest.


Before the creation of the garden, the land belonged to nine different owners, the largest of which was Alameda-Barbara Investment Company, a real-estate firm which purchased its share in 1980. The company held 80% of the property that would become the present urban garden."Seeds of Dissension Linger-Farmers in the South Central Community Garden decry the loss of the land to a warehouse project. Some plan to resist the bulldozers.", Erika Hayasaki, Los Angeles Times, October 31 2005.,1,7435458.story] The city of Los Angeles acquired the land, by eminent domain, in 1986 for the purpose of building a waste-to-energy incinerator known as the Los Angeles City Energy Recovery Project (LANCER). This idea was abandoned due to community opposition, led by Juanita Tate and Concerned Citizens of South-Central Los Angeles. The city paid $4,786,372 for the property."The Future at War With the Past".Jamey Hecht,, March 22 2006, 1200PST.]

The final order of condemnation under eminent domain included a right to repurchase the land should the city sell it for non-public or non-housing purposes within ten years of the condemnation for the largest land owner, Alameda-Barbara Investment Company. The City sold the property to the L.A. Harbor Department in 1994.

In July 1994 the Harbor Department granted a revocable permit to the L.A. Regional Food Banka private, nonprofit food-distribution network housed across the street from the Lancer incinerator siteto occupy and use the site as a community garden.

In 2001, Ralph Horowitz, a partner in former property owner Alameda-Barbara sued the City for breach of contract, for failure to honor the original right of repurchase. The City denied his claim."History of the South Central Farm How the community has used the land since 1985", Jessica Hoffmann, The New Standard, 2006.]

In 2003, the City of L.A. settled with Horowitz, in a closed door session. The sale was for $5,050,000, [Trouble in the Garden, LA City Beat] slightly above the $4.8 million the city paid for it in the eminent domain seizure. The settlement was done to comply with the repurchase clause as the court had mandated. Horowitz agreed to donate convert|2.6|acre|m2 of the site, valued at nearly $3,000,000, for a public soccer field, as part of the settlement. The City Council discussed and approved the terms of the settlement in closed session. The South Central Farm's Lawyer, Patrick Dunlevy, claims that despite repeated requests, negotiation documents relating to the session, have never been released.

Shortly thereafter the Los Angeles regional Foodbank abandoned the project. In response the farmers formed an organization calling themselves the 'South Central Farmers Feeding Families'.

On January 8 2004, Horowitz issued a notice to the gardeners setting February 29 2004, as the termination date for the community garden. In response members of the South Central Farmers Feeding Families obtained legal counsel (Hadsell & Stormer, Inc., and Kaye, Mclane & Bednarski LLP) and filed a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the sale of the property. The Los Angeles County Superior Court issued a temporary restraining order and later a preliminary injunction halting development of the property until the lawsuit could be settled. The farmers lost the lawsuit and the court raised the injunction, freeing Horowitz to evict the farmers.

Initially, Horowitz sought $16.3 million for the property, more than three times the 1986 eminent domain valuation. In a deal brokered in cooperation by The Trust for Public Land, the SCF have successfully raised a little over six million dollars. Fundraising efforts continued as farmers and celebrities have begun both a tree sitting campaign and occupation of the land, while under the threat of forced eviction by the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department. [ [ Southcentral Farmers ] ]

On June 7 2006, the Annenberg Foundation announced that they would donate the money to buy the farm. Horowitz, however, did not respond to the offer, since it came after his May 22 deadline."Offer Made To Purchease Farm", ktla news, June 8, 2006.,0,3671022.story?coll=ktla-news-1 ]

At three a.m. on the morning of June 13 2006, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department arrived at the farm, fully surrounding it by four a.m. At five a.m., the sheriffs entered the farm, giving the occupants 15 minutes to evacuate. At that point, most of the occupants of the land left, with a few verbal skirmishes reported. [,1,4832341.story?coll=la-headlines-california "L.A. Garden Shut Down; 40 Arrested"] , Hector Becerra, Megan Garvey and Steve Hymon, Los Angeles Times, June 14 2006. ] According to the Los Angeles Times, more than 40 protesters were arrested. Actress Daryl Hannah was removed from the walnut tree in which she and another tree-sitter had been protesting the eviction and was arrested.

As of June 14 2006, the farm is being protected by a private security company hired by Horowitz to prevent members of the South Central Farm returning to squat on the land. Horowitz has told the Los Angeles Times and KFI that he would not sell the land to them even if they offered him $100 million, due to the picketing of his house and anti-Semitic remarks directed towards him. [ [,1,4832341.story?coll=la-headlines-california] Dead link|date=March 2008] [ [ Community Advocates, Inc ] ]

On July 5 2006, workers began bulldozing the farm amidst protest and acts of civil disobedience. One protester chained himself to a bulldozer and another lay down in front of a bulldozer. Both were arrested. Two others were also arrested, one for throwing a milk crate at a police officer and the other for assaulting a bulldozer driver. [ [ "Farmers protest as workers bulldoze South Central LA urban farm"] , Oskar Garcia, Associated Press, July 5 2006. Accessed 2006-07-05] Ten people were arrested in total.

On July 12 2006, Judge Helen I. Bendix heard pre-trial arguments in a class-action suit filed by the farmers that the sale of the land to Horowitz "should be nullified on grounds that there was no prior public notice" of the transaction. The farmers' arguments were rejected on July 27 2006 when Judge Bendix upheld the sale of the land to Horowitz. Dan Stormer, attorney for the plaintiffs has said he will appeal. [cite news| title = Battle Over Urban Farm Continues In Court| publisher = NBC 4| date = 2006-07-12| url =| accessdate = 2006-07-12] []

Current status

*The City of Los Angeles has provided convert|7.8|acre|m2 of land at an alternate site, which some of the farmers have relocated to and begun cultivating. While the city has offered this land, only convert|3|acre|m2 have actually been made available to the community, and those are located under high voltage power lines. [ [,0,6058002.story?page=2&coll=la-home-headlines L.A. Garden Shut Down; 40 Arrested - Los Angeles Times ] ]

*The SCF continues to hold nightly vigils which typically start at 7pm.

*The appeal of Judge Bendix' decision is still pending.

*A lawsuit by Horowitz seeking damages from protesters was thrown out of court when the judge ruled it to be a strategic lawsuit against public participation ("SLAPP" lawsuit).

Plant life

The SCF held an estimated 100 to 150 species of plants, 37 of which have been identified by [ Dr.Devon G. Peña] , professor of anthropology at the [ Acequia Institute] of the University of Washington. According to Dr. Peña, the inventory of plants present at the farm represent its connection to "Mega-Mexico", a Vavilov Center and one of the original anthropological locations where plants were domesticated. This Vavilov center stretches from the southern end of Mexico (Chiapas) up to the Southwestern United States. Some of the plants present have been reintroduced to the area by the farmers, descendants of the original inhabitants of Mesoamerica. The relationship between the farmers and the plants is not like the relationship between modern farmers and their crops. Many plants that are seen as weeds by modern farmers have multiple uses to the farmers. These plants function as crops, herbal medicine, spiritual use, and as companion plants.Design Principles For Community-Based Collaborative Management of South Central Farm, Los Angeles, Dr. Devon G. Peña, Steven Garret, May 2006.]

*Butterfly plant
*Chamomile, Roman
*Dwarf nettle
*Floss silk tree
*Green amaranth
*Husk tomato (ground cherry)
*Maize, corn
*Malabar gourd (a.k.a. Fig-leaved gourd)
* [, cheese flower]
*Mexican honeysuckle
*Mexican Parseley
*Mexican tarragon
*Mexican Wild Yam
*Purslane; pigweed
*Pot marigold
*Red Aztec spinach
*Rootbeer plant
*Silver wormwood
* [ Small tallowtree]
*Snake Plant
* [ Spurred anoda] , Alfafa:buffalo herb; Lucerne
*Yerba mora

The farmers

The South Central Farmers consist of approximately 350 families of moderate means from the neighboring community. They are a self-governing organization. This group has transformed the property from a junk filled space into one of the largest urban gardens. Since the notification of the impending destruction of the garden, the group has become politically active and have gathered supporters in politics, higher-learning, entertainment, and abroad.

The operating framework of the SCF is made made up of elected roles recruited from the "General Assembly" of the farmers. Some of these positions, are publicly visible representatives of the SCF, such as Rufina Juarez and Tezozomoc. These two "voices" are often mistaken for the organization's leaders, because they often need to interact with the outside public. All roles taken by members of the SCF exist solely to fulfill a need or set of needs to continue the healthy life span of the farm. On the farm women fulfill a majority of the roles from accounting to that of lot monitors.

Notable supporters

*Joan Baez, activist and folk singer
*Michael 'Flea' Balzary, of the Red Hot Chili Peppers writing in his [ Fleamail]
* [|California Green Party]
*James Cromwell
*Zack de la Rocha, lead singer of Rage Against the Machine
* [ Dr. David Diaz, Professor of Urban Planning at Cal State Northridge]
*Leonardo DiCaprio
*Danny Glover, actor
*Daryl Hannah, actress
*Ben Harper, singer and musician
*Julia "Butterfly" Hill, environmental activist
*Immortal Technique, rap artist
*Ron Kovic
*Dennis Kucinich
*Tom Morello, of Audioslave and Rage Against the Machine (As "The Nightwatchman")
*Ralph Nader, activist
*Willie Nelson, singer
*Daniel Ortega, Professor of Architecture at UNLV
* [ Dr. Devon G. Peña] , Professor of Anthropology University of Washington, [ The Acequia Institute]
*Leslie Radford, [ Los Angeles Independent Media Center] .
*Alicia Silverstone, actress


Criticism of the SCF has mainly come from the property's current owner Ralph Horowitz, a partner in both the Alameda-Barbara Investment Company and its current incarnation the Libaw-Horowitz Investment Company. He maintains that his property rights are being denied by the farmers. He also claims that the SCF is not anopenorganization, since the entire city cannot be members nor can all residents have access to farm on the land. To be generous to the community, Horowitz has proposed to build a soccer field for the community, built on a set aside portion of three acres. The field would be accessible to all city residents, unlike the SCF is only accessible to the SCF or by the organization's permission. Horowitz states that the use of the remaining portion of the property would bemarket driven”. He has also stated that he would consider giving preference to aquality tenant”, alleging that anything that he does with the property will generate jobs in the community, unlike its current use by the farmers. Horowitz also makes the claim that the operation of the SCF is not fair since there is no cap on the number of years that a farmer may use his or her plot of land and there also no need to make room for some one else, that the farmers simply want to keep the land forever. Throughout the controversry, Horowitz has been paying $25,000 per month in mortgage and maintenance costs of the property, plus legal fees. [ [ Investor's Business Daily: Register for FREE Research ] ]

Other critics of the farmers are Los Angeles Councilman Dennis P. Zine, who alleges that the SCF is a confrontational group, and Daniel Hernandez who wrote an article about the SCF titled "bushels of complaints". Claims of internal corruption within the South Central Farm such as farmers being evicted for not supporting the actions of Juarez and Tezozomoc have also been made [ Bushel of Complaints ] ] .

ee also

*Chávez Ravine
*Chicano Park
*Eminent Domain
*Environmental Racism
*Food security
*Indigenous peoples
*People's Park, Berkeley
*urban agriculture


* [ An (Almost) Done Deal] South Central Farmers lose a court challenge to hold on to their 14 acre garden, Dean Kuipers, "Los Angeles CityBeat", July 27, 2006.
* [ Bushel of Complaints] , Daniel Hernandez, David Zahniser (contributor), LA Weekly, Tuesday, March 21 2006.
* [ Councilman Zine Issues Statement Regarding South Central Farm Incident] .
* [,1,5968428.storyDeal to Buy South L.A. Community Garden Running Short on Time] , Steve Hymon, Los Angeles Times, May 20 2006.
* [ "Deputies Begin Evicting South L.A. Farmers"] ,, June 13 2006.
* [ 14 Acres-Conversations Across Chasms in South Central Los Angeles] , Jessica Hoffmann, Christine Petit, et al. "Clamor" magazine, issue 36, spring 2006.
* [,0,1020672.story Farmers, Celebrities Evicted From Urban Plot] , Hector Becerra, Times Staff Writer, 11:19 AM PDT, June 13 2006.
* [ Farmers Feeding Families: Agroecology in South Central Los Angeles] , [ Dr. Devon G. Peña] , Professor of Anthropology, University of Washington, [ Acequia Institute Acequia Institute] , Lecture presented to the [ Environmental Science, Policy and Management Colloquium] , University of CaliforniaBerkeley, October 10 2005.
* [ Free Ride Is Over] , Investors Business Daily, Posted June 14 2006.
* [ "The Future at War with the Past"] , Jamey Hecht,, 2006.
* [ History of the South Central Farm, How the community has used the land since 1985] , The Newstandard, Jessica Hoffmann, 2006.
* [,1,3980369.story?coll=la-headlines-california Judge Rules for Urban Farmers] , Tanya Caldwell, Times Staff Writer, July 13 2006.
* [ Insult to Injury] , Front Lines, "Los Angeles CityBeat", Perry Crow, March 30 2006.
* [,0,6058002.story?coll=la-home-local L.A. Garden Shut Down; 40 Arrested] , Hector Becerra, Megan Garvey and Steve Hymon, Los Angeles Times, June 14 2006.
* [ "L.A. Urban Farmers Fight for Community Garden"] , Jessica Hoffmann, The New Standard, April 5 2006.
* [ "No Place to Play—Los Angeles Parks Report"] , The Trust for Public Land, November 2004.
* [ "Owner Threatens to Raze Garden in Industrial L.A."] , National Public Radio.
* [ "Pledging the Farm"] , Daniel Hernandez, LA Weekly, June 8 2006.
* [ POLICE VIOLENCE AT FARM: Interview with Sam Sanchez, defender of the farm] , June 15 2006 at 11:10 PM
* [ "Preliminary List of Botanical Species Grown At South Central Community Garden"] . Dr. Devon G. Peña, Tezozomoc.
* [ Protecting a Home Away from Home] , Adrian Florido, Daily Trojan, October 26 2005.
* [ Protesters Try to Hold their Growing Grounds] , Adrian Florido, Daily Trojan June 14 2006.
* [ Protesters Resist Sheriffs, Developers in Fight to Save LA Farm] , Jessica Hoffman, The New Standard, June 16 2006.
* [,1,7435458.story "Seeds of Dissension Linger-Farmers in the South Central Community Garden decry the loss of the land to a warehouse project. Some plan to resist the bulldozers."] , Erika Hayasaki, Los Angeles Times, October 31 2005.
* [ The South Central Farmers Official website] .
* [ "Sheriff's deputies arrest protesters at L.A. urban garden"] , Associated Press report, June 13 2006.
* [ South Central Farm Crisis in Los Angeles] , Jane Ayers Thursday, June 15 2006 at 11:55 AM.
* [ South Central Farm photos on wikimedia] , Jonathan McIntosh, photographer.
* [ "Tezozomoc: The organizer with South Central Farmers on surviving eviction, feeding the poor, and rethinking city parks"] Dean Kuipers, "Los Angeles CityBeat", April 21 2005.
*"Third-space Farmers", Devon G. Peña Ph. D., Vision Magazine Catalyst for Conscious Living, Nov 5. Available at:
* [;_ylt=AkGRc8wIK.ztX.WWPN.rE.FsaMYA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA 39 arrested at L.A. urban garden eviction] , JACOB ADELMAN, Associated Press Writer, June 13 2006.
* [ Urban Farm Lawyers Vow to Fight On] ,, June 14 2006.
* [ "Until the Farm is Secure"] Leslie Radford, Los Angeles Independent Media Center, May 27 2006.
* [,0,6321886.story?coll=ktla-home-3 Urban Farmers Will Continue To Fight] , Jacob Adelman, The Associated Press, June 14 2006.


Further reading

* [ "The Effect of Community Gardens on Neighboring Property Values"] Vicki Been and Ioan Voicu, NYU Law and Economics Research Paper No. 06-09, March 2006

External links

* [ South Central Farmers main page]
* [ South Central Famers Secondary page]
* [ Farm Stories] at [ LA Indymedia]
*Google Earth community Link To [ SCF]
* [ The Trust For Public Land]
* [ USDA Plants Database]
* [ A Shameful Day for the City of Los Angeles]
* [ South Central Farmers Forcibly Evicted]

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