The KSTAR, or Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research is a magnetic fusion device being built at the National Fusion Research Institute in
Daejon ,South Korea . It is intended to study aspects ofmagnetic fusion energy which will be pertinent to theITER fusion project as part of that country's contribution to the international ITER effort. The project was approved in 1995 but construction was delayed by theEast Asian financial crisis which weakened the South Korean economy considerably; however the construction phase of the project was completed on September 14, 2007. Commissioning will begin once construction is completed, and first plasma occurred on July 15, 2008 [ [http://www.knfp.net/information/main0611.html?tn=newsnev&mode=read&number=5&virtual_number=5 § 국가핵융합연구소 - 또 하나의 태양을 찾아서 § ] ] .KSTAR will be one of the first research tokamaks in the world to feature fully superconducting magnets, which again will be of great relevance to
ITER as this will also use SC magnets. The KSTAR magnet system consists of 16niobium -tin direct current toroidal field magnets, 10niobium -tin alternating current poloidal field magnets and 4niobium-titanium alternating current poloidal field magnets. It is planned that the reactor will study plasma pulses of up to 20 seconds duration until 2011, when it will be upgraded to study pulses of up to 300 seconds duration. The reactor vessel will have a major radius of 1.8 m, a minor radius of 0.5 m, a maximum toroidal field strength of 3.5 teslas, and a maximum plasma current of 2megaampere s. As with other tokamaks, heating and current drive will be initiated using neutral beam injection,ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH), RF heating andelectron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH). Initial heating power will be 8megawatt s from neutral beam injection upgradeable to 24 MW, 6 MW from ICRH upgradeable to 12 MW, and at present undetermined heating power from ECRH and RF heating. The experiment will use bothhydrogen anddeuterium fuels but not thedeuterium -tritium mix which will be studied inITER .References
External links
* [http://www.nfri.re.kr KSTAR homepage]
* [http://www.pppl.gov/kstar/html/about_kstar.html US KSTAR homepage]
* [http://www.nifs.ac.jp/itc/itc12/Lee.pdf KSTAR Project Status PDF (caution: 1.6MB large file)]* [http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Meetings/FEC2006/ft_2-2.pdf KSTAR Assembly Status, October 2006 PDF]
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