Devita — Village Country Sri Lanka Province Central Province … Wikipedia
Devita — Recorded in a wide range of spelling forms including De Vita, Di Vita, Devita, Vita, Vitales, Wittes, and Vitalzon, this is a surname of Roman (Latin) pre Christian origins. It derives from the word vita meaning life, and as such was for many… … Surnames reference
Devita Saraf — is the daughter of Raj Saraf, the founder of Zenith Computers. She attended Queen Mary’s School and H. R. College in Mumbai and then moved to the USA to continue her studies at the University of Southern California, where she received a Bachelor… … Wikipedia
Ted DeVita — (1962 ndash;May 27, 1980) was a victim of severe aplastic anemia who was forced to live in a sterile hospital room for eight and a half years. His story, along with that of Texas patient David Vetter, was used to create the 1976 made for TV movie … Wikipedia
Vincent T. DeVita — Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., MD is an internationally recognized pioneer physician in the field of oncology. DeVita earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the College of William and Mary in 1957. He was awarded his MD degree with distinction from… … Wikipedia
Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn — is an American author and journalist who covers science, health, and society. She is the author of The Empty Room , a memoir of the death of her older brother, Ted DeVita, who lived for eight years in a plastic bubble at the National Institute of … Wikipedia
pari-devita — परिदेवित … Indonesian dictionary
Historia de la Quimioterapia — La era de la quimioterapia se inició en la década de 1940 con los primeros usos del gas mostaza y drogas antagónicas al ácido fólico para el tratamiento del cáncer. El desarrollo de medicamentos contra el cáncer se ha convertido en una industria… … Wikipedia Español
History of cancer chemotherapy — The era of cancer chemotherapy began in the 1940s with the first use of nitrogen mustards and folic acid antagonist drugs. Cancer drug development has exploded since then into a multi billion dollar industry. The targeted therapy revolution has… … Wikipedia
Hormonal therapy (oncology) — Hormonal therapy is one of the major modalities of medical treatment for cancer, others being cytotoxic chemotherapy and targeted therapy (biotherapeutics). It involves the manipulation of the endocrine system through exogenous administration of… … Wikipedia