- 7th millennium BC
During the 7th millennium BC,
agriculture spreads fromAnatolia to theBalkans .World population is essentially stable at around 5 million people, living mostly widely scattered across the globe in smallhunting-gathering tribes. In the agricultural communities of the Middle East, thecow is domesticated and use ofpottery grows common, spreading to Europe and South Asia, and the firstmetal (gold and copper) ornaments are made.Cultures
*c. 7000 BC — First neolithic settlements with ceramics, in
Crete ,Aegean Sea —Greece .
*c. 7000 BC — Beginning of thePeiligang culture inChina .
*c. 7000 BC —Agriculture and neolithic settlement atMehrgarh , in current-day Baluchistan,Pakistan .
*c. 7000 BC —Agriculture among thePapuan peoples ofNew Guinea [Encyclopedia Britannica , "Melanesian cultures"]
*c. 7000 BC–600 BC —Elam .
*c. 7000 BC —Elam becomesfarming region.
*c. 7000 BC–6000 BC — Figure fromAin Ghazal ,Jordan , was made. It is now inNational Museum ,Amman ,Jordan .
*c. 6850–4800 BC — Advanced agriculture and a very early use of pottery by theSesclo culture inThessaly ,Greece .
*c. 6500 BC —Paleolithic period ended.Neolithic period started in China.
*c. 6500 BC — Beginning of theHouli culture in China.
*c. 6500 BC–5500 BC —Çatalhöyük ,Turkey . Inhabitants tradedobsidian . c. 5000 inhabitants.
*c. 6200 BC — Beginning of theXinglongwa culture in China.
*c. 6000 BC — Beginning of theCishan culture in China.
*c. 6000 BC — First traces of habitation of theSvarthola cave inNorway .Inventions, discoveries, introductions
*c. 7000 BC — Mesolithic site
Lepenski Vir emerges in today'sSerbia .
*c. 7000 BC — Earliestpottery inAncient Near East .
*c. 7000 BC —Elam became farming region.
*c. 7000 BC — Chinesedomestication ofrice ,millet ,soy beans , andyams . (1990 Rand McNally Atlas)
*c. 7000 BC —Red pepper ,bottle gourd ,avocados , and squash cultivated onPacific coast ofGuatemala . (Bailey 1973)
*c. 6500 BC —Naalebinding , a form ofknitting , used inJudean Desert (modern dayIsrael ).
*c. 6500 BC — Two breeds of non-wolfdogs inScandinavia . Domesticpigs appear atJarmo .Domestic cattle inTurkey .
*c. 6200 BC — Mural painting or map fromÇatalhöyük , an early-civilized city that prospered by trading obsidian,Anatolia — modernTurkey .
*6000 BC — Ban Po settlement inChina .
*8000 BC —Jericho settlement in theLevant .
*Agriculture appears around in theBalkans , seeOld European Culture .
*Beekeeping is first recorded. Rock paintings on cave walls inAfrica and easternSpain show people gatheringhoney from trees or rock crevices while bees fly around them — cave drawings inSpain , near Valencia.
*Pastoralism and cultivation ofcereal s (EastSahara ).( Fact|date=February 2007)
*Gold and nativecopper begin to be used.( Fact|date=February 2007)
*Middle East : Domestication of thecow .( Fact|date=February 2007)
*Archaicpottery making, burial mound construction, and garden technology (North America ).
*North America :Indigenous Peoples of the Americas begin using stone to grind food and to huntAmerican Bison and smaller animals.
*North America : Deciduous plants make their appearance onLong Island .
*North America : NorthernAtlantic Ocean is cooled by 3–6°C due to enormous floods. ( Fact|date=February 2007)
*Mexico — Incipient agriculture begins (North America ).
*Peru ,Guitarrero Cave , plant fibers are twisted, knotted, and looped into baskets, mats (South America ).
*Eastern Mediterranean — Forms ofpottery become decoration.
*Animal figures ofEstuarine -period rock painting inAustralia include saltwaterfish andcrocodile s.Environmental changes
*c. 7000 BC — Wild horse populations drop in Europe proper; horse disappears from the island of
Great Britain , but was never found inIreland . (Horse & Man, Clutton-Brock) Extinction probably caused by climatic shift, leading to excessively rich spring feed and mass lameness from founder, making them easy prey (Bolich & Ingraham)
*c. 7000 BC —English Channel formed [Roberts, J: "History of the World." Penguin, 1994.]
*c. 7000 BC —Neolithic Subpluvial begins in northern Africa
*6440 BC ± 25 years — Kurile volcano onRussia 'sKamchatka Peninsula has VEI 7 eruption. It is one of the largest of theHolocene epoch
*c. 6100 BC — TheStoregga Slide , causing amegatsunami in theNorwegian Sea
*c. 6000 BC — Rising sea levels form theTorres Strait , separatingAustralia fromNew Guinea
*c. 6000 BC — Between 12,000 BC and 5,000 BC it appears that massive inland flooding was taking place in several regions of the world, making for subsequentsea level rise s which could be relatively abrupt for many worldwide.References
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