- 550s BC
Events and trends
Carthage conquersSicily ,Sardinia andCorsica .
*559 BC — KingCambyses I of Anshan dies and is succeeded by his son Cyrus II the Great.
*558 BC —Hegesias is removed as Archon ofAthens .
*558 BC — The Chinese state of Jin defeats its rival Qin in battle.
*556 BC — Pisistratus is exiled from Athens toEuboea .
*556 BC —Labashi-Marduk succeedsNeriglissar as king ofBabylon .
*556 BC/555 BC —Nabonidus succeedsLabashi-Marduk as king ofBabylon .
*c.550 BC — Colonisation ofGreeks ends.
*550 BC — Abdera is destroyed by the Thracians.
*550 BC — TheTemple of Artemis completed inEphesus .
*550 BC —Cyrus II the Great overthrowsAstyages of theMedes , establishing thePersian Empire .
*c. 550 BC — Temple of Hera I,Paestum ,Italy , is built.
*550 BC —Siddhartha Gautama foundedBuddhism inNorthern India after achievingenlightenment after six years of practicingpenance andmeditation .ignificant people
558 BC — Death ofSolon , Athenian.
*c.556 BC — Birth ofSimonides of Ceos .
*555 BC — Death ofStesichorus , Greek lyricpoet .
*c.551 BC — Death ofZoroaster , Iranianprophet (traditional date).
*September 28 ,551 BC — Birth ofConfucius ,philosopher (traditional date).
*550 BC — Birth ofEpicharmus , Greekpoet (d.460 BC ).
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