In Bocca al Lupo

In Bocca al Lupo

Infobox Album | Name = In Bocca al Lupo
Type = Album
Artist = Murder by Death

Genre = Indie
Label = Tent Show Records
Producer = J. Robbins
Reviews =
*Allmusic Rating|4|5 [ link]
*Pitchfork rating-10|5.3 [ link]
*PopMatters rating-10|7 [ link]
Last album = "Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them?" (2003)
This album = "In Bocca al Lupo" (2006)
Next album = "Red of Tooth and Claw"

"In Bocca al Lupo" is the third full-length album release by Murder by Death. It was released on Tent Show Records, on May 23, 2006. The title comes from the Italian phrase that literally translates to "Into the Mouth of the Wolf" and is commonly used to say "Good luck". The album is a concept album, which essentially means the songs are all connected by themes, in this case, sin and punishment.

The first single from the album is "Brother".

Guitarist and lead singer, Adam Turla, explains the meaning of each song on the band's [ website] much like he did for their previous album, Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them?. The following excerpt is taken from his introduction:

"While the last record is one long story, the new record is 12 different stories, all about sin, redemption, and guilt. Think of them like short stories in one anthology, each about a different character who has either committed acts that have harmed other people or are part of a bigger story where something like that has happened. There were several books that were influential in writing this album. Some of them were Dante's "Inferno", Herman Melville's "Benito Cereno", and Edgar Allan Poe's "Fall of the House of Usher". Basically all these stories had issues that seemed relevant to the record and helped the creation of these songs [cite web
last = Turla
first = Adam
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Murder By Death: Discography: In Bocca Al Lupo
work =
publisher =
date = June 20, 2006
url =
format = Web
doi =
accessdate = 2006-12-15
] ."

Track listing

# "Boy Decide" – 3:19
# "One More Notch" – 3:10
# "Dead Men and Sinners" – 1:59
# "Brother" – 3:52
# "Dynamite Mine" – 3:23 (J. Robbins on Backup Vocals)
# "Organ Grinder" – 2:44 – (David A. Miller on Tuba/Trombone, Ronald Rolling on Trumpet)
# "Sometimes the Line Walks You" – 2:53 - (David A. Miller on Trombone, Ronald Rolling on Trumpet)
# "Raw Deal4:08 (Janet Morgan on Backup Vocals)
# "The Big Sleep" – 4:30 (Ronald Rolling on Trumpet, Shundra S. Johnson, Ronald Rolling, Marvin Parks, David A. Miller on Choir, J. Robbins and Janet Morgan on Backup Vocals)
# "Shiola" – 4:17
# "Steam Rising" – 4:13
# "The Devil Drives" – 5:44 (Shundra S. Johnson, Ronald Rolling, Marvin Parks, David A. Miller on Choir, Janet Morgan on Backup Vocals)

Further Details

*Produced by J. Robbins and Murder By Death
*Engineered and mixed by J. Robbins at The Magpie Cage.
*Mastered by Alan Douches and J. Robbins.
*Cover art and rings of fire by Mike Pappa.
*Portrait Lithographs by Ben Bussell.
*Layout by Inertia Unlimited and Murder By Death.


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