Fiq Zone

Fiq Zone
Fik Zone
Gobolka Fiiq
Map of Fik Zone
Fik Zone is located in Ethiopia
Fik Zone
Location within Ethiopia
Coordinates: 7°45′N 42°20′E / 7.75°N 42.333°E / 7.75; 42.333
Country Ethiopia
Region Somali
Zone Fik
Time zone EAT (UTC+3)

Fiq (Somali: Fiiq) is one of the nine Zones of the Somali Region of Ethiopia. This zone is named after its largest city, Fiq. Fiq Zone is bordered on the south by Gode, on the west and north by the Oromia Region, and on the east by Degehabur. The western border is defined by the course of the Erer River.

The Swiss section of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) opened a clinic in the Zone in December 2007 to provide medical services to local civilians affected by the local conflict between local insurgents and the Ethiopian government. However, constant administrative hurdles and intimidation towards MSF staff prevented the organization from providing an effective level of medical care, and MSF decided to withdraw from the Zone in July of the next year. "Over the six months of our intervention, our medical teams could only work for ten weeks in Fiiq town and five in the periphery of the town where the most important needs are," said Hugues Robert, head of the MSF Ethiopia program.[1]


Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) in 2005, Fiq has an estimated total population of 290,694, of whom 159,815 were males and 130,879 were females; 33,740 or 11.6% of its population are urban dwellers. Information is not available for the area of Fiq, so its population density cannot be calculated.[2]

The 1997 national census reported a total population for this Zone of 233,431 in 31,050 households, of whom 130,455 were men and 102,976 were women; 22,607 or 9.68% of its population were urban dwellers. (This total also includes an estimate for the inhabitants of 36 rural kebeles, which were not counted; they were estimated to have 14,460 inhabitants, of whom 7,955 were men and 6,505 women.) The largest ethnic group reported in Fiq was the Somali (99.89%); a similar proportion spoke Somali (99.98%). Only 2,912 or 1.33% were literate.[3]

According to a May 24, 2004 World Bank memorandum, none of the inhabitants of Fiq have access to electricity, this zone has a road density of 0.0 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers, the average rural household has 1.5 hectare of land (compared to the national average of 1.01 hectare of land and an average of 2.25 for pastoral Regions)[4] and the equivalent of 1.2 heads of livestock. 28.2% of the population is in non-farm related jobs, compared to the national average of 25% and an average of 28% for pastoral Regions. 18% of all eligible children are enrolled in primary school, and none in secondary schools. 83% of the zone is exposed to malaria, and 83% to Tsetse fly. The memorandum gave this zone a drought risk rating of 588.[5]


On 5-23 November 2003, the CSA conducted the first ever national agricultural census, of which the livestock census was an important component.[6] For the Somali Region, the CSA generated estimated figures for the livestock population (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and equids) and their distribution by commissioning an aerial survey. For the Fiq Zone, their results included:

Animal Estimated total number per sqk.
cattle 17,072 1.0
sheep 57,561 12.2 (including goats)
goats 141,475 12.2 (including sheep)
camels 25,605 1.6
asses 3,033 0.2 (all equids)
mules 26 0.2 (all equids)
horses 13 0.2 (all equids)


  1. ^ "Ethiopia: Obstructions Lead MSF-Switzerland to Withdraw from Fiiq, Somali Region of Ethiopia" (accessed 24 February 2009)
  2. ^ CSA 2005 National Statistics, Table B.3. Rural population numbers are believed to be underreported for this Region.
  3. ^ 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia: Results for Somali Region, Vol. 1 Tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.13 (accessed 12 January 2009). The results of the 1994 census in the Somali Region were not satisfactory, so the census was repeated in 1997.
  4. ^ Comparative national and regional figures comes from the World Bank publication, Klaus Deininger et al. "Tenure Security and Land Related Investment", WP-2991 (accessed 23 March 2006) This publication defines Benishangul-Gumaz, Afar and Somali as "pastoral Regions".
  5. ^ World Bank, Four Ethiopias: A Regional Characterization (accessed 23 March 2006).
  6. ^ "Livestock aerial survey in the Somali Region", CSA (November 2003), Tables 4, 6 (accessed 17 May 2009)

Coordinates: 7°45′N 42°20′E / 7.75°N 42.333°E / 7.75; 42.333

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