Shinile Zone

Shinile Zone

Shinile is one of nine Zones of the Ethiopian Somali Region. Shinile is named for its largest town, Shinile.

Located at the northwestern point of the Somali Region, and stretching across the savanna north of the Amhar mountains, Shinile is bordered on the south by the Oromia Region, on the west by the Afar Region, on the north by Djibouti, and on the east by Jijiga. Part of the northwestern corner is occupied by the Yangudi Rassa National Park, which is a notable local landmark.


Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, Shinile has an estimated total population of 452,112, of whom 237,067 were males and 215,045 were females; 79,574 or 17.6% of its population are urban dwellers. Density figures for this zone are not available. [ [ CSA 2005 National Statistics] , Table B.3. Rural numbers are delieved to be underreported in this Region.]

According to a May 24, 2004 World Bank memorandum, 0% of the inhabitants of Shinile have access to electricity, this zone has a road density of 17.3 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers, the average rural household has 1.2 hectare of land (compared to the national average of 1.01 hectare of land and an average of 2.25 for pastoral Regions) [Comparative national and regional figures comes from the World Bank publication, [ Klaus Deininger et al. "Tenure Security and Land Related Investment", WP-2991] (accessed 23 March 2006). This publication defines Benishangul-Gumaz, Afar and Somali as "pastoral Regions".] and the equivalent of 1.4 heads of livestock. The memorandum gave this zone a drought risk rating of 387. [ [ World Bank, "Four Ethiopias: A Regional Characterization"] (accessed 23 March 2006).]




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