Piecewise linear function
- Piecewise linear function
In mathematics, a piecewise linear function
:f: Omega o V,
where "V" is a vector space and Omega is asubset of a vector space, is any function with the property that Omega can be decomposed into finitely many convex polytopes, such that "f" is equal to a linear function on each of these polytopes. (Here, the term linear function is not restricted to linear transformations, but is used in the more general sense of affine transformation.)
A special case is when "f" is a real-valued function on an interval x_1,x_2] . Then "f" is piecewise linearif and only if x_1,x_2] can be partitioned into finitely many sub-intervals, such that on each such sub-interval "I", "f" is equal to a linear function
:"f"("x") = "aIx" + "bI".
The absolute value function f(x) = |x| is a good example of a piecewise linear function. Other examples include the square wave, the sawtooth function, and the floor function.
Important sub-classes of piecewise linear functions include the continuous piecewise linear functions and the convex piecewise linear functions. Splines generalize piecewise linear functions to higher-order polynomials.
ee also
*Piecewise linear manifold
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