Libice nad Cidlinou

Libice nad Cidlinou

name = Libice nad Cidlinou
native_name =
other_name =
category = Village
etymology =
official_name =
motto =
nickname =

| image_caption =

| flag_border =
symbol =
country = Czech Republic | country_

state =
region = Central Bohemian | region_type = Region
district = Nymburk | district_type = District
municipality = Poděbrady | municipality_type = Little District
landmark =
river = Elbe
river1 = Cidlina
location =
elevation = 190
lat_d = 50| lat_m = 7| lat_s = 40| lat_NS = N
long_d = 15| long_m = 10| long_s = 49| long_EW = E
coordinates_type =
highest =
highest_location =
highest_elevation =
highest_lat_d = | highest_lat_m = | highest_lat_s = | highest_lat_NS =
highest_long_d = | highest_long_m = | highest_long_s = | highest_long_EW =
highest_coordinates_type =
lowest =
lowest_location =
lowest_elevation =
lowest_lat_d = | lowest_lat_m = | lowest_lat_s = | lowest_lat_NS =
lowest_long_d = | lowest_long_m = | lowest_long_s = | lowest_long_EW =
lowest_coordinates_type =
length =
width =
area = 9.95 | area_round = 2
population = 1314 | population_as_of =
population_density = auto
established = 981 | established_type = First mentioned
established1 = | established1_type =
date =
mayor = Milan Kožíšek
timezone = | utc_offset =
timezone_DST = | utc_offset_DST =
postal_code = 289 07
area_code =
code =
free =

map_background = Czechia - background map.png map_caption = Location in the Czech Republic
map_locator = Czechia
map1 =
map1_background =
map1_caption =
map1_locator =
website = []
commons = Libice nad Cidlinou
footnotes =

Libice nad Cidlinou is a village in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. It is one of the oldest settlements in Bohemia, located 5 km southeast of Poděbrady at the confluence of the Cidlina and Elbe (Labe) rivers. The population of Libice is 1,314, it is 190m above sea-level, and its total area is 9.95 km².


Libice emerged in the ninth century as a center of Zličan rule under the Slavnik family. Archeological digs begun in the nineteenth century show that the Zličans' material culture was highly developed by the end of the first millennium AD. Libice began as a castle, and fortifications and the ruins of a stone church have survived to the present day. In 995 Libice was stormed by the Bohemian Duke Boleslav II (Přemyslid) and the Vršovci clan, and was annexed to Prague:

Important buildings

* St. Adalbert of Prague (Vojtech) and Gaudentius (Radim) memorial
* St.Vojtech church (Kostel sv. Vojtěcha)
* Evangelical church.

External links

* [ Official web site]


* Turek R., Čechy na úsvitě dějin, Praha, 1963.
* Turek R., Libice-knížecí hradisko 10. věku, Praha, 1968.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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