- Zlicans
The Zličané (IPA2|zlitʃˈɑ:nɛ:; _de. Zlitschanen) were a Czech tribe that settled in the eastern fold of
Bohemia . They were the second most powerful tribe in the region but eventually were overpowered by thePřemyslid dynasty on28 september 995 when the rulingSlavník dynasty was massacred by the Přemyslids.In addition to the Zličans, the Slavniks ruled the Charvats and
Doudlebs tribes, gord Stará (Old)Kouřim and probably also theŚwidnica town.Dukes and chiefs of Zličans
Radslav the Zličan , (early 10th century) who led a war againstSaint Wenceslaus
*Slavník (d. 981)
*Soběbor (late 10th century)
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