Chodov (Prague Metro)

Chodov (Prague Metro)
Platform of Chodov station
Surface entrance with part of the shopping centre in the background

Chodov is a Prague Metro station on the second section of Line C, opened in 1980.

The station is located under Roztylská Street in the southwestern part of the Chodov district. It is a shallow sub-surface station with a straight ceiling and an island platform 10 m below ground level. Centrum Chodov, the largest shopping centre in the Czech Republic, was built next to the station in 2005.

The station was called Budovatelů until 1990.

direction Letňany Prague Metroline C direction Háje
Roztyly Chodov Opatov
Letňany Handicapped/disabled access - Prosek Handicapped/disabled access - Střížkov Handicapped/disabled access - Ládví Handicapped/disabled accessKobylisy Handicapped/disabled accessNádraží Holešovice Handicapped/disabled accessVltavská Handicapped/disabled accessFlorenc B Handicapped/disabled accessHlavní nádraží Handicapped/disabled accessMuzeum A Handicapped/disabled accessI. P. PavlovaVyšehrad Handicapped/disabled accessPražského povstáníPankrác Handicapped/disabled accessBudějovická Handicapped/disabled accessKačerovRoztyly Handicapped/disabled accessChodov Handicapped/disabled accessOpatov Handicapped/disabled accessHáje Handicapped/disabled access

Coordinates: 50°0151N 14°2927E / 50.03083°N 14.49083°E / 50.03083; 14.49083