- Equivariant map
mathematics , an equivariant map is a function between two sets that commutes with the action of a group. Specifically, let "G" be a group and let "X" and "Y" be two associated "G"-sets. A function "f" : "X" → "Y" is said to be equivariant if:"f"("g"·"x") = "g"·"f"("x")for all "g" ∈ "G" and all "x" in "X". Note that if one or both of the actions are right actions the equivariance condition must be suitably modified::"f"("x"·"g") = "f"("x")·"g" ; (right-right):"f"("x"·"g") = "g"−1·"f"("x") ; (right-left):"f"("g"·"x") = "f"("x")·"g"−1 ; (left-right)Equivariant maps are
homomorphism s in the category of "G"-sets (for a fixed "G"). Hence they are also known as "G"-maps or "G"-homomorphisms.Isomorphism s of "G"-sets are simplybijective equivariant maps.The equivariance condition can also be understood as the following
commutative diagram . Note that gcdot denotes the map that takes an element z and returns gcdot z.Intertwiners
A completely analogous definition holds for the case of
linear representation s of "G". Specifically, if "X" and "Y" are the representation spaces of two linear representations of "G" then alinear map "f" : "X" → "Y" is called an intertwiner of the representations if it commutes with the action of "G". Thus an intertwiner is an equivariant map in the special case of two linear representations/actions.Alternatively, an intertwiner for representations of "G" over a field "K" is the same thing as a module homomorphism of "K" ["G"] -modules, where "K" ["G"] is the
group ring of "G".Under some conditions, if "X" and "Y" are both
irreducible representation s, then an intertwiner (other than thezero map ) only exists if the two representations are equivalent (that is, areisomorphic as modules). That intertwiner is then uniqueup to a multiplicative factor (a non-zero scalar from "K"). These properties hold when the image of "K" ["G"] is a simple algebra, with centre K (by what is calledSchur's Lemma : seesimple module ). As a consequence, in important cases the construction of an intertwiner is enough to show the representations are effectively the same.Categorical description
Equivariant maps can be generalized to arbitrary categories in a straightforward manner. Every group "G" can be viewed as a category with a single object (
morphism s in this category are just the elements of "G"). Given an arbitrary category "C", a "representation" of "G" in the category "C" is afunctor from "G" to "C". Such a functor selects an object of "C" and asubgroup ofautomorphism s of that object. For example, a "G"-set is equivalent to a functor from "G" to thecategory of sets , Set, and a linear representation is equivalent to a functor to thecategory of vector spaces over a field, Vect"K".Given two representations, ρ and σ, of "G" in "C", an equivariant map between those representations is simply a
natural transformation from ρ to σ. Using natural transformations as morphisms, one can form the category of all representations of "G" in "C". This is just thefunctor category "C""G".For another example, take "C" = Top, the
category of topological spaces . A representation of "G" in Top is atopological space on which "G" acts continuously. An equivariant map is then a continuous map "f" : "X" → "Y" between representations which commutes with the action of "G".
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