- Iberians
The Iberians were a set of peoples that Greek and Roman sources (among others,
Hecataeus of Miletus ,Avienus ,Herodot andStrabo ) identified with that name in the eastern and southern coasts of theIberian peninsula at least from the6th century BC . These included: the Airenosi, Andosini,Ausetani ,Bastetani ,Bastuli , Bergistani, Castellani,Cessetani , Ceretani,Contestani ,Edetani , Elisices, Iacetani,Ilercavones ,Ilergetes ,Indigetes ,Lacetani ,Laietani ,Oretani , Sedetani, Sordones, Suessetani, andTurdetani (notice that there are some doubts regarding the ethno-linguistic affiliation of some of these). The Roman and Greek sources often diverge about the precise location of each Iberian people and also about the list of Iberian peoples.The Iberians were not a clearly defined
culture ,ethnic group or political entity. The name is instead a blanket term for a number of peoples belonging to a pre-Roman,Iron Age culture inhabiting theIberian peninsula who have been historically identified as "Iberian". Although these peoples shared certain common features, they were by no means homogeneous and they diverged widely in other respects.History
The Iberians lived in isolated communities based on a tribal organization. They also had a knowledge of
metalworking , includingbronze , andagricultural techniques. In the centuries preceding Carthaginian and Roman conquest, Iberian settlements grew insocial complexity , exhibiting evidence ofsocial stratification andurbanization . This process was probably aided by trading contacts with thePhoenicians ,Greeks , andCarthaginians . Among the most important goods traded by the Iberians were precious metals, particularlytin andcopper .The
Phoenicians established their firstcolony on the Iberian Peninsula in 1100 B.C. ("Gadir", "Gades", modernCádiz ) and probably made contact with Iberians then or shortly thereafter.Greek colonists made the first historical reference to the Iberians in the
6th century B.C. The Greeks also dubbed as "Iberians" another people, currently known asCaucasian Iberia ns. It is not known whether the two had any connection.Origins
Neolithic expansion.] The origin of the Iberians is not certain, but there are two theories concerning such:
*One theory suggests that they arrived inSpain sometime during theNeolithic period, with their arrival being dated from as early as thefifth millennium BC to thethird millennium BC (see Cardium culture). Most scholars adhering to this theory believe fromarchaeological ,anthropological and genetic evidences that the Iberians came from a region farther east in theMediterranean . Others have suggested that they may have originated inNorth Africa . The Iberians would have initially settled along the eastern coast ofSpain , and then possibly spread throughout the rest of theIberian Peninsula later on. [ [http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/I27_INV/IBERIANS_Iberi_I_3r7Aes_.html IBERIANS (Iberi, "I(3r... - Online Information article about IBERIANS (Iberi, "I(3r ] ] [ [http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761568486/Iberians.html Iberians - MSN Encarta ] ] [ [http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-Iberians.html Iberians - Encyclopedia.com ] ] [ [http://historymedren.about.com/library/text/bltxtspain2.htm Spain: Historical Setting - Library of Congress Country Study - Iberia] ] [ [http://www.lhhpaleo.religionstatistics.net/LHH%20neolithic.html THE GREAT COLONIZATIONS - THE NEOLITHIC] ]*An alternative theory states that they were part of the original inhabitants of
Western Europe and the creators/heirs of the greatmegalith ic culture in all this area, a theory possibly supported by genetic studies. The Iberians would then be similar to the populations subdued by theCelt s in thefirst millennium BC inIreland , Britain andFrance . [ [http://indoeuro.bizland.com/archive/article7.html Picts and Pictish language: an article by Cyril Babaev ] ] [ [http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/I27_INV/IBERIANS_Iberi_I_3r7Aes_.html IBERIANS (Iberi, "I(3r... - Online Information article about IBERIANS (Iberi, "I(3r ] ]Celts crossed thePyrenees into Spain in two major migrations in the ninth and the seventh centuries B.C. The Celts settled for the most part north of theRio Duero and theRio Ebro , where they mixed with the Iberians to form groups calledCeltiberian s." [ [http://historymedren.about.com/library/text/bltxtspain2.htm Spain: Historical Setting - Library of Congress Country Study - Iberia] ] [ [http://www.lhhpaleo.religionstatistics.net/LHH%20neolithic.html THE GREAT COLONIZATIONS - THE NEOLITHIC] ] [ [http://www.lhhpaleo.religionstatistics.net/LHH%20iberia.html FIRST NEOLITHIC] ]External influences
The Iberians traded extensively with other Mediterranean cultures. Iberian
pottery has been found inFrance ,Italy , andNorth Africa . The Iberians also had extensive contact with Greek colonists. The Iberians may have adopted some of theGreeks ' artistic techniques.Statue s such as theLady of Baza and theLady of Elx are thought to have been made by Iberians relatively well acquainted with Greekart .Thucydides stated that one of the three original tribes ofSicily , theSicani , were of Iberian origin, though "Iberian" at the time could have included what we think of asGaul . [cite news|url=http://www.bestofsicily.com/mag/art141.htm|publisher=Best of Sicily|title=Sicilian Peoples: The Sicanians|date=7 October 2007]The Iberians were placed under
Carthaginian rule for a short time between the First andSecond Punic War s. They supplied troops toHannibal 's army. The Romans subsequently conquered the Iberian Peninsula and slowly absorbed the local culture and language.Iberian culture
Iberian language
The Iberian language, like the rest of
paleohispanic languages , became extinct by the 1st to 2nd centuries AD, after being gradually replaced byLatin . Iberian seems to be alanguage isolate . It is certainly not anIndo-European language . Links with other languages have been claimed, but they have not been demonstrated. One such proposed link was with theBasque language , but this theory is also disputed.Iberian scripts
The Iberians use three different scripts to represent the
Iberian language .*
Northeastern Iberian script
** Dual variant (4th century BC and3rd century BC )
** Non-dual variant (2nd century BC and1st century BC )
*Southeastern Iberian script
*Greco-Iberian alphabet Northeastern Iberian script andsoutheastern Iberian script share a common distinctive typological characteristic, also present in otherpaleohispanic scripts : they present signs with syllabic value for theocclusive s and signs with monofonematic value for the rest ofconsonants andvowels . From awriting systems point of view they are neitheralphabets norsyllabaries , they are mixed scripts that normally are identified assemi-syllabaries . About this common origin, there is no agreement between researchers: for some this origin is only linked to thePhoenician alphabet while for others theGreek alphabet had participated too.Further reading
* Beltrán, Miguel (
1996 ): "Los iberos en Aragón", Zaragoza.
* Ruiz, Arturo; Molinos, Manuel (1993 ): "Los iberos", Barcelona.
* Sanmartí, Joan; Santacana, Joan (2005 ): "Els ibers del nord", Barcelona.
* Sanmartí, Joan (2005 ): [http://www.dpz.es/ifc2/publi/fichapublic.asp?recid=2622 «La conformación del mundo ibérico septentrional»] , "Palaeohispanica" 5, pp. 333-358.Gallery
ee also
"Modern peoples of Iberia:"
*Spanish people
*Catalan people
*Asturian people
*Galician people
*Basque people
*Portuguese people "Pre-Roman cultures of Iberia:"
*Pre-Roman peoples of the Iberian Peninsula
*Lusitanians "Archeological sites:"
*Lucentum "Related to Iberian culture:"
*Iberian language
*Iberian scripts References
External links
* [http://www.arqueotavira.com/Mapas/Iberia/Populi.htm Detailed map of the Pre-Roman Peoples of Iberia (around 200 BC)]
* [http://www.webpersonal.net/jrr/index.htm Iberian Epigraphy Page, by J.R. Ramos]
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