- Sum addressed decoder
CPU design , a Sum Addressed Decoder or Sum Addressed Memory (SAM) Decoder is a method of reducing the latency of theCPU cache access. This is achieved by fusing the address generation sum operation with the decode operation in the cache SRAM.Overview
The L1 data cache should usually be in the most critical recurrence on the CPU, because few things improve instructions per cycle (IPC) as directly as a larger data cache, a larger data cache takes longer to access, and pipelining the data cache makes IPC worse. This article explains a way of reducing the latency of the L1 data cache access by fusing the address generation sum operation with the decode operation in the cache SRAM.
The address generation sum operation still must be performed, because other units in the memory pipe will use the resulting virtual address. That sum will be performed in parallel with the fused add/decode described here.
The most profitable recurrence to accelerate is a load, followed by a use of that load in a chain of integer operations leading to another load. Assuming that load results are bypassed with the same priority as integer results, then it's possible to summarize this recurrence as a load followed by another load -- as if the program was following a linked list.
The rest of this page assumes an
Instruction set architecture (ISA) with a single addressing mode (register+offset), a virtually indexed data cache, and sign-extending loads that may be variable-width. MostRISC ISAs fit this description. In ISAs such as theIntel x86 , three or four inputs are summed to generate the virtual address. Multiple-input additions can be reduced to a two-input addition with carry save adders, and the remaining problem is as described below.The critical recurrence, then, is an adder, adecoder , the SRAM word line, the SRAM bit line(s), the sense amp(s), the byte steering muxes, and the bypass muxes.For this example, a direct-mapped 16KB data cache which returns doubleword (8-byte) aligned values is assumed. Each line of the SRAM is 8 bytes, and there are 2048 lines, addressed by Addr [13:3] . The sum addressed SRAM idea applies equally well to set associative caches.
um-addressed cache: Collapse the adder and decoder
The SRAM decoder for this example has an 11 bit input, Addr [13:3] ,and 2048 outputs, the decoded word lines. One word line is driven highin response to each unique Addr [13:3] value.
In the simplest form of decoder, each of the 2048 lines islogically an
AND gate . The 11 bits (call them A [13:3] and theircomplements (call them B [13:3] ) are driven up the decoder. For eachline, 11 bits or complements are fed into an 11-input AND gate. Forinstance, 1026 decimal is equal to 10000000010 binary. The functionfor line 1026 would be:wordline [1026] = A [13] & B [12] & B [11] & B [10] & B [9] & B [8] & B [7] & B [6] & B [5] & A [4] & B [3]
Both the carry chain of the adder and the decoder combineinformation from the entire width of the index portion of the address.Combining information across the entire width twice is redundant. Asum-addressed SRAM combines the information just once by implementingthe adder and decoder together in one structure.
Recall that the SRAM is indexed with the result of an add. Callthe summands R (for register) and O (for the offset to that register).The sum-addressed decoder is going to decode R+O. For each decoderline, call the line number L.
Suppose that our decoder drove both R and O over each decoder line,and each decoder line implemented:
wordline [L] = (R+O)=L
(R+O)=L <=> R+O-L=0 <=> R+O+~L+1=0 <=> R+O+~L=-1=11..1.
We can use a set of full adders to reduce R+O+~L to S+C (this iscarry save addition). S+C=11..1 <=> S=~C. There will be no carriesin the final add. Note that since C is a row of carries, it's shiftedup one bit, so that R [13:3] +O [13:3] +~L [13:3] = {0,S [13:3] } + {C [14:4] ,0}
With this formulation, each row in the decoder is a set of fulladders which reduce the base register, the offset, and the row numberto a carry-save format, and a comparator. We'll find that most ofthis hardware is redundant below, but for now it's simpler to think ofit all existing in each row.
Ignoring the LSBs: Late select on carry
The formulation above checks the entire result of an add.However, in a CPU cache decoder, the entire result of the add is abyte address, and the cache is usually indexed with a larger address,in our example, that of an 8-byte block. Ideally, we'd like to ignorea few of the LSBs of the address. We can't ignore the LSBs of the twoaddends, however, because they may produce a carry-out which wouldchange the doubleword addressed.
Suppose that we add R [13:3] and O [13:3] to get some index I [13:3] .The actual address Addr [13:3] is equal to either I [13:3] , or I [13:3] +1, depending on whether R [2:0] +O [2:0] generates a carry-out. We canfetch both I and I+1 if we have two banks of SRAM, one with evenaddresses, and one with odd. The even bank holds addresses 000xxx,010xxx, 100xxx, 110xxx, etc, and the odd bank holds addresses 001xxx,011xxx, 101xxx, 111xxx, etc. We can then use the carry-out fromR [2:0] +O [2:0] to select the even or odd doubleword fetched later.
Note that fetching from two half-size banks of SRAM will dissipatemore power than fetching from one full-size bank, since we areswitching more sense amps and data steering logic.
Match generation
I [13:3] even bank
fetches lineodd bank
fetches line100 100 101 101 110 101 110 110 111 Referring to the diagram to the right, we can see that the even bankwill fetch line 110 when I [13:3] =101 or I [13:3] =110. The odd bankwill fetch line 101 when I [13:3] =100 or I [13:3] =101.
In general, the odd SRAM bank should fetch line Lo=2N+1 wheneither I [13:3] =2N or I [13:3] =2N+1. We can write these twoconditions as:
I [13:3] = Lo-1 => R [13:3] + O [13:3] + ~Lo+1 = 11..11 => R [13:3] + O [13:3] + ~Lo = 11..10 I [13:3] = Lo => R [13:3] + O [13:3] + ~Lo = 11..11
We ignore the last digit of the compare: (S+C) [13:4] =11..1
Similarly, the even SRAM bank fetches line Le=2N when eitherI [13:3] =2N or I [13:3] =2N-1. We can write these two conditionsas follows, and once again ignore the last digit of the compare.
I [13:3] = Le-1 => R [13:3] + O [13:3] + ~Le = 11..10 I [13:3] = Le => R [13:3] + O [13:3] + ~Le = 11..11
Gate Level Implementation
R13 ... R6 R5 R4 R3 O13 ... O6 O5 O4 O3 L13 ... L6 L5 L4 L3 -------------------------- S13 ... S6 S5 S4 S3 C14 C13 ... C6 C5 C4Before we begin collapsing redundancy between rows, let's review:Each row of each decoder for each of two banks implements a set offull adders which reduce the three numbers to be added (R [13:3] ,O [13:3] , and L) to two numbers (S [14:4] and C [13:3] ). The LSB(=S [3] ) is discarded. Carry out (=C [14] ) is also discarded. Therow matches if S [13:4] = ~C [13:4] , which is &( xor(S [13:4] ,C [13:4] )).
We can partially specialize the full adders to 2-input and, or,xor, and xnor because the L input is constant. The resultingexpressions are common to all lines of the decoder and can becollected at the bottom.
S0;i = S(Ri, Oi, 0) = Ri xor Oi S1;i = S(Ri, Oi, 1) = Ri xnor Oi C0;i+1 = C(Ri, Oi, 0) = Ri and Oi C1;i+1 = C(Ri, Oi, 1) = Ri or Oi.
At each digit position, there are only two possible Si,two possible Ci, and four possible xors between them:
Li=0 and Li-1=0: X0;0;i = S0;i xor C0;i = Ri xor Oi xor (Ri-1 and Oi-1) Li=0 and Li-1=1: X0;1;i = S0;i xor C1;i = Ri xor Oi xor (Ri-1 or Oi-1) Li=1 and Li-1=0: X1;0;i = S1;i xor C0;i = Ri xnor Oi xor (Ri-1 and Oi-1) = !X0;0;i Li=1 and Li-1=1: X1;1;i = S1;i xor C1;i = Ri xnor Oi xor (Ri-1 or Oi-1) = !X0;1;i
One possible decoder for our example might calculate these fourexpressions for each of the bits 4..13, and drive all 40 wires up thedecoder. Each line of the decoder would select one of the four wiresfor each bit, and consist of an 10-input AND.
What has been saved?
A simpler data cache path would have an adder followed by atraditional decoder. For our example cache subsystem, the criticalpath would be a 14 bit adder, producing true and complement values,followed by an 11 bit AND gate for each row of the decoder.
In the sum-addressed design, the final AND gate in the decoderremains, although 10 bits wide instead of 11. The adder has beenreplaced by a four input logical expression at each bit. The latencysavings comes from the speed difference between the adder and thatfour input expression, a savings of perhaps three simple CMOSgates.
If the reader feels that this was an inordinate amount ofbrain-twisting work for a three gate improvement in a multi-cyclecritical path, then the reader has a better appreciation for the levelto which modern CPUs are optimized.
Further optimizations: predecode
Many decoder designs avoid high-
Fan-In AND gates in the decode lineitself by employing a predecode stage. For instance, an 11 bitdecoder might be predecoded into three groups of 4, 4, and 3 bitseach. Each 3 bit group would drive 8 wires up the main decode array,each 4 bit group would drive 16 wires. The decoder line then becomesa 3 input AND gate. This reorganization can save significantimplementation area and some power.This same reorganization can be applied to the sum-addresseddecoder. Each bit in the non-predecoded formulation above can beviewed as a local two-bit add. With predecoding, each predecode groupis a local three, four, or even five bit add, with the predecodegroups overlapping by one bit.
Predecoding generally increases the number of wires traversing thedecoder, and sum-addressed decoders generally have about twice as manywires as the equivalent simple decoder. These wires can be thelimiting factor on the amount of feasible predecoding.
* Paul Demone has an explanation of sum-addressed caches in a realworldtech [http://web.archive.org/web/20060109081916/http://www.realworldtech.com/page.cfm?ArticleID=RWT091000000000 article] (archived).
* Heald et al have a [http://www.ra.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~rainer/Literatur/Online/RA/4/2.pdf paper] in ISSCC 1998 that explains what may be the original sum-addressed cache in theUltrasparc III.
* Sum addressed memory is described in United States patent 5,754,819,May 19, 1998, "Low-latency memory indexing method and structure". Inventors: Lynch; William L. (Palo Alto, CA), Lauterbach; Gary R. (Los Altos, CA); Assignee: Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Mountain View, CA), Filed: July 28, 1994
* At least one of the inventors named on a patent related to carry-free address decoding credits the following publication: "Evaluation of A + B = K Conditions without Carry Propagation" (1992)Jordi Cortadella, Jose M. LlaberiaIEEE Transactions on Computers,
* The following patent extends this work, to use redundant form arithmetic throughout the processor, and so avoid carry propagation overhead even in ALU operations, or when an ALU operation is bypassed into a memory address:United States Patent 5,619,664,"Processor with architecture for improved pipelining of arithmetic instructions by forwarding redundant intermediate data forms",awarded April 18, 1997,Inventor: Glew; Andrew F. (Hillsboro, OR);Assignee: Intel Corporation (Santa Clara, CA), Appl. No.: 08/402,322, Filed: March 10, 1995
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