Classical pantheism

Classical pantheism

Classical pantheism is a form of pantheism that equates existence with God without attempting to redefine or to minimize either term, and has an inclusive demeanor towards other world faiths. It is a classical concept that is represented by many religions and religious traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalistic Judaism, neopaganism, and the New Age, amongst many other world religions and philosophies.

Due to some of the changes in usage of the word "pantheism" today, classical pantheism is distinct primarily because of its simplicity and compatibility with other religious traditions. In many ways, classical pantheism is similar to monism, in that it views all things, from energy to matter to thought or time as being aspects of an all embracing personal or impersonal god.Fact|date=October 2007

See also

* Naturalistic pantheism
* Panentheism

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