Inductance/derivation of self inductance

Inductance/derivation of self inductance

The mutual inductance by circuit "i" on circuit "j" is given by the double integral "Neumann formula": M_{ij} = frac{mu_0}{4pi} oint_{C_i}oint_{C_j} frac{mathbf{ds}_icdotmathbf{ds}_j} so that the mutual inductance is a purely geometrical quantity independent of the current in the circuits.

elf inductance

In the self inductance case C_{i}=C_{j}. Therefore 1/R gets singularand the finite radius of the wire and the distribution of the current in thewire must be taken into account. A generic formula for the self inductance M is available provided that the length l of the wire is much larger thanits radius a:: M = M_{ii} = frac{mu_0}{4pi} left ( oint_{C}oint_{C'} frac{mathbf{ds}cdotmathbf{ds}'}d^{3}xd^{3}x^{prime } ight )_.The integral over z (from -Delta to Delta) may be performed usingmathbf{R}_{xx^{prime ^{2}=N^{2}+z^{2}, N^{2}=r^{2}+r^{prime2}-2rr^{prime }cos left( phi ight),:M_{Delta }=mu _{0}lint dphi drdr^{prime }rfleft( r ight) r^{prime}fleft( r^{prime } ight) ln left( frac{Delta }{N}+sqrt{1+left(Delta /N ight) ^{2 ight) .Because of Nll Delta the logarithm may be replaced by:ln left( frac{Delta }{N}+sqrt{...} ight) simeq ln left( frac{2Delta }{N} ight) =ln left( frac{2Delta }{a} ight) -frac{1}{2}ln frac{r^{2}+r^{prime 2}-2rr^{prime }cos left( phi ight) }{a^{2.In the realistic cases fleft( r ight)=const and fleft( r ight)=constcirc delta left( r-a ight) the remaining integrals now eitherare trivial or may be looked up in an integral table. The result is M_{Delta }= left( mu _{0}l / 2pi ight) left( ln left( 2Delta /a ight)+Y ight). Finally, the self inductance cannot depend on the arbitrarylength Delta, which is the lower integration limit for the curveintegral and the upper integration limit for M_{Delta }. Therefore thecontribution proportional to lnleft( Delta ight) cancels against acontribution from the curve integral, so that one now also may choose Delta =a/2 to simplify the calculation.

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