- Baileys Irish Cream
Baileys Irish Cream (the registered
trademark omits the apostrophe), is an Irish whiskey and cream basedliqueur , made by Andrew Bailey of the R. A. Bailey & Co. ofDublin , Ireland. The trademark is currently owned byDiageo . It has a declaredalcohol content of 17%alcohol by volume . [http://www.ftc.gov/os/2005/09/050926tabaccocomment.pdf]Introduced in 1974, Baileys was the first Irish Cream liqueur on the market. It can be compared to other cream liqueurs such as
Amarula ,Carolans andSangster's .Manufacture
Baileys was the first liqueur to use cream and alcohol together in a manner sufficiently stable to allow commercial distribution. The cream and whiskey are homogenized to form an emulsion, with the aid of an emulsifier containing refined vegetable oil. This process prevents separation of the whiskey and cream during storage. The quantity of other ingredients used is not known but they include chocolate, vanilla, caramel and sugar.
According to the manufacturer no preservatives are required, the whiskey alone is used to preserve the cream.
The cream used in the drink comes from
Glanbia Plc. The co-operative dairy used is located inVirginia, County Cavan , about 50 miles outside ofDublin . More than 4 million litres of Irish cream a year is used in the production of Baileys, amounting to 4.3% of Ireland’s total milk production. [From a [http://www.ciao.co.uk/Baileys_Irish_Cream__Review_5366759 review] at ciao.co.uk]torage and shelf life
According to the manufacturer, Baileys has a shelf life of 24 months. It should be stored between 5 and 35 degrees Celsius, or 41 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. [http://www.baileys.com/us-en/footer/Faq.htm#answer2]
=Drinking= Irish Cream can be drunk by itself, over ice, or as part of a cocktail. It is also commonly used as an addition to coffee in lieu of cream or sugar and also, with the Baileys unboiled, served withHorlicks .As is the case with milk, cream will curdle whenever it comes into contact with a weak acid. Milk and cream contain
casein which coagulates when mixed with weak acids such as lemon, tonic water, or traces of wine. While this outcome is undesirable in most situations, some cocktails specifically encourage coagulation.This coagulation has given rise to an
urban legend inBelgium and theNetherlands that the combination of Baileys and tonic is lethal. [cite web | last = | first = University of Delft | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Apekool: Van teveel cocktails loop je uiteindelijk wel een alcoholvergiftiging op. Maar hoe gevaarlijk is een Baileys met tonic? | work = | publisher = | date= 2005 | url = http://www.delta.tudelft.nl/archief/j29/n38/13784 | format = html | doi = | accessdate = ] [cite web | last = | first = Trimbos-instituut | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Gaan Baileys en tonic samen? | work = | publisher = | date= 2005 | url = http://www.alcoholinfo.nl/index.cfm?act=qena.antwoord&vraag=17 | format = html | doi = | accessdate = ]A Cement Mixer is an alcoholic drink usually made with lemon or lime juice and Baileys Irish Cream though acidic alcohols can replace the juice. A shot of juice is taken first and held in the cheek, followed by a shot of Baileys, with the two mixed in the mouth. The acidity of the juice curdles the Irish cream and the mixture is either swallowed or spit out due to the nature of the taste and texture felt inside the mouth.
Baileys Coffee is made using a measure of Baileys in a cup of coffee and then topped off with cream.
Nutritional values
(taken from the Baileys web site) [http://www.baileys.com/us-en/footer/Faq.htm#answer1]
Serving Size: 1.5oz
Calories: 403
Total Fat: 6.7g
Total Carbohydrate: 8.5g
Protein: 1.4g
Variant flavors
2003 , Bailey & Co. launched Baileys Glide, a less cloying, longer drink with 4.0% ABV, aimed at thealcopop market. The product was discontinued in2006 .In
2005 , Baileys launched a mint chocolate and creme caramel variant of their Irish Cream at 17%ABV. They were originally released in UK airports and were subsequently released in the mass market of the UK in2006 .In
2008 , Baileys, after the success of previous flavour variants, released a coffee variant of their Irish Cream with an ABV of 17%. Currently only available in World Duty Free stores.Cocktails containing Baileys
*Baileys Frappe
* [http://www.baileys.com/en-gb/thedrinks/blended.html Baileys Blended]
* [http://www.baileys.com/en-gb/TheDrinks/chocolatini.htm Baileys Chocolatini]
*Car Bomb
*Chocolate Coffee Kiss
*The Phil Kollin
*Irish Dream
*Mudslide - See Duo and trio cocktails
*Irish Lobotomy
*Teddy Bear – a shot of vodka and Baileys
*Grandmother's slippers (Finnish drink)
* [http://www.recipezaar.com/188013 Smashing Pumpkin Shot]
* [http://www.recipezaar.com/188012 Brain Hemorrhage]
* [http://www.recipezaar.com/162638 B55]
*Baby Guinness
*China White
*BMW - A shot of Baileys, Malibu and Whisky
*Irish Bar Maid
*Irish Lass
*Screaming Orgasm
* [http://www.lisashea.com/lisabase/cocktails/comet.html Baileys Comet]
*Hatcher - seeSambuca
*BBC - Baileys, Brandy and Cointreuee also
Irish cream
*Irish coffee
*Baileys coffee
*Old Gregg References
* [http://www.diageo.com/en-row/AboutDiageo/OurHistory/ Diageo] History
*Adams Beverage Group, "Beverage Dynamics" (January/February 2006), p.42External links
* [http://www.baileys.com Official website]
* [http://www.diageo.com/en-row/ourbrands/ourglobalbrands/baileys Diageo website]
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