v · Sufic origin , combine chants from world faiths with dancing , whirling , and a variety of movement with singing .[ 2 ]
The Dances
Conducted in the company of a number of other dancers in a circle ,[ 3 ] [ 4 ] the participatory dances are facilitated by a dance leader who plays a percussive or stringed instrument , usually guitar or drum as dance accompaniment . Each dance has a chant which is sung as the dance is performed .[ 4 ] The chants are often sacred phrases put to traditional or contemporary melodies , and include a wide range of languages including Arabic , Aramaic , English , Hawaiian , Hebrew , Persian , and Sanskrit .[ 3 ] The promoters of the dances claim that these forms embody the understanding that the truth at the heart of all religions is the same truth , and that peace can be promoted through an experience of this unity .[ 5 ]
The DUP emphasis is on participation regardless of ability , and dances are almost never performed before an audience . Dancers of all levels of ability dance together , and each dance is usually taught afresh at each gathering . The practice of the dance is purported to develop the participants ' spiritual awareness , awareness of their own body , and awareness of the presence of others . Dances are choreographed with movements , steps , and gestures that encourage the dancer to explore the deeper mystical meaning of the dance .[ 6 ]
The Dances of Universal Peace were first formulated in the late 1960s by Samuel L . Lewis (SAM = Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti , 1896 –1971 ) and were then conducted in California .[ 7 ] The original dances were strongly influenced by Samuel Lewis ' spiritual relationships with Ruth St . Denis , a modern dance pioneer , and Hazrat Inayat Khan , a Sufi master . The influence on the dances of Sufi practices such as Sema and The Whirling Dervishes are apparent , although Samuel Lewis was also a Rinzai Zen master and drew on the teachings of the major religious and spiritual traditions , including native .[ 3 ]
Dances were originally performed at camps and meetings with a distinctly new age and alternative feel but have increasingly come to be offered in diverse places of worship , schools , colleges , prisons , hospices , residential homes for those with special needs , and holistic health centers .[ 8 ] The Dances have since developed into a global movement .[ 4 ] The Network for the Dances of Universal Peace has members in 28 countries .[ 9 ]
The Catholic Church has criticized its priests for doctrinal diversity , including participating in and promoting the Dances of Universal Peace .[ 10 ] Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI ) dismissed Matthew Fox from the Dominican Order for his activities which include promotion of the Dances of Universal Peace . Since that time Fox went on to become a vocal critic of Ratzinger and his policies .[ 11 ]
See also
^ Segner , Dance for Peace at the UUCC , eNews Park Forest , 9 September 2008 .
^ Unitarian Universalist Association , Religious Education Curricula , The Cultural Connection .
^ a b c Cornell , Vincent J . (2007 ). Omid Safi . ed . Voices of Islam: Voices of change . Greenwood Publishing Group . pp . 181 . ISBN 027598737X . http: //books .google .com /books ?id =Tq3SFZbbj _cC &pg =PA181 &dq =%22Dances +of +Universal +Peace %22 #v =onepage &q =%22Dances %20of %20Universal %20Peace %22 &f =false .
^ a b c Westerlund , David (2004 ). Sufism in Europe and North America . Routledge . pp . 50 . ISBN 0415325919 . http: //books .google .com /books ?id =5kSesBxHNDgC &pg =PA50 &dq =%22Dances +of +Universal +Peace %22 #v =onepage &q =%22Dances %20of %20Universal %20Peace %22 &f =false .
^ Stoehr , How to reclaim the historic role of art in expressing spirituality , Charleston City Paper , August 13 , 2008 .
^ Potter , Richard N . (2004 ). "11 " . Authentic Spirituality: The Direct Path to Consciousness . Llewellyn Worldwide . pp . 158 . ISBN 0738704423 ,. http: //books .google .com /books ?id =V -xlmLlMEbIC &pg =PA157 &dq =%22Dances +of +Universal +Peace %22 #v =onepage &q =%22Dances %20of %20Universal %20Peace %22 &f =false .
^ Mijares , Sharon G . (2002 ). Modern Psychology and Ancient Wisdom: Psychological Healing Practices . Routledge . pp . 163 . ISBN 0789017520 . http: //books .google .com /books ?id =gnqfk5QUYd0C &pg =PA163 &dq =%22Dances +of +Universal +Peace %22 #v =onepage &q =%22Dances %20of %20Universal %20Peace %22 &f =false .
^ The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA ) uses the DUP songbook , Important Resources , in its religious curricula .
^ Dances of Universal Peace International
^ Jane Gross , Discipline and Silence for a 'New Age ' Priest , The New York Times , Friday , October 21 , 1988 . Retrieved 21 September 2009 .
^ Rev . Dr . Matthew Fox , 22 Questions for Cardinal Ratzinger and the Silver Lining in the Election of this first Grand Inquisitor as Pope , 2005 .
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