

Endogamy is the practice of marrying within a social group. Cultures who practice endogamy require marriage between specified social groups, classes, or ethnicities. A Danish endogamist would require marriage only to other Danes. Just about any accepted social grouping may provide a boundary for endogamy. Despite the fact that many people tend to marry members of their own social group, there are some groups that practice endogamy very strictly as an inherent part of their moral values, traditions or religious beliefs. The caste system in India is based on an order of (predominantly) endogamous groups and its formation has been suggestedFact|date=July 2008 to have originated from the social organization of endogamous groups.

Endogamy encourages group affiliation and bonding. Endogamy is a common practice among displanted cultures attempting to make roots in new countries as it encourages group solidarity and ensures greater control over group resources (which may be important to preserve where a group is attempting to establish itself within an alien culture). It helps minorities survive over a long time in societies with other practices and beliefs. Famous examples of strictly endogamous religious groups are the Yazidi in Northern Iraq (under Islamic majority), Turkmens and Armenians in Iran, Orthodox Jews, Old Order Amish, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Parsi of India (a non-Hindu minority in India). Fifty or sixty years ago in the US, the Catholic Church was successful at keeping its people marrying within the Catholic community, where at one time ethnic and national groups did not marry out. Since the 1960s, that has been changing as well. The isolationist practices of endogamy may lead to a group's extinction rather than its survival.Fact|date=February 2008 For instance, while long serving to preserve their religion, the Samaritans' practice of endogamy now threatens this community. Refusal to intermarry, in conjunction with their non-acceptance of converts, has led the population of this ethnic group to decrease to fewer than one thousand. Such a small gene pool has contributed to genetic disease within the community.

Endogamy also plays an important role in social stratification. It can refer to different social factors such as occupations, activities, or education. This type of social endogamy is very apparent in the United States because occupations have become a chief form of social networking for many after college.Fact|date=July 2008. For instance, actors and actresses generally marry or bond with people in a similar industryFact|date=July 2008. These relationships are created in part because work is the basic way in which people meet each other. They may often feel more connections with someone with similar interests who understands the same world.

Class endogamy affects social mobility. Business connections also frequently follow this pattern. Top executives can pave the way for their offspring to follow a similar path in their business or field. Elite families generally contribute to endogamy within big business. This produces social links that are carried forward and keep certain groups restrictive. There have been such rapid changes in business and technology, however, that new fields open up where people of achievement can create new hierarchies. Professions also establish endogamy. A child growing with doctor parents, for instance, learns to be at home in that world and is likely to choose a similar education and career. A son or daughter of a famous actor or musician has a much greater chance of becoming successful compared to the son or daughter of an average American worker. This is because the parents have connections in the business and can easily share them. [Brudner, Lilyan A., and Douglas R. White. " [http://eclectic.ss.uci.edu/~drwhite/T&S/BrudnerWhite1997Convert.pdf Class, Property, and Structural Endogamy: Visualizing Networked Histories] ." University of California, Irvine. Academic Publisher, 1997. 1-48. 14 Nov. 2007.]

Greek organizations at many universities in the United States are a good example of endogamy. Members generally date within these organizationsFact|date=July 2008. This is fostered by special events held exclusively between Greek organizations. Being a member of these groups creates social bonds that may be continued through ones life. Obtaining a job could be eased by such a connection. Fact|date=July 2008.

Endogamy causes groups to be less diversified because of the desire to stay within ones social group. For example, the percentage of interracial marriages in the United States is small compared to all marriages. With increased ethnic diversity and changing social attitudes among many people, younger people are entering into such marriages more often, also because they have more opportunity at college and work to meet people of different ethnic backgrounds but similar class and occupational connections. [Belding, Theodore C. " [http://www-personal.umich.edu/~streak/papers/endogamy-20040517.pdf Nobility and Stupidity: Modeling the Evolution of Class Endogamy] ." University of Michigan. 2004. 1-25. 7 Nov. 2007.]

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  • Endogamy — En*dog a*my, n. Marriage only within the tribe; a custom restricting a man in his choice of a wife to the tribe to which he belongs; opposed to {exogamy}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • endogamy — endogamy. См. эндогамия. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • endogamy — 1865, from endogamous (1865); for which see ENDO (Cf. endo ) + GAMETE (Cf. gamete) …   Etymology dictionary

  • endogamy — [en däg′ə mē] n. [ ENDO + GAMY] 1. the custom of marrying only within one s own group, as a clan, tribe, etc.; inbreeding: opposed to EXOGAMY 2. self pollination among flowers of the same plant endogamous adj. endogamic [en΄dō gam′ik] …   English World dictionary

  • endogamy — endogamous, endogamic /en doh gam ik/, adj. /en dog euh mee/, n. marriage within a specific tribe or similar social unit. Cf. exogamy (def. 1). [1860 65; ENDO + GAMY] * * * ▪ sociology also called  in marriage        custom enjoining one to marry …   Universalium

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  • endogamy — noun Date: 1865 marriage within a specific group as required by custom or law • endogamous adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • endogamy — n. [Gr. endon, within; gamos, marriage] Inbreeding; sexual reproduction in which mating partners are closely related; see exogamy, autogamy …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • endogamy — noun The practice of marrying or requiring to marry within one’s own ethnic, religious, or social group. Ant: exogamy See Also: endogamous …   Wiktionary

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