- Purple World
Purple World (sometimes spelled as Purpleworld, PRPLWRLD) is an
Australian electronic music act based inMelbourne , Victoria.The key member is Jon Holdsworth, although the band has worked with many people from the Melbourne electronic music scene over the years, both helping with production and being assisted in production.They had a hit single with their track "Dawn" in 1996-1997Fact|date=February 2007, and have appeared in one form or another on various compilations and worked with some of Melbourne's better known electronic musicians and artists. Other entities associated with PurpleWorld include the
Clan Analogue Australian electronic arts collective, of whoseMelbourne chapter Holdsworth spent some time as an organiser, and various Melbourne based bands including Motionless Scene, ZOG, DoSE, and lately NerfCore.Influences
The band has used many different kinds of instruments including treated acoustic instruments and vocals, samples, and digital and analog synthesized sounds. Purple World tends to record digitally and have in recent years leaned progressively more and more towards software based synthesis.
Purple World's music is
electro pop in feel and is heavily sequencer based but pays attention to texture, often "hiding" sounds in the background so they are not noticed until after several listenings. They have been described as being reminiscent of the acts that influence them, includingKlaus Schulze ,Tangerine Dream and Scottish groupBoards of Canada .The band often changes completely when working with other acts, veering from dark moods and approaches similar to those of the British band
Massive Attack , through textured ambience informed by influences such asBrian Eno , to stark violent electronic rhythm and percussion compositions along the lines ofFront 242 .External links
* [http://www.purpleworldmusic.com/ Purple World main site]
* [http://zog.net.au/ ZOG site]
*(Not to be confused with the Polish fan club [http://dp.netglob.com.pl] of the British rock groupDeep Purple ).
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