Marci Segal

Marci Segal

Marci Segal is recognized for contributions to the fields of creativity and psychology. Her principles of creative studies and personality type helps people in organizations develop a "best work" environment honoring individual differences and leveraging commonalities including personal and interpersonal elements, behaviors, process, tools and methods for engagement in new thinking.

Marci began studying creativity in 1977 as an undergraduate minor and also holds a masters degree in Creativity and Change Leadership from the International Center for Studies in Creativity the State University of New York College at Buffalo. She is the first Canadian to hold this designation. Her undergraduate major was in cultural anthropology.

Marci has been a senior faculty member at the Creative Problem Solving Institute (since 1980), an MBTI instrument qualifying instructor (19932006) and sessional faculty at the Ontario College of Art and Design (2006-7). She sits on the board of the American Creativity Association, is a member of the World Future Society, is co-founder of World Creativity and Innovation Week April 1521 and life member of the Creative Education Foundation.

Her consultancy, creativityland inc was founded in 1984 in Toronto, Canada.



  • 1995Commitment and Service Award Creative Education Foundation
  • 2000Distinguished Leader Award for exemplary leadership in the field of creativity by the Creative Education Foundation
  • 2003Inspired Leader Award for co-founding World Creativity and Innovation Week, April 1521 by the Creative Education Foundation
  • 2009Alumni Achievement Award, International Center for Studies in Creativity, State University of New York College at Buffalo Buffalo, New York
  • 2010Excellence in Innovation Award, International India Innovation Summit, Mumbai, India



  • 2001 Creativity and Personality Type: Tools for Understanding and Inspiring The Many Voices of Creativity by Marci Segal. Pages: 153. Telos Publications. ISBN 0-9664624-0-8
  • 2002 Quick Guide to the 16 Personality Types in Organizations by Marci Segal and others. Pages 44. Telos Publications. ISBN 0-9712144-1-7
  • 2003 Quick Guide to the Four Temperaments and Creativity: A psychological understanding of innovation by Marci Segal. Pages: 40. Telos Publications. ISBN 0-9712144-3-3.


  • Another Look At Creativity Styles: Reporting On Research and A New Question by Marci Segal (Subject: Creativity)
  • Using the Eight Functions to Prepare and Give MBTI Step II One on One Feedback Sessions by Marci Segal (Subjects: MBTI Step II, Assessments / Measurement, Jung's Cognitive Processes, Myers-Briggs)
  • Valuing Diversity and Creativity for Innovation by Marci Segal (Subjects: Creativity)
  • Why Type Knowledgeable Ideation Facilitators are More Successful Helping People Achieve Breakthroughs by Marci Segal (Subjects: Creativity, Idea-Generating)

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