- Vertex cover problem
computer science , the vertex cover problem or node cover problem is anNP-complete problem and was one ofKarp's 21 NP-complete problems . It is often used in complexity theory to prove NP-hardness of more complicated problems.Definition
A vertex cover for an undirected graph G = (V, E) is a subset S of its vertices such that each edge has at least one endpoint in S.In other words, for each edge "ab" in "E", one of "a" or "b" must be an element of "S".
Example: In the graph on the right, 1,3,5,6} is an example of a vertex cover of size 4. However, it is not a smallest vertex cover since there exist vertex covers of size 3, such as 2,4,5} and 1,2,4}.
The vertex cover problem is the
optimization problem of finding a smallest vertex cover in a given graph.:INSTANCE: Graph G.:OUTPUT: Smallest number k such that there is a vertex cover S for G of size k.Equivalently, the problem can be stated as adecision problem ::INSTANCE: Graph G and positive integer k.:QUESTION: Is there a vertex cover S for G of size at most k?Vertex cover is closely related to the
Independent Set problem . A set of vertices S is a vertex cover if and only if its complement ar S = V setminus S is an independent set. It follows that a graph with n vertices has a vertex cover of size k if and only if the graph has an independent set of size n-k. In this sense, the two problems are dual to each other.Tractability
The decision variant of the vertex cover problem is
NP-complete , which means it is unlikely that there is an efficient algorithm to solve it exactly. NP-completeness can be proven by reduction from 3-satisfiability (see image on the right) or, as Karp did, by reduction from theclique problem . Vertex cover remains NP-complete even incubic graph s [Citation|first1=M. R.|last1=Garey|author1-link=Michael R. Garey|author2-link=David S. Johnson|last2=Johnson|first2=D. S.|last3=Stockmeyer|first3=L.|contribution-url=http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=803884|contribution=Some simplified NP-complete problems|title=Proceedings of the sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing|pages=47–63|year=1974] and even inplanar graph s of degree at most 3 [cite journal|first=M. R.|last=Garey|authorlink=Michael R. Garey|coauthors=D. S. Johnson|title=The rectilinear Steiner tree problem is NP-complete|journal=SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics|pages=826–834|year=1977|volume=32|number=4|doi=10.1137/0132071] .For
bipartite graph s, the equivalence between vertex cover and maximum matching described by König's theorem allows the bipartite vertex cover problem to be solved inpolynomial time .Fixed-Parameter Tractability
Despite the fact that vertex cover is NP-complete, a
brute force algorithm can solve the problem in time 2^{mathcal O(k)} n^{mathcal O(1)}. Vertex cover is thereforefixed-parameter tractable , and if we are only interested in small k, we can solve the problem in polynomial time. The strategy of the brute force algorithm is to choose some vertex and recursively branch, with two cases at each step: place either the current vertex or all its neighbors into the vertex cover. Under reasonable complexity-theoretic assumptions, this running time cannot be improved to 2^{o(k)} n^{mathcal O(1)}.For
planar graph s, however, a vertex cover of size k "can" be found in time 2^{mathcal O(sqrt{k})} n^2, i.e., the problem is subexponentialfixed-parameter tractable . This algorithm is again optimal, in the sense that, under the same complexity-theoretic assumptions, no algorithm can solve vertex cover on planar graphs in time 2^{o(sqrt{k})} n^{mathcal O(1)}.cite book
author = Flum, J.
coauthors = Grohe, M.
year = 2006
title = Parameterized Complexity Theory
publisher = Springer
url = http://www.springer.com/east/home/generic/search/results?SGWID=5-40109-22-141358322-0
isbn = 978-3-540-29952-3]Approximability
One can find a factor-2 approximation by repeatedly taking "both" endpoints of an edge into the vertex cover, then removing them from the graph. No better constant-factor approximation is known; the problem is APX-complete, i.e., it cannot be approximated arbitrarily well. More precisely, minimum vertex cover is known to be approximable within
:2 - Theta left( frac{1}{sqrt{log |V| ight)
for a given V geq 2 [George Karakostas. [http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~gk/papers/vc.pdf A better approximation ratio for the Vertex Cover problem] . ECCC Report, TR04-084, 2004.] but cannot be approximated within a factor of 1.3606 for any sufficiently large vertex degree unless P=NP. [I. Dinur and S. Safra. [http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~dinuri/mypapers/vc.pdf On the Hardness of Approximating Minimum Vertex-Cover] . Annals of Mathematics, 162(1):439-485, 2005. (Preliminary version in STOC 2002, titled "On the Importance of Being Biased").]
Although finding the minimum-size vertex cover is equivalent to finding the maximum-size independent set, as described above, the two problems are not equivalent in the sense of approximation. The Independent Set problem has no constant-factor approximation unless P=NP.
See also
covering (graph theory)
*Hitting set , a natural generalization of vertex cover to hypergraphsReferences
Further References
* A1.1: GT1, pg.190.
*Thomas H. Cormen ,Charles E. Leiserson ,Ronald L. Rivest , andClifford Stein . "Introduction to Algorithms ", Second Edition. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0-262-03293-7. Section 35.1, pp.1024–1027.External links
* [http://www.nada.kth.se/~viggo/wwwcompendium/node10.html A compendium of NP optimization problems]
* [http://www.nlsde.buaa.edu.cn/~kexu/benchmarks/graph-benchmarks.htm Challenging Benchmarks for Maximum Clique, Maximum Independent Set, Minimum Vertex Cover and Vertex Coloring]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.