Shmuel Safra

Shmuel Safra

name = Shmuel Safra

image_width = 150px
caption = Shmuel Safra
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field = Computer Science, Complexity Theory
work_institution = Tel Aviv University
alma_mater = Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Science 1990
doctoral_advisor = Amir Pnueli
doctoral_students =
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prizes = Gödel Prize
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Shmuel Safra is a Professor of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University, Israel. Born in Jerusalem.

Safra's research areas include Complexity Theory and Automata Theory. His work in Complexity Theory includes the classification of approximation problems ---showing them NP-Hard even for weak factors of approximation--- and the theory of Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCP) and the PCP theorem, which gives stronger characterizations of the class NP, via a membership proof that can be verified reading only a constant number of its bits.

His work on Automata Theory investigates Determinization and Complementation of Finite Automata over infinite strings, in particular, the complexity of such translation for B%C3%BCchi automaton, Streett automaton and Rabin automaton.

In 2001, Safra won the Gödel Prize in theoretical computer science for his papers "Interactive Proofs and the Hardness of Approximating Cliques" and "Probabilistic Checking of Proofs: A New Characterization of NP".

See also

* List of important publications in Computational Complexity

* Vertex Cover Problem

* Set Cover Problem

External links

* [ Muli Safra's Homepage]
* [ Computational Complexity Theory Presentations]
* [ Mathematics Genealogy Project]

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