- Stomiidae
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Astronesthes niger "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Stomiiformes
familia = Stomiidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Aristostomias " "Astronesthes " "Bathophilus " "Borostomias " "Chauliodus " "Chirostomias " "Echiostoma " "Eupogonesthes " "Eustomias " "Flagellostomias " "Grammatostomias " "Heterophotus " "Idiacanthus " "Leptostomias " "Malacosteus " "Melanostomias " "Neonesthes " "Odontostomias " "Opostomias " "Pachystomias " "Photonectes " "Photostomias " "Rhadinesthes " "Stomias " "Tactostoma " "Thysanactis " "Trigonolampa " See text for speciesStomiidae is a family of deep-sea
ray-finned fish including the barbeled dragonfishes, stareaters (in thesubfamily Malacosteinae ) the loosejaws.Species
There are 277 species in 27 genera:
* Genus "Aristostomias "
** "Aristostomias grimaldii " Zugmayer, 1913.
** "Aristostomias lunifer " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Aristostomias polydactylus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
**Shiny loosejaw , "Aristostomias scintillans " (Gilbert, 1915).
** "Aristostomias tittmanni " Welsh, 1923.
** "Aristostomias xenostoma " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
* Genus "Astronesthes "
** "Astronesthes atlanticus " Parin & Borodulina, 1996.
** "Astronesthes bilobatus " Parin & Borodulina, 1996.
** "Astronesthes boulengeri " Gilchrist, 1902.
** "Astronesthes caulophorus " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
** "Astronesthes chrysophekadion " (Bleeker, 1849).
** "Astronesthes cyaneus " (Brauer, 1902).
** "Astronesthes cyclophotus " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
** "Astronesthes decoratus " Parin & Borodulina, 2002.
** "Astronesthes dupliglandis " Parin & Borodulina, 1997.
** "Astronesthes exsul " Parin & Borodulina, 2002.
** "Astronesthes fedorovi " Parin & Borodulina, 1994.
** "Astronesthes formosana " Liao et al., 2006.
** "Astronesthes galapagensis " Parin, Borodulina & Hulley, 1999.
** Snaggletooth, "Astronesthes gemmifer " Goode & Bean, 1896.
** "Astronesthes gibbsi " Borodulina, 1992.
** "Astronesthes gudrunae " Parin & Borodulina, 2002.
** "Astronesthes haplophos " Parin & Borodulina, 2002.
** "Astronesthes ijimai " Tanaka, 1908.
** "Astronesthes illuminatus " Parin, Borodulina & Hulley, 1999.
** "Astronesthes indicus " Brauer, 1902.
** "Astronesthes indopacificus " Parin & Borodulina, 1997.
** "Astronesthes karsteni " Parin & Borodulina, 2002.
** "Astronesthes kreffti " Gibbs & McKinney, 1988.
** "Astronesthes lamellosus " Goodyear & Gibbs, 1970.
** "Astronesthes lampara " Parin & Borodulina, 1998.
** "Astronesthes leucopogon " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
** "Astronesthes longiceps " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
** "Astronesthes lucibucca " Parin & Borodulina, 1996.
**Pacific astronesthid fish , "Astronesthes lucifer " Gilbert, 1905.
** "Astronesthes luetkeni " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
** "Astronesthes lupina " Whitley, 1941.
** "Astronesthes macropogon " Goodyear & Gibbs, 1970.
** "Astronesthes martensii " Klunzinger, 1871.
** "Astronesthes micropogon " Goodyear & Gibbs, 1970.
** "Astronesthes neopogon " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
** "Astronesthes niger " Richardson, 1845.
** "Astronesthes nigroides " Gibbs & Aron, 1960.
** "Astronesthes oligoa " Parin & Borodulina, 2002.
** "Astronesthes psychrolutes " (Gibbs & Weitzman, 1965).
** "Astronesthes quasiindicus " Parin & Borodulina, 1996.
** "Astronesthes richardsoni " (Poey, 1852).
** "Astronesthes similus " Parr, 1927.
** "Astronesthes spatulifer " Gibbs & McKinney, 1988.
** "Astronesthes splendida " Brauer, 1902.
** "Astronesthes tanibe " Parin & Borodulina, 2001.
** "Astronesthes tatyanae " Parin & Borodulina, 1998.
** "Astronesthes tchuvasovi " Parin & Borodulina, 1996.
** "Astronesthes trifibulatus " Gibbs, Amaoka & Haruta, 1984.
** "Astronesthes zetgibbsi " Parin & Borodulina, 1997.
** "Astronesthes zharovi " Parin & Borodulina, 1998.
* Genus "Bathophilus "
** "Bathophilus abarbatus " Barnett & Gibbs, 1968.
** "Bathophilus altipinnis " Beebe, 1933.
** "Bathophilus ater " (Brauer, 1902).
** "Bathophilus brevis " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Bathophilus digitatus " (Welsh, 1923).
**Sparing , "Bathophilus filifer " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
**Highfin dragonfish , "Bathophilus flemingi " Aron & McCrery, 1958.
** "Bathophilus indicus " (Brauer, 1902).
** "Bathophilus irregularis " Norman, 1930.
** "Bathophilus kingi " Barnett & Gibbs, 1968.
** "Bathophilus longipinnis " (Pappenheim, 1914).
**Scaleless dragonfish , "Bathophilus nigerrimus " Giglioli, 1882.
** "Bathophilus pawneei " Parr, 1927.
** "Bathophilus proximus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Bathophilus schizochirus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Bathophilus vaillanti " (Zugmayer, 1911).
* Genus "Borostomias "
** "Borostomias abyssorum " (Koehler, 1896).
** "Borostomias antarcticus " (Lönnberg, 1905).
** "Borostomias elucens " (Brauer, 1906).
** "Borostomias mononema " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
** "Borostomias pacificus " (Imai, 1941).
**Panama snaggletooth , "Borostomias panamensis " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
* Genus "Chauliodus "
** "Chauliodus barbatus " (Lowe, 1843).
**Dana viperfish , "Chauliodus danae " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
** "Chauliodus dentatus " Garman, 1899.
**Pacific viperfish , "Chauliodus macouni " Bean, 1890.
** "Chauliodus minimus " Parin & Novikova, 1974.
** "Chauliodus pammelas " Alcock, 1892.
** "Chauliodus schmidti " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
**Sloane's viperfish , "Chauliodus sloani " Bloch & Schneider, 1801.
** "Chauliodus vasnetzovi " Novikova, 1972.
* Genus "Chirostomias "
** "Chirostomias pliopterus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
* Genus "Echiostoma "
** "Echiostoma barbatum " Lowe, 1843.
* Genus "Eupogonesthes "
** "Eupogonesthes xenicus " Parin & Borodulina, 1993.
* Genus "Eustomias "
** "Eustomias achirus " Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1974.
** "Eustomias acinosus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias aequatorialis " Clarke, 1998.
** "Eustomias albibulbus " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias appositus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias arborifer " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias australensis " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias austratlanticus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias bertelseni " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias bibulboides " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias bibulbosus " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias bifilis " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
** "Eustomias bigelowi " Welsh, 1923.
** "Eustomias bimargaritatus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias bimargaritoides " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias binghami " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias bituberatus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias bituberoides " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias borealis " Clarke, 2000.
** "Eustomias braueri " (Regan, 1908).
** "Eustomias brevibarbatus " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias bulbiramis " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias bulbornatus " Gibbs, 1960.
** "Eustomias cancriensis " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias cirritus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias contiguus " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias crossotus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias crucis " Gibbs & Craddock, 1973.
** "Eustomias cryptobulbus " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias curtatus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias curtifilis " Clarke, 2000.
** "Eustomias danae " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
** "Eustomias decoratus " (Parin & Borodulina, 2002).
** "Eustomias dendriticus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias deofamiliaris " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias digitatus " (Welsh, 1923).
** "Eustomias dinema " Clarke, 1999.
** "Eustomias dispar " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias dubius " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias elongatus " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias enbarbatus " Welsh, 1923.
** "Eustomias filifer " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
** "Eustomias fissibarbis " (Pappenheim, 1914).
** "Eustomias flagellifer " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias furcifer " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias gibbsi " (Borodulina, 1992).
** "Eustomias grandibulbus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias hulleyi " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias hypopsilus " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias ignotus " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias inconstans " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias insularum " Clarke, 1998.
** "Eustomias intermedius " Clarke, 1998.
** "Eustomias interruptus " Clarke, 1999.
** "Eustomias ioani " Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1974.
** "Eustomias jimcraddocki " Sutton & Hartel, 2004.
** "Eustomias kreffti " (Gibbs & McKinney, 1988).
** "Eustomias lanceolatus " Clarke, 1999.
** "Eustomias leptobolus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias lipochirus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias longibarba " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias longiramis " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias macronema " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias macrophthalmus " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
** "Eustomias macrurus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias magnificus " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias medusa " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias melanonema " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias melanostigma " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias melanostigmoides " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias mesostenus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias metamelas " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias micraster " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias micropterygius " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias minimus " (Parin & Novikova, 1974).
** "Eustomias monoclonoides " Clarke, 1999.
** "Eustomias monoclonus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias monodactylus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias multifilis " Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1978.
** "Eustomias obscurus " Vaillant, 1884.
** "Eustomias orientalis " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias pacificus " (Imai, 1941).
** "Eustomias parini " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias parri " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias patulus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias paucifilis " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias paxtoni " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias perplexus " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias pinnatus " Clarke, 1999.
** "Eustomias polyaster " Parr, 1927.
** "Eustomias posti " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias precarius " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias problematicus " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias pyrifer " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias quadrifilis " Gomon & Gibbs, 1985.
** "Eustomias radicifilis " Borodin, 1930.
** "Eustomias satterleei " Beebe, 1933.
** "Eustomias schiffi " Beebe, 1932.
** "Eustomias schmidti " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
** "Eustomias silvescens " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias similis " (Parr, 1927).
** "Eustomias simplex " (Parr, 1927).
** "Eustomias spherulifer " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias suluensis " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias tenisoni " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias tetranema " Zugmayer, 1913.
** "Eustomias teuthidopsis " Gibbs, Clarke & Gomon, 1983.
** "Eustomias tomentosis " Clarke, 1998.
** "Eustomias trewavasae " Norman, 1930.
** "Eustomias triramis " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias uniramis " Clarke, 1999.
** "Eustomias variabilis " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Eustomias vitiazi " Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1974.
** "Eustomias vulgaris " Clarke, 2001.
** "Eustomias woollardi " Clarke, 1998.
** "Eustomias xenobolus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
* Genus "Flagellostomias "
** "Flagellostomias boureei " (Zugmayer, 1913).
* Genus "Grammatostomias "
** "Grammatostomias circularis " Morrow, 1959.
** "Grammatostomias dentatus " (Garman, 1899).
** "Grammatostomias flagellibarba " Holt & Byrne, 1910.
* Genus "Heterophotus "
** "Heterophotus ophistoma " Regan & Trewavas, 1929.
* Genus "Idiacanthus "
**Pacific blackdragon , "Idiacanthus antrostomus " Gilbert, 1890.
** "Idiacanthus atlanticus " (Parin & Borodulina, 1996).
**Ribbon sawtail fish , "Idiacanthus fasciola " Peters, 1877.
* Genus "Leptostomias "
** "Leptostomias analis " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Leptostomias bermudensis " Beebe, 1932.
** "Leptostomias bilobatus " (Parin & Borodulina, 1996).
** "Leptostomias gladiator " (Zugmayer, 1911).
** "Leptostomias gracilis " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Leptostomias haplocaulus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Leptostomias leptobolus " (Regan & Trewavas, 1930).
** "Leptostomias longibarba " (Parr, 1927).
**Long-threaded dragonfish , "Leptostomias macronema " (Regan & Trewavas, 1930).
** "Leptostomias macropogon " (Goodyear & Gibbs, 1970).
** "Leptostomias multifilis " (Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1978).
** "Leptostomias robustus " Imai, 1941.
* Genus "Malacosteus "
** "Malacosteus indicus " (Brauer, 1902).
**Stoplight loosejaw , "Malacosteus niger " (Ayres, 1848).
* Genus "Melanostomias "
** "Melanostomias bartonbeani " Parr, 1927.
** "Melanostomias biseriatus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Melanostomias globulifer " Fowler, 1934.
** "Melanostomias macrophotus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Melanostomias margaritifer " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Melanostomias melanopogon " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Melanostomias melanops " Brauer, 1902.
** "Melanostomias niger " (Richardson, 1845).
** "Melanostomias nigroaxialis " Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1978.
** "Melanostomias paucilaternatus " Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1978.
** "Melanostomias pauciradius " Matsubara, 1938.
** "Melanostomias pollicifer " Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1978.
** "Melanostomias stewarti " Fowler, 1934.
** "Melanostomias tentaculatus " (Regan & Trewavas, 1930).
**Valdivia black dragonfish , "Melanostomias valdiviae " Brauer, 1902.
** "Melanostomias vierecki " Fowler, 1934.
* Genus "Neonesthes "
** "Neonesthes capensis " (Gilchrist & von Bonde, 1924).
** "Neonesthes microcephalus " Norman, 1930.
* Genus "Odontostomias "
** "Odontostomias masticopogon " Norman, 1930.
** "Odontostomias micropogon " (Goodyear & Gibbs, 1970).
* Genus "Opostomias "
** "Opostomias micripnus " (Günther, 1878).
**Pitgum lanternfish , "Opostomias mitsuii " Imai, 1941.
* Genus "Pachystomias "
** "Pachystomias microdon " (Günther, 1878).
* Genus "Photonectes "
** "Photonectes achirus " (Parin & Pokhil'skaya, 1974).
** "Photonectes albipennis " (Döderlein, 1882).
** "Photonectes braueri " (Regan, 1908).
** "Photonectes caerulescens " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Photonectes dinema " (Clarke, 1999).
** "Photonectes gracilis " (Regan & Trewavas, 1930).
** "Photonectes leucospilus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Photonectes margarita " (Goode & Bean, 1896).
** "Photonectes mirabilis " Parr, 1927.
** "Photonectes munificus " Gibbs, 1968.
** "Photonectes parvimanus " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
** "Photonectes phyllopogon " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
* Genus "Photostomias "
** "Photostomias guernei " Collett, 1889.
** "Photostomias mirabilis " (Parr, 1927).
* Genus "Rhadinesthes "
** "Rhadinesthes decimus " (Zugmayer, 1911).
* Genus "Stomias "
**Günther's boafish , "Stomias affinis " Günther, 1887.
**Black-belly dragonfish , "Stomias atriventer " Garman, 1899.
**Scaly dragonfish , "Stomias boa boa " (Risso, 1810).
** "Stomias boa colubrinus " Garman, 1899.
**Boa dragonfish , "Stomias boa ferox " Reinhardt, 1842.
** "Stomias brevibarbatus " (Parr, 1927).
** "Stomias danae " (Regan & Trewavas, 1929).
** "Stomias gracilis " (Regan & Trewavas, 1930).
** "Stomias lampropeltis " Gibbs, 1969.
** "Stomias longibarbatus " (Brauer, 1902).
**Alcock's boafish , "Stomias nebulosus " Alcock, 1889.
* Genus "Tactostoma "
**Longfin dragonfish , "Tactostoma macropus " Bolin, 1939.
* Genus "Thysanactis "
** "Thysanactis dentex " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.
* Genus "Trigonolampa "
**Threelight dragonfish , "Trigonolampa miriceps " Regan & Trewavas, 1930.References
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