List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert)

List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert)

This is a List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert), for the Sonoran Desert and local environs; (S California, etc-New Mexico, S, SW or Rio Grande Valley-Northern Mexico states: Sonora, Chihuahua-and Baja California, North and South, and other states of Mexico, and locales of utahThe common names of plants often vary from region to region. Thus "Latin" names, (the binomials), for "Genus" and "species" need to be the ultimate reference to plants, but then even these names are sometimes further subdivided into "race", "variety", or other subgroups.

Many plant species have "multiple" common names. Some "See: x,y", references will be found in this list.

Some plants can be viewed at the SouthWest School of Botanical Medicine Page: [] , or [] , at Pima Community College, "Desert Ecology of Tucson, Az": [] , "Common plants of the Verde Valley", at Nature Songs: [] , "Cal Photos:" [] , [] , , [] , or, (Invasive Plant Species) [] , or []
For Example:

:A::Catclaw::(Acacia greggii)::CatclawCPh: [] :CatclawVV: [] , [] :Ajo Lily:(Desert Lily)CPh: []

:Agave, Parry's:Tucs [] :Parry's AgaveSWS: [] , [] :Arizona Poppy::(or Arizona Caltrop):Tucs [] :Arizona PoppyCPh: [] :A-10 Arrow Weed::(Marsh Fleabane):CPh []

:B::Bigelow Ragged Rock FlowerCPh: [] :Buckthorns::California BuckthornCPh: [] :California BuckthornUSDA: [] , [] , [] , Range] , CA: []

:C::CanaigreSWS: [] :Canary GrassCPh: [] :A-8Arizona CentauryUSDA: Photo [] , [] :" Chilopsis":CPh [] :Cliffbush/Jamesia: [] , [] , [] :Cliffbush/Jamesia,CPh: [] :Climbing MilkweedCPH: [] :Shrubby ColdeniaTucs: [] :Shrubby ColdeniaCPh
:(Ragwort/Groundsel):CPh [] :Creosote BushVV: [] :Bigelow's CrossomaCPh: [] :(Castela)::Crucifixion-ThornCPh /#1: [] :(Canotia)::Crucifixion-ThornVV /#2: []

:D::Dalea::Parry's DaleaTucs: []

:"Desert":Desert BroomCPh: [] , [] , [] :Desert five-spotUSDA: [] ,] , AZ: []

:Desert Holly #1/SWS: [] :Desert LavenderTucs: [] :Desert LavenderCPh: [] :Desert Milkweed::(Leafless Milkweed)SWS: [] :Desert MistletoeTucs: [] :Desert MistletoeCPh: []

:Desert SunflowerCPh: [] :Desert SunflowerUSDA: [] , [] , [] , [] :Desert TobaccoSWS
(Often 1-2 ft tall)-- [] :Desert TobaccoTucs: [] :Desert Willow::"Chilopsis linearis":CPh [] :Desert Wishbone BushCPh: []


:Devil's ClawTucs: []

:Diamond ChollaCPh: [] :Dune Primrose
:Dune (Evening) PrimroseCPh: []

:E::Mexican ElderCPh: [] :Elephant TreeCPh: [] :Elephant TreeSWS: [] , []

:F::Fiddleneck:(Amsinckia): [] :Common FiddleneckCPh: [] :Trailing Four O'clockCPh: [] :Funnel LilyCPh: []

:G::GraythornTucs: [] :(Black)- GreasewoodUSDA: [] ,] , 2: [] , [] :Fringed GromwellCPh: [] :GroundselCPh: [] :Threadleaf GroundselCPh: []

:H::Hedgehog CactusTucs: [] :HerissantiaTucs: [] :Chaparral HoneysuckleCPh: []

:Hopbush::Dodonaea viscosa::(Florida)-HopbushUSDA: [] , [] :(Linanthus demissus)::Humble GiliaCPh: []

:I::Desert IronwoodTucs: [] :Desert IronwoodCPh: []

:J::Jimson WeedSWS/
(Sacred Datura): [] :JojobaTucs: [] :JojobaSWS: [] , []

:K::Russian KnapweedCPh: [] , [] :Russian KnapweedUSDA: [] :Kofa Mountain BarberryCPh: [] , [] :Kofa Mountain BarberryUSDA: [] , []

:L::Desert LavenderTucs: [] :Desert LavenderCPh: [] :Lemmon's ButterweedUSDA: [] , [] :Limber Bush: [] , [] :Linanthus demissus::London RocketCPh: [] :London RocketUSDA: [] , []

:Lowell Ash::(Fraxinus lowelii):(Arizona Ash)VV::(Fraxinus velutina): [] , []

"A. pringlei:" [] :ManzanitaSWS:
"A. pungens:" [] :ManzanitaCPh:
"A. pungens:" []

:(Arrow Weed)::Marsh FleabaneCPh: [] :Milkweed::Climbing MilkweedCPh: [] :Rambling MilkweedTucs: []

:O::OcotilloTucs: [] :OcotilloCPh: [] :Organ Pipe CactusSWS: []

:P::Pincushion::Esteve's PincushionTucs: [] :(Esteve's) Steve's DustymaidenUSDA: [] , [] , [] :Poppy::Prickly PoppySWS: [] :Dune (Evening) PrimroseCPh: [] :Puncture VineSWS: []

:Q::Quaking AspenCPh: []

:R::(Ragwort/Groundsel)CPh: []

:"Ratany, Rhatany:":Desert RhatanySWS: [] :Range RatanyVV: [] :Range RatanyCPh
Little Leaf Ratany -- [] :White RatanyCPh: []

:S::S-1 SaguaroSWS: [] :T-5 " Senecio douglasii:"Tucs [] :Shrubby ColdeniaTucs: [] :Shrubby ColdeniaCPh
:Roundleaf SnowberryCPh: [] :Western SoapberryUSDA: [] , [] :Western SoapberryVV: [] :(Common)_SotolUSDA: [] , [] , [] , []

:Sugar SumacCPh: [] :Sugar SumacUSDA: [] , AZ: [] , [] :SycamoreTucs:
Arizona Sycamore: [] :(Salt Cedar)::TamariskNPS: [] :TamariskTucs: []

:T::Desert TobaccoSWS
(Often 1-2 ft tall)-- [] :Tree TobaccoSWS: [] :Tree of HeavenNPS: [] :Tumbleweed::(Russian Thistle)Tucs: [] :Russian ThistleCPh: []

:V::Parish ViguieraCPh: []

:W::Woolly TidestromiaUSDA: [] , [] , []

:Y::Yellow starthistle/#1CPh: []

:Yucca, BananaTucs: [] :Yucca, BananaSWS:
Yucca baccata: [] :Yucca, SoaptreeTucs: [] :Yucca, SoaptreeSWS
Yucca elata: []

:Z::Wild ZinniaTucs: []

ome categories

*Agavaceae, (Agave)-Agave
1-Golden Flowered Agave
2-Parry's Agave
3-Schott Agave
4-Agave Toumeyana
*Agavaceae, (Agave)-Dasylirion
1-Dasylirion wheeleri
*Amaranthaceae, (Amaranth)
***Desert Saltbush, Four-wing Saltbush
*Anacardiaceae, (Sumac)
1-Sugar Sumac
*Apocynaceae//Asclepiadaceae, (Milkweed)
1-Antelope Horns
2-Rush Milkweed(Leafless Milkweed)
3-Climbing Milkweed
4-Rambling Milkweed
:Funnel Lily
*Asteraceae, (Sunflower)
See: List of Asteraceae genera
Arrowweed, Broom Snakeweed
Scale Bud
Stevia, Dandelion
Desert Straw, Thurber's Stephanomeria
Spanish Needles
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Acourtia
1-Desert Holly /#1, (Desert peony)
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Baccharis
1-Seepwillow, 2-Desert Broom
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Bebbia
1-Chuckwalla's Delight
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Centaurea
1-Russian Knapweed
2-Yellow starthistle/#1
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Chaenactis-(Pincushion)
1-Fremont's Pincushion
2-Esteve's Pincushion
3-Mojave pincushion
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Geraea-(Honeysweet)
1-Desert Sunflower
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Palafoxia
1-Spanish Needles
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Pectis
1-Fetid Marigold
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Senecio
1-Threadleaf Groundsel-(=Butterweed)
2-Lemmon's Butterweed
3-New Mexico Butterweed, 4-Senecio
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Viguiera
1-Annual Goldeneye
2-Parish Viguiera
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Xanthium
1-Common Cocklebur
*Asteraceae, "Genus:" Zinnia
1-Wild Zinnia
See: List of Asteraceae genera
*Berberidaceae, (Barberry)
1-Fremont Barberry
2-Kofa Mountain Barberry
3-Red Barberry
*Bignoniaceae, (Trumpet Creeper)
**Chilopsis, ( 1 species )
*Boraginaceae, (Forget-me-not)
2-Narrow-Leaved Popcorn Flower(Cryptantha)
3-Sweet-Scented Heliotrope, 4-Salt Heliotrope(Heliotropium)
5-Fringed Gromwell(Lithospermum)
6-Shrubby Coldenia(Tiquilia), 7-Crinkle Mats(Tiquilia)
*Brassicaceae, (Mustard)
**London Rocket
*Burseraceae, (Torchwood, Incense Tree)
1-Elephant Tree-Bursera
*Buxaceae, (Box fam.)
*Caesalpinioideae, (Pea Family)
(Senna (genus)//Cassia (genus)): Desert Senna(Desert senna)
*Caprifoliaceae, (Honeysuckle)-Lonicera
*Caprifoliaceae, (Honeysuckle)-Sambucus
*Caprifoliaceae, (Honeysuckle)-Symphoricarpos
Chenopodiaceae, (Goosefoot)
Desert Holly
Four-Wing Saltbush, Little Leaf Saltbush
Russian Thistle
*(Caryophyllales)//Nyctaginaceae, (Four O'clock)
Desert Wishbone Bush, Sand-verbena
*(Caryophyllales)//Sarcobataceae, (greasewood fam.)
"Black Greasewood"
*Celastraceae, (Staff vine fam.) 1-Crucifixion Thorn /#2
*Cornales(Order)-Loasaceae, (stickleaf)
1-White-bracted Stickleaf
2-Venus Blazing Star
3-Desert Blazing Star
*Crossosomatales(order) - Crossosoma, 1-Bigelow Ragged Rock Flower, (or Bigelow's Crossoma)
*Cucurbitaceae (Gourds, etc)
1-Finger Leaf Gourd-Cucurbita
2-Buffalo Gourd-Cucurbita
3-Wild Cucumber-Marah
*Ericaceae, (Heather)-Arbutus
*Ericaceae, (Heather)-Arctostaphylos
1-Pointleaf Manzanita, (A. pungens)
2-Pringlei Manzanita, (A. pringlei)
*Fabaceae - Faboideae
*Fabaceae, (Pea family)-Dalea
1-Dalea -- 2-Emory Dalea
3-Feather Dalea -- 4-Parry Dalea
5-Scruffy Prairie Clover
6-Smoketree -- 7-Trailing Smokebush
*Fabaceae, (Pea family)-Olneya
1-Desert Ironwood
*Fabaceae - See: Leguminosae
*Gentianaceae, (Gentian)
1-Arizona Centaury or (Buckley's Centaury)
*Heliantheae, (Sunflower)
Buffalo Weed
*Hydrangeaceae, (?Hydrangea)-Jamesia
*Krameriaceae, (Ratany-Rhatany)
1-White Ratany
3-Range Ratany

*Lamiaceae-(Labiatae), (Mint)
2-Desert Lavender-Hyptis
3-Horehound-Marrubium 4-Field Mint-Mentha
5-Chia-Salvia, 6-Texas Betony-Stachys:*Chia-(Salvia columbariae)
*Leguminosae --- "Pea Family"
***Palo verdes
**Fabaceae, (Legume)
*Liliaceae, (Lily)
Allium: Desert Onion
Androstephium, Funnel Lily
Calochortus, Desert Mariposa
Dichelostemma, Blue Dicks
Hesperocallis, Ajo Lily
*Malvaceae, (Mallow and relatives)
:Arizona Desert Cotton
Desert five-spot
"Desert Globemallow"
Little Leaf Globemallow
Rock Hibiscus
*Mimosoideae, (Legume)
**Acacia, Acacia greggii
***Prosopis, Mesquite
:::Honey Mesquite, Screwbean Mesquite
Velvet Mesquite, (Common Mesquite)
*Nyctaginaceae, (Four-O'clock)
1-Sand-verbena-Abronia (plant)
2-Trailing Four O'clock-Allionia
*Oleaceae, (Olive)-Forestiera
1-New Mexican Forestiera
2-Desert Olive
*Oleaceae, (Olive)-Fraxinus
1-Lowell Ash
2-Velvet Ash
*Oleaceae, (Olive)-Menodora
1-Yellow Menodora
*Onagraceae, (Evening Primrose)-Calylophus
1-Hartweg Evening Primrose
*Onagraceae, (Evening Primrose)-Oenothera
1-Dune Primrose
*Papaveraceae, (Poppy)
1-Bluestem Pricklepoppy-Argemone
2-Mexican Gold Poppy-Eschscholzia
3-Little Gold Poppy-Eschscholzia
4-Cream Cups-Platystemon
**Pinyon Pine
*Platanus, (Sycamore)
*Poaceae, (true grasses)
*Polemoniaceae, (Phlox)
:Broad Leaved Gilia
Linanthus demissus(Humble Gilia or Desert Snow)
see also: Arizona firecracker

*Polygonaceae, (Buckwheat, Knotweed):Canaigre Dock, Desert trumpet
Rigid Spiny Herb
*Ranunculaceae, (Buttercups, etc.):*Barestem Larkspur, Desert Anemone
*Rhamnaceae, (Buckthorn)-Frangula(=Rhamnus)
1-Birchleaf Buckthorn
2-California Buckthorn/Rhamnus californica
*Rosaceae, (Rose)-Rubus
New Mexican Raspberry
Red Raspberry
*Ruscaceae, (?Dasylirion)-Dasylirion
1-Common Sotol("Dasylirion_wheeleri"),
or: Desert_Spoon
*Salicaceae, (Willow)-Populus
1-Narrowleaf Cottonwood
2-Fremont Cottonwood
3-Quaking Aspen
*Salicaceae, (Willow)-Salix
1-Bonpland Willow
2-Coyote Willow
3-Goodding Willow
*Sapindaceae, (Soapberry)-Dodonaea-(Dodonaea)
1-Dodonaea viscosa-(Florida)-Hopbush
*Sapindaceae, (Soapberry)-Sapindus-(Wingleaf Soapberry)
1-Western Soapberry
*Sapotaceae, (Sapote, Sapodilla)
1-Gum Bumelia-Bumelia
*"Category" :" "Shrub".
Note: " * " can also develop into tree form.
**"Artemisia (plant)" (Sagebrush)
**"Berberis" (Barberry)
**"Cotinus" (Smoketree) *
**"Cowania" (Cliffrose) "Now:" Purshia
**"Ephedra" (Ephedra)
***Mormon Tea
**"Fallugia" (Apache Plume)
**"Genista" (Broom) *
**"Juniperus" (Juniper) *
**"Lycium" (Boxthorn)
**"Mahonia" (Mahonia)
***Fremont Barberry - "Mahonia fremontii"
***Kofa Mountain Barberry
**"Purshia" (Antelope Bush)
**"Quercus" (Oak) *
**"Salix" (Willow) *
**"Salvia" (Sage)
**"Sambucus" (Elder/(Elderberry)) *
**"Simmondsia" (Jojoba)
***Jojoba - "Simmondsia chinensis"
**"Tamarix" (Tamarix) *
**"Viscum" (Mistletoe)
**"Yucca" (Yucca, Joshua tree) *
**"Ziziphus" (Buckthorn Fam: Rhamnaceae)

1-Tree of heaven, 2-Crucifixion Thorn
*Solanaceae, (Nightshade)-Datura
1-Jimson Weed-(Sacred Datura)
*Solanaceae, (Nightshade)-Nicotiana
1-Desert Tobacco, 2-Tree Tobacco
*Zygophyllaceae, (Caltrop)
1-Fagonia, 2-Arizona Caltrop
3-Creosote bush
4-Puncture Vine(Goatheads)-Tribulus terrestris

Example: (Nicotiana glauca); the "Genus, species" name, the binomial is the wiki page for this species.

Note: the following tagged items are the items for each Alphabetical letter, for example, for A: "(A-1)" through "(A-last)". The exceptions are: the "Agaves, mesquites, palo verdes, sycamores, willows, and yuccas." (about 12 entrants)- Total page entrants about 111 plus 12. (April 15, 2006)

"Note:" (LCRV)–tagged, Found in "Lower Colorado River Valley" (in the South at 100 feet ASL(Above Sea Level), or greater).



*Abronia (plant) - Sand-verbena
See: List of Acacia species
*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV- (Acacia greggii) - Catclaw Acacia
Catclaw acacia, Gregg's Catclaw
Devil's Claw
Wait-a-Minute Tree, Paradise Flower
Wait-a-bit Tree:*Catclaw Acacia - "Acacia greggii"
*Agave - Agave :*Lechuguilla - "Agave lechuguilla"
Maguey lechuguilla::"(-" 2 "-) "Parry's Agave::"(-" 3 "-) "Schott's Agave::"(-" 4.1 "-) "Toureyana Agave:**See: Agavaceae

*Ailanthus, tree - See: Tree of heaven
*Ajamete - Rush Milkweed
*"(-" 4 "-) " LCRV-Ajo Lily - "Hesperocallis undulata"
Desert Lily
Ajo Lily, Ajo silvestre(="Garlic wild")
See: Agavaceae
*Ajo silvestre - Ajo Lily
*Akeake - Dodonaea viscosa
*Alamillo - Quaking Aspen
*Algaroba - Velvet Mesquite/Prosopis velutina
*Algondoncillo - Arizona Desert Cotton
*Allionia (Trailing Alliona) - Trailing Four O'clock
*Amapola del Campo - Mexican Gold Poppy
*American Mistletoe - See: Desert Mistletoe
*"(-" 5 "-) "Annual Goldeneye - "Viguiera annua"
Annual Goldeneye, Parish's Goldeneye, Parish Goldeneye
Annual Viguiera
See: Viguiera, Asteraceae
*Annual Viguiera - Annual Goldeneye
*"(-" 6 "-) "Antelope Horns - "Asclepias asperula"
Antelope Horns, Spider Antelope Horns
See: Asclepiadaceae, Asclepias
*Apricot Mallow - Desert Globemallow
*"-- ARIZONA --"
*"(-" 7 "-) "Arizona Caltrop - "Kallstroemia grandiflora"
Arizona Caltrop, Arizona Poppy
Orange Caltrop
Summer Poppy
See: Kallstroemia, Zygophyllaceae
*"(-" 8 "-) " LCRV-Arizona Centaury - "Centaurium calycosum"
Arizona Centaury, Buckley's Centaury
Canchalagua, Rosita
See: Gentianaceae, Centaurium
*"(-" 9 "-) "(Arizona) Desert Cotton - "Gossypium thurberi"
Arizona Desert Cotton
Desert Cotton, Wild Cotton
Algondoncillo ("little cotton")
See: Malvaceae
*Arizona Elder - Mexican Elder
*Arizona Ironwood - Ironwood_(=Desert Ironwood)
*Arizona Poppy - Arizona Caltrop
*Arizona Sycamore - "Platanus wrightii"
See: Sycamore
*"-- ARIZONA --"
*"(-" 10 "-) " LCRV-Arrowweed:*Arrowweed - "Tessaria sericea":*See: List of Asteraceae genera
*"(-" 11 "-) "Aspen -(?In the Sky islands of SE Ariz)
See: "Quaking Aspen"
*Aspen - Quaking Aspen
*Athel Tamarisk - "Tamarix aphylla"
See: Tamarix


*Banana yucca - "Yucca baccata"
*"(-" 1 "-) "Barberry - Fremont Barberry
*"(-" 2 "-) "Barestem Larkspur - "Delphinium scaposum"
Barestem Larkspur, Tall Mountain Larkspur
Wild Delphinium, Naked Delphinium
See: Delphinium, Ranunculaceae
*Barnaby Thistle - Yellow Star Thistle
*Basket Evening Primrose - Dune Primrose
*Bearberry - See: Manzanita, (Pungens)
*Beavertail Cactus - "Opuntia basilaris"
*Bebbia - Chuckwalla's Delight
*Bedstraw Milkweed - Rush Milkweed
*"(-" 3 "-) "Bermuda grass - "Cynodon dactylon":*See: Cynodon dactylon for common names (8).
*"(-" 4 "-) "Bigelow Ragged Rock Flower - "Crossosoma bigelovii" -
Bigelow Ragged Rock Flower
Bigelow's Crossosoma
Rock Crossosoma
See: Crossosoma
*Bigelow's Crossosoma - Bigelow Ragged Rock Flower
*Birdcage Evening Primrose - Dune Primrose
*Bitterbrush - Cliffrose
*Black Greasewood - See: Greasewood
*"(-" 5 "-) "Blackberry - "Rubus" spp., "Rubus pensilvanicus", "Rubus occidentalis"
Local introduction (in mountains)
*Bladderstem - Desert trumpet
*Blazing Star - Desert Blazing Star
*Blue Elderberry - Mexican Elder
*Blue Palo Verde - Palo verde
*"(-" 6 "-) "Blue Phacelia - "Phacelia distans"
See: Boraginaceae
See: List of Phacelia Species
*Blue Yucca - Banana yucca
*"(-" 7? "-) "Boojum tree - "Fouquieria columnaris:*See: Ocotillo
*"(-" 8 "-) " LCRV-Bluestem Pricklepoppy - "Argemone pleiacantha"
Bluestem Pricklepoppy
Prickly Poppy, Thistle Poppy
Cowboy's Fried Egg
See: Argemone, Papaveraceae
*Bonpland Willow - See: Willow
*Boxelder - "Acer negundo"
*Branched Pencil Cholla - Diamond Cholla
*"(-" 9 "-) " LCRV-Brittlebush - "Encelia farinosa":*Brittlebush - "Encelia":*See: "Encelia farinosa"
*Broad Leaved Chaenactis - Esteve's Pincushion
*"(-" 10 "-) "Broad Leaved Gilia - "Gilia latifolia"
Broad Leaved Gilia
See: Gilia, Polemoniaceae
*Broom Baccharis - Desert Broom
*"(-" 11 "-) "Broom Snakeweed - "Gutierrezia microcephala":*See: Asteraceae:*See: List of Asteraceae genera
*Buckley's Centaury - Arizona Centaury
*(California)-Buckthorn - See: California Buckthorn
*"(-" 12 "-) "Buffalo Gourd - "Cucurbita foetidissima"
See: See: Cucurbita, Cucurbitaceae:*See also: Finger Leaf Gourd
*"(-" 13 "-) "Buffalo Weed - "Ambrosia trifida"
See: Ambrosia, Heliantheae
*Bullet Stick Leaf - Desert Blazing Star
*Bull Head - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*"(-" 14 "-) "Bulrush - Schoenoplectus
*"(-" 15 "-) "Bulrush - Scirpus:*California Bulrush - Scirpus californicus"
*Bulrush:*Bulrush, (=Tule) - Schoenoplectus
*Bush Senecio - Threadleaf Groundsel
*Butterweed - Threadleaf Groundsel


*"(-" 1 "-) "California Buckthorn - "Rhamnus californica" /"Frangula californica"
California Buckthorn
Coffeeberry, California Coffeeberry
See: Rhamnus, Frangula, Rhamnaceae
*California Bulrush - "Scirpus californicus":*See: Bulrush
*California Chia - Chia
*California Coffeeberry - California Buckthorn
*Caltrop - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*"(-" 2 "-) "Canaigre - "Rumex hymenosepalus"
Canaigre, Canaigre Dock
Desert Rhubarb, Wild Rhubarb
See: Rumex, Polygonaceae
*Canaigre Dock - Canaigre
*"(-" 3 "-) "Canarygrass - "Phalaris (grass)"
*Canchalagua - Arizona Centaury
*Cane Cholla - "Opuntia imbricata"
*(Cassia covesii) - See: (Senna covesii)
*Castela - Crucifixion Thorn /#1
*"(-" 4 "-) "Cattails - Typha:*Cattails - "Typha latifolia"
*Centaury - Arizona Centaury
*Chacate - White Ratany, or Range Ratany
*(Chaenactis xantiana) - Mojave pincushion:*Mojave pincushion, Xantu's pincushion
"See: Pincushions"
*Chainlink Cactus - Cane Cholla
*"(-" 5 "-) "Chaparral Honeysuckle - "Lonicera interrupta"
Chaparral Honeysuckle
See: Lonicera, Caprifoliaceae
*Chaparral Sumac - Sugar Sumac
*Cherioni - Western Soapberry
*"(-" 6 "-) "Chia - "Salvia columbariae"
Chia, California Chia
Desert Sage
Desert Chia
See: Lamiaceae, Salvia columbariae, Salvia
*Chicalote - Bluestem Pricklepoppy
*Chico - Chicobush
*Chicobush - See: Greasewood
*"(-" 7 "-) "(Chilopsis) - {Desert-Willow}
Chilopsis - Chilopsis linearis
*Chinese Parsley - Salt Heliotrope
*Chittamwood - Gum Bumelia
*"Cholla cacti" - See: Opuntia
"Prickly Pear cacti" - See: Opuntia
*Cholla Diamante - Diamond Cholla
*"(-" 8 "-) " LCRV-Chuckwalla's Delight - "Bebbia juncea"
Chuckwalla's Delight
See: Bebbia, Asteraceae
*"(-" 9 "-) " LCRV-Chuparosa - "Justicia californica"
See: Justicia, Acanthaceae
*Cliffbush - Cliffbush/Jamesia
*"(-" 10 "-) "Cliffbush/Jamesia - "Jamesia americana"
See: Hydrangeaceae, Jamesia
*"(-" 11 "-) "Cliff-rose - Purshia:*Arizona Cliffrose - Purshia integra:*Bitterbrush:*Cliffrose - Purshia integra:*Desert Bitterbrush
*"(-" 12 "-) "Climbing Milkweed - "Sarcostemma cynanchoides"- "Funastrum cynanchoides"
Climbing Milkweed
See: Apocynaceae//Asclepiadaceae, Sarcostemma, Funastrum
See also: Rambling Milkweed (photo)
*Coachwhip - Ocotillo
*Coast Fiddleneck - Fiddleneck
*"(-" 13 "-) " LCRV-Cocklebur - Xanthium:*Cocklebur - Xanthium spinosum
*Coffeeberry /#2 - California Buckthorn
*Coffeeberry /#1- Jojoba
*Coffee-Bush - Jojoba
*Cola de Mico - Salt Heliotrope
*Common Fiddleneck - Fiddleneck
*Common Mesquite - Velvet Mesquite/Prosopis velutina
*Common Mullein - Mullein:*Common Mullein - "Verbascum thapsus"
*"(-" 14 "-) "(Common) Sotol - "Dasylirion wheeleri"
Common Sotol, Sotol
Desert Spoon, Common Spoon
See: Dasylirion, Ruscaceae
*Common Spoon - Common Sotol
*Copal - Elephant Tree
*Copal Tree - Tree of heaven
*Corona de Cristo - Crucifixion Thorn /#1
*"(-" 15 "-) " LCRV- Cottonwood - Populus fremontii
See: Populus
*Cove Senna - Desert senna
*Cowboy's Fried Egg - Bluestem Pricklepoppy
*Coyote Willow - =Sandbar Willow
*Coyote Willow - "Salix exigua"
See: Willow
*Creek Senecio - Threadleaf Groundsel
*"(-" 16 "-) " LCRV-Creosote bush - "Larrea tridentata"
Creosote bush
Hediondilla, Little Stinker
See: Larrea, Zygophyllaceae
*"(-" 17 "-) " LCRVCrinkle Mats - "Tiquilia plicata" ("Coldenia plicata")
Fanleaf crinklemat
Crinkle Mats, Plicate Coldenia
See: Tiquilia, Boraginaceae
*Crown-of-Thorns - Crucifixion Thorn /#2
*"(-" 18 "-) "Crucifixion Thorn /#1- "Castela emoryi"("Holacantha emoryi")
Crucifixion Thorn
Corona de Cristo, Rosario
See: Castela, Holacantha, Simaroubaceae
*"(-" 19 "-) "Crucifixion Thorn /#2 - "Canotia holocantha"
Crucifixion Thorn /#2
See: Canotia, Celastraceae


*Dais - Desert senna
*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV-Dandelion - "Taraxacum officinale"
Dandelion, Common Dandelion
See: Taraxacum (genus), Asteraceae
*Deernut - Jojoba

*"-- DESERT --"

*"(-" 2 "-) "Desert Anemone - "Anemone tuberosa"
Desert Anemone, Desert Windflower
See: Anemone, Ranunculaceae
*Desert Bitterbrush - Cliffrose
*"(-" 3 "-) " LCRV-Desert Blazing Star - "Mentzelia pumila"(Velcro-stick leaves)
Desert Blazing Star, Blazing Star
Bullet Stick Leaf, Yellow Mentzelia
Evening Star, Moonflower
See: Mentzelia, Loasaceae, (formerly: Bartonia)
*"(-" 4 "-) "Desert Broom - "Baccharis sarothroides"
Desert Broom, Mexican Broom
Broom Baccharis
Rosin brush
Hierba del Pasmo
See: Baccharis, Asteraceae
*Desert Chia - Chia
*Desert Cotton - Arizona Desert Cotton
*Desert Elderberry - Mexican Elder
*"(-" 5 "-) " LCRV-Desert five-spot - "Eremalche rotundifolia"
See: Eremalche, Malvaceae
*"-- DESERT --"
*"(-" 6 "-) " LCRV-Desert Globemallow - "Sphaeralcea ambigua"
Globemallow, Desert Globemallow
Desert Mallow, Desert Hollyhock
Apricot Mallow
Plantas muy malas ("very bad plants")
Sore-eye-poppy, the (Mal de Ojo)
See: Malvaceae
*Desert Gold - Desert Sunflower
*Desert Gold Poppy - Mexican Gold Poppy
*Desert Gold Sunflower - Desert Sunflower
*"(-" 7 "-) " LCRV-Desert Holly /#1 - "Acourtia nana", ("Perezia nana")
Desert Holly /#1, Desert Peony
See: Acourtia/Perezia, Asteraceae
*"(-" 8 "-) " LCRV-Desert Holly /#2 - "Atriplex hymenelytra"
Desert Holly
Salt bush /2
See: Atriplex, Chenopodioideae
*Desert Hollyhock - Desert Globemallow
*"(-" 9 "-) " LCRV-Desert Ironwood - "Olneya tesota"
See: Ironwood
*"(-" 10 "-) " LCRV-Desert Lavender - "Hyptis emoryi"
Desert Lavender, Lavender
See: Hyptis, Lamiaceae-(Labiatae)
*Desert Lily - Ajo Lily
*Desert Mallow - Desert Globemallow
*"(-" 11 "-) "Desert marigold - "Baileya"
*"(-" 12 "-) "Desert Mariposa - "Calochortus kennedyi"
Desert Mariposa, Mariposa Lily
Desert Mariposa Tulip
See: Calochortus, Liliaceae
*Desert Mariposa Tulip - Desert Mariposa
*Desert Milkweed - Rush Milkweed
*"(-" 13 "-) " LCRV-Desert Mistletoe
Mistletoe, American Mistletoe
Desert Mistletoe
See: Mistletoe
See: Santalaceae, Viscaceae
*"-- DESERT --"
*"(-" 14 "-) " (LCRV)-Desert Olive /#1 - "Forestiera shrevei"-("Forestiera phillyreoides")
Desert Olive /#1
Wild Olive /#1, Desert Olive Forestiera
Tanglebush, Tanglebrush
See: Forestiera, Oleaceae:*See also: Desert Olive /#2
New Mexican Forestiera
*Desert Olive Forestiera - Desert Olive /#1
*"(-" 15 "-) "Desert Paintbrush - "Castilleja chromosa":*See: Indian Paintbrush:*See: Orobanchaceae
*Desert Palafox - Spanish Needles
*Desert Peony - Desert Holly /#1
*Desert Rhubarb - Canaigre Dock
*"(-" 16 "-) "Desert rock pea - Lotus rigidus"
See: Lotus (genus), Faboideae
*Desert Sage - Chia
*Desert Saltbush - "Atriplex polycarpa"
See: Saltbush
*Desert Sand Verbena - Sand-verbena
*"(-" 17 "-) " (LCRV)-Desert senna - "Senna covesii"
Desert Senna
Rattlebox, Rattleweed,
Senna, Cove Senna
See: Senna (genus)//Cassia (genus), Caesalpinioideae, ("Tribe: Cassieae")
*Desert Snow - See Linanthus demissus
*Desert Spoon - Common Sotol
*"(-" 18 "-) "Desert Straw - "Stephanomeria pauciflora"
Desert Straw
Small-flowered Wire-lettuce
See: Stephanomeria, Asteraceae
*"(-" 19 "-) " (LCRV)-Desert Sunflower - "Geraea canescens"
Desert Sunflower
Desert Sunshine
Desert Gold, Desert Gold Sunflower
Hairy-Headed Sunflower, Hairy Desertsunflower
See: Geraea, Asteraceae
*Desert Sunshine - Desert Sunflower
*"-- DESERT --"
*"(-" 20 "-) " (LCRV)-Desert Tobacco - "Nicotiana trigonophylla"
Desert Tobacco
Tabaquillo ("little tobacco")
See: Solanaceae - Nicotiana
*"(-" 21 "-) " (LCRV)-Desert trumpet - "Eriogonum inflatum"
Desert trumpet, Bladderstem
Indian Pipe-weed
See: Eriogonum, Polygonaceae
*Desert-willow - Chilopsis
*Desert-willow - "Chilopsis linearis":*See: Willow
*Desert Windflower - Desert Anemone
*"(-" 22 "-) "Desert Wishbone Bush - "Mirabilis bigelovii"
Desert Wishbone Bush
Wishbone Bush
See: Mirabilis, Nyctaginaceae
*Desert Zinnia - Wild Zinnia

*"-- DESERT --"

*Devil's Claw /1 - Catclaw Acacia
*"(-" 22 "-) "Devil's Claw /2 - "Harpagophytum procumbens"
Devil's Claw, Grapple Plant, Wood Spider:*see also: Unicorn plant ("Doubleclaw")
*"(-" 23 "-) " (LCRV)-Diamond Cholla - "Opuntia ramosissima"
Diamond Cholla
Pencil Cholla, Branched Pencil Cholla
Cholla Diamante
See: Opuntia, Cactaceae
*Dock - Canaigre Dock
*(Dodonaea viscosa) - Hopbush/Hopseed/Akeake
Hopbush, "Florida Hopbush", Hopseed
See: Dodonaea, Dodonaea viscosa, Sapindaceae
*Douglas' Ragwort - Threadleaf Groundsel
*Dragon's Blood (Sangre-de-drago) - Limber Bush
*"(-" 24 "-) " LCRV- Dune Primrose - "Oenothera deltoides"
Dune Primrose
Basket Evening Primrose, Birdcage Evening Primrose
See: Oenothera, Onagraceae


*Elephant Bursera - Elephant Tree
*"(-" 1 "-) "Elephant Tree - "Bursera microphylla"
Elephant Tree
Elephanttree, Elephant Bursera
Small-Leaf Elephant Tree
Tarote, Copal
See: Bursera, Burseraceae
*"(-" 2 "-) " LCRV- Emory Dalea - "Dalea emoryi"
Emory Dalea, White Dalea /#2
See: Dalea, Fabaceae/Faboideae
*Encelia - Brittlebush
*"(-" 3 "-) " LCRV- "( Encelia farinosa) - Brittlebush
*Espuelita - Barestem Larkspur
*"Esteve's Pincushion" - See: "Pincushions"
*Evening Star - Desert Blazing Star


*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV- Fagonia - "Fagonia laevis" ("Fagonia californica")
See: Fagonia, Zygophyllaceae
*False Buckthorn - Gum Bumelia
*False Mallow - Globemallow
*False Yarrow - Esteve's Pincushion
*Fat Hen -"Chenopodium album"
*"(-" 2 "-) "Fat Hen
Fat Hen
Lamb's Quarters, Lambsquarters
White Goosefoot
*Felty Groundsel - Threadleaf Groundsel
*"(-" 3 "-) "Fendler Hedgehog Cactus - "Echinocereus fendleri"
*"(-" 4 "-) "Fetid Marigold - "Pectis angustifolia"
Fetid Marigold, Fetid-Marigold
See: Pectis, Asteraceae
*"(-" 5 "-) "Fiddleneck - "Amsinckia intermedia"
Fiddleneck, Coast Fiddleneck
Common Fiddleneck
Saccato Gordo
See: Amsinckia, Boraginaceae
*Finger Leaf Gourd
*"(-" 6 "-) " LCRV- Finger Leaved Gourd - "Cucurbita digitata"
Finger Leaved Gourd, Finger Leaf Gourd
See: Cucurbita, Cucurbitaceae:*See also: Buffalo Gourd
*"(-" 7 "-) "Fishhook cactus - "Mammillaria"
*"Florida Hopbush" - See: Dodonaea viscosa
*Foothills Palo Verde - Palo verde
*Four Wing Saltbush:*Four-wing Saltbush - "Atriplex canescens":**See: Saltbush
*"(-" 8 "-) "Fremont Barberry - "Mahonia fremontii"
See: Mahonia, Berberis, Berberidaceae
*"Fremont's Pinchushion," See: "Pincushions"
*"(-" 9 "-) "Fringed Gromwell - "Lithospermum incisum"
Fringed Gromwell, Narrowleaf Gromwell
Puccoon, Fringed Puccoon
See: Lithospermum, Boraginaceae
*Fringed Puccoon - Fringed Gromwell
*"(-" 10 "-) "Funnel Lily - "Androstephium breviflorum"
Funnel Lily
Pink funnellily
See: Androstephium, Asparagales


*Ghetto Palm - Tree of heaven
*Giant Jimson - Jimson Weed
*Globemallow - See: Desert Globemallow
See also: Little Leaf Globemallow
See: Malvaceae
*Goatheads - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*Goatnut - Jojoba
*Goats Head - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*Gobernadora - Creosote bush
*Gold Poppy - Mexican Gold Poppy
*Golden Aspen - Quaking Aspen
*Goodding Willow - "Salix gooddingii"
See: Willow
*Grapple Plant - "Devil's Claw /#2"
*Gray Box Bush - Jojoba
*"(-" 1 "-) "Gray Thorn - "Ziziphus obtusifolia"
Gray Thorn, Southwestern Condalia
See: Ziziphus, Rhamnaceae
*(Greasewood - also a common term for Creosote bush)
*"(-" 2 "-) " LCRV- Greasewood
Greasewood, "Black Greasewood"
Chicobush, Chico:*Black Greasewood - Sarcobatus vermiculatus:*See: Amaranthaceae, Chenopodioideae:*See: Caryophyllales
*Ground Burr Nut - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*"(-" 3 "-) "Gum Bumelia - "Bumelia lanuginosa"
Gum Bumelia, Gum Elastic
False Buckthorn
See: Bumelia, Sapotaceae
*Gum Elastic - Gum Bumelia


*Hairy Desertsunflower - Desert Sunflower
*Hairy-Headed Sunflower - Desert Sunflower
*Hairy Milkweed - Rambling Milkweed
*Hairy Sand Verbena - Sand-verbena
*Hanging Chain Cholla - Jumping Cholla
*Harrison's Barberry - Kofa Mountain Barberry
*"(-" 1 "-) "Hedgehog Cactus - "Echinocereus fendleri"
*Hediondilla - Creosote bush
*Hierba del Pasmo - Desert Broom
*Honey Mesquite - "Prosopis glandulosa"
See: Mesquite, Prosopis
*(Florida)-Hopbush/Hopseed/Akeake - (See: Florida Hopbush), See: Dodonaea viscosa
*Hopseed - Hopbush/Hopseed/Akeake
*Humble Gilia - See Linanthus demissus


*Indian Doab - Bermuda Grass
*Indian Paintbrush - "Castilleja chromosa"
See: Desert Paintbrush
*Indian Pipe-weed - Desert trumpet
*Desert Ironwood - "Olneya tesota"
Desert Ironwood
Arizona Ironwood
Palo de Hierro, Palo Fierro
See: Olneya, Fabaceae, Faboideae


*Jaboncillo - Western Soapberry
*Jacob's Staff - Ocotillo
*Jamesia - Cliffbush/Jamesia
*Jimson - Jimson Weed
*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV-Jimson Weed - ("Datura wrightii")
*Jimson Weed - "Datura meteloides"
Sacred Datura
Jimson weed, Jimsonweed, Jimson
Western Jimson, Giant Jimson
Moon Lily
Tolguacha, Toloache
See: Solanaceae, Datura

*Jimsonweed - Jimson Weed
*"(-" 2 "-) "Jojoba - "Simmondsia chinensis"
Coffee-Bush, Coffeeberry /#1
Gray Box Bush
Goatnut, Pig-Nut, Deernut
Wild Hazel
Quinine Plant
See: Simmondsia, Buxaceae
*"(-" 3 "-) " LCRV-Joshua Tree - "Yucca brevifolia"
*Jumping Cholla - "Opuntia fulgida"


*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV- Kofa Mountain Barberry - "Berberis harrisoniana", ("Mahonia harrisoniana")
Kofa Mountain Barberry
Harrison's Barberry
See: Mahonia, Berberis, Berberidaceae


*Lamb's Quarters - Fat Hen
*Lavender - Desert Lavender
*Leafless Milkweed - See: Rush Milkweed
*Lecheguilla - Lechuguilla
*Lechuguilla - "Agave lechuguilla"
See: Agave
*"(-" 1 "-) "Lemmon's Butterweed - "Senecio lemmoni"
Lemmon's Butterweed, Lemmon's Ragwort
See: Senecio, Asteraceae
*Lemmon's Ragwort - Lemmon's Butterweed
*"(-" 2 "-) "Limber Bush - "Jatropha cuneata"
Limber Bush
Dragon's Blood, Sangre-de-drago
See: Jatropha, "(Note on usage,
for Jatropha cuneata)"
See: Euphorbiaceae
*"(-" 3 "-) "(Linanthus demissus)
Linanthus, Linanthus demissus
Humble Gilia
Desert Snow
See: Linanthus, Polemoniaceae
*"(-" 4 "-) "Little Gold Poppy - "Eschscholzia minutiflora"
Little Gold Poppy, Pygmy Poppy
See: Eschscholzia, Papaveraceae
*"(-" 5 "-) "Little Leaf Globemallow - "Sphaeralcea parvifolia"
Little Leaf Globemallow
Small Leaf Mallow:*See also: Globemallow:*See: Sphaeralcea, Malvaceae
*Little Leaf Ratany - Range Ratany
*Little Stinker - Creosote bush
*"(-" 6 "-) "London Rocket - "Sisymbrium irio"
See: Brassicaceae
*"(-" 7 "-) "Lowell Ash - "Fraxinus lowelii"
Lowell Ash
See: Fraxinus, Oleaceae


*Maguey - Century plant
*Maguey americana - Century plant
*Mal de Ojo - Desert Globemallow
*Manzanilla - See: Manzanita, (Pungens)
*Manzanita - Arctostaphylos:*Manzanita (dimin: "little apple"):*Manzanita - See Bearberry
See Chapparal:*Pointleaf Manzanita - Arctostaphylos pungens
*Manzanita, (A pringlei)
*"(-" 1 "-) "Manzanita, (Pringlei) - "Arctostaphylos pringlei"
"Pringlei Manzanita"
Pinkbracted Manzanita
See: Arctostaphylos, Ericaceae
*Manzanita, (A. pungens)
*"(-" 2 "-) "Manzanita, (Pungens) - "Arctostaphylos pungens"
"Pointleaf Manzanita"
Pinguica, Manzanilla
Mexican Manzanita
See: Arctostaphylos, Ericaceae
*Mariposa Lily - Desert Mariposa
*Mescal - "Parry's Agave"/Agave parryi
*Mesquite - Mesquite:*Honey Mesquite - "Prosopis glandulosa":*Screwbean Mesquite - "Prosopis pubescens":*Velvet Mesquite Prosopis velutina:*See: Prosopis, Mimosoideae
*Common Mesquite - Velvet Mesquite/Prosopis velutina
*Mexican Broom - Desert Broom
*"(-" 3 "-) "Mexican Elder - "Sambucus mexicana"
Mexican Elder, Arizona Elder
Desert Elderberry, Blue Elderberry
Sauco, Tapiro
New Mexican Blueberry Elder
See: Sambucus, Caprifoliaceae
*"(-" 4 "-) "Mexican Gold Poppy - "Eschscholzia mexicana"
Mexican Gold Poppy
Amapola del Campo
Desert Gold Poppy, Gold Poppy
See: Eschscholzia, Papaveraceae
*Mexican Manzanita - See: Manzanita, (Pungens)
*Mistletoe - See: Desert Mistletoe
Mistletoe, Desert Mistletoe
American Mistletoe
*"Mojave pincushion" - "Chaenactis xantiana"
See: Chaenactis xantiana
See: "Pincushions"
*Monkey Tail - Salt Heliotrope
*Moon Lily - Jimson Weed
*Moonflower - Desert Blazing Star
*"(-" 5 "-) "Mormon Tea - "Ephedra"
*Morning Bride - Fremont's Pincushion
*Mountain Aspen - Quaking Aspen
*Mountain privet - New Mexican Forestiera
*Mountain Snowberry - Roundleaf Snowberry
*Mule-fat - Seepwillow
*Mulefat - "Baccharis salicifolia"
*"(-" 6 "-) "Mullein - "Verbascum thapsus"
Common Mullein - Mullein


*Naked Delphinium - Barestem Larkspur
*Naked Hibiscus - Rock Hibiscus
*Narrowleaf Gromwell - Fringed Gromwell
*"(-" 1 "-) "Nettle - (Urtica)
*New Mexican Blueberry Elder - Mexican Elder
*"(-" 2 "-) "New Mexican Forestiera - "Forestiera neomexicana"
New Mexican Forestiera, New Mexican Olive
Wild privet, Mountain privet
Palo Blanco
Wild Olive /#2
See Forestiera, Oleaceae
*New Mexican Olive - New Mexican Forestiera
*"(-" 3 -) "New Mexican Raspberry - "Rubus neomexicanus"
New Mexican Raspberry
See: Rosaceae, Rubus
*"(-" 4 "-) "New Mexico Butterweed - "Senecio neomexicanus"
New Mexico Butterweed, New Mexico Groundsel
See: Senecio, Asteraceae
*"(-" 5 "-) " (Nicotiana glauca) - Tree Tobacco
Tree Tobacco, Shrub Tobacco
Naturalized See: Solanaceae - Nicotiana


*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV-Ocotillo - Fouquieria:*Ocotillo - "Fouquieria splendens":**Boojum tree - "Fouquieria columnaris"
*Octopus agave - "Agave vilmoriniana"
*Old Man - Threadleaf Groundsel

*Opuntia - "Cholla cacti"
*Opuntia - "Prickly Pear Cacti"
*Opuntia - Opuntia:*Beavertail Cactus - "Opuntia basilaris":*Cane Cholla - "Opuntia imbricata":*Jumping Cholla - "Opuntia fulgida":*Teddy-bear Cholla - "Opuntia bigelovii"
*Orange Caltrop - Arizona Caltrop
*Oreja de perro - Shrubby Coldenia
*"(-" 2 "-) "Organ Pipe Cactus - "Stenocereus thurberi"


*Pale Face - Rock Hibiscus (and see the Note for "flower color")
*Palmillo - Soaptree yucca
*Palo Blanco - New Mexican Forestiera
*Palo de Hierro - Ironwood_(=Desert Ironwood)
*Palo fierro - Ironwood_(=Desert Ironwood)
*Palo verde:*Blue Palo Verde - "Cercidium floridum":*Foothills Palo Verde - "Cercidium microphyllum"
*"(-" 1 "-) "Parish Viguiera - "Viguiera deltoidea, var. parishii"
Parish Viguiera
See: Viguiera, Asteraceae
*Parish Goldeneye
*Parish's Goldeneye - Annual Goldeneye
*"(-" 2 "-) "Parry Dalea - "Dalea parryi"
Parry Dalea
See: Dalea, Fabaceae/Faboideae
*"(-" 3 "-) "Parry's Agave - "Agave parryi"
Parry's Agave
Parry's century plant
See: Agave
*Parry's century plant - "Parry's Agave"/Agave parryi
*Pencil Cholla - Diamond Cholla
*"(-" 4 "-) "Perezia - "Acourtia wrightii", ("Perezia wrightii")
See: Acourtia/Perezia, Asteraceae
*Pichichagua - Desert Holly /#1
*Pigeonberry - California Buckthorn
*Pig-Nut - Jojoba
*"(-" 5 "-) "Fremont's Pincushion - "Chaenactis fremontii"
Fremont's Pincushion
Morning Bride
See: Chaenactis, Asteraceae
*"(-" 6 "-) "Esteve's Pincushion - "Chaenactis stevioides"
Esteve's Pincushion
Steve's Dustymaiden
False Yarrow
Broad Leaved Chaenactis
See: Chaenactis, Asteraceae
*"(-" 7 "-) "Mojave pincushion - See: "Chaenactis xantiana"
*"(-" 8 "-) "Pine - Pinus
*Pinguica - See: Manzanita, (Pungens)
*Pink funnellily - Funnel Lily
*Pink Three-Flower - Trailing Four O'clock
*Pinkbracted Manzanita - See: Manzanita, (Pringlei)
*Pinyon Pine - Pinyon pine
*"(-" 9 "-) "Pinyon Pine:*Single-leaf Pinyon - Pinus monophylla
*Plantas muy malas - Desert Globemallow
*Plicate Coldenia - Crinkle Mats
*Pointleaf Manzanita - See: Manzanita, (Pungens)
*Polished Willow - Willows: "Bonpland Willow"
*"Prickly Pear cacti" - See: Opuntia
"Cholla cacti" - See: Opuntia
*Prickly Poppy - Bluestem Pricklepoppy
*Pringlei Manzanita - See: Manzanita, (Pringlei)
*Puccoon - Fringed Gromwell
*Punche - Desert Tobacco
*"(-" 10 "-) " LCRV-Puncture Vine(Goatheads) - "Tribulus terrestris"
Goatheads, Goats Head
Puncture Vine(Tribulus terrestris)
Puncture Weed
Ground Burr Nut
Bull Head, Tackweed
Caltrop, Yellow Vine
See: Tribulus
*Puncture Weed - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*Puna Grass - Russian Knapweed
*Pygmy Poppy - Little Gold Poppy


*Quail Plant - Salt Heliotrope
*Quaking Asp - Quaking Aspen
*"(-" 1 "-) "Quaking Aspen - "Populus tremuloides"
Quaking Aspen, Golden Aspen, Quaking Asp
Trembling Poplar, Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
In the Sky islands of SE Arizona
See: Populus, Salicaceae
*Quinine Plant - Jojoba


*Ragwort - Threadleaf Groundsel
*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV-Rambling Milkweed - "Sarcostemma hirtellum"- "Funastrum hirtellum"
Rambling Milkweed
Hairy Milkweed
Trailing Townula
See: Apocynaceae//Asclepiadaceae, Sarcostemma, Funastrum
See also: Rambling Milkweed (photo)
*"(-" 2 "-) "Range Ratany - "Krameria parvifolia"
Range Ratany, Range Rhatany
Little Leaf Ratany
See: Krameria, Krameriaceae
*Ratany, or Rhatany: See: "Range Ratany," or "Wild Ratany"
*Rattlebox - Desert senna
*Rattleweed - Desert senna
*"(-" 3 "-) "Red Raspberry - "Rubus strigosus"
Red Raspberry, Western Red Raspberry
Wild Red Raspberry
See: Rosaceae, Rubus:*See: Rubus strigosus"
*Red Willow - Willows: "Bonpland Willow"
*"(-" 4 "-) "Reed:*Common Reed - "Phragmites":*See: Reed (plant)
*Rhatany, or Ratany: See: "Range Ratany," or "Wild Ratany"
*"(-" 5 "-) " LCRV-Rigid Spiny-Herb - "Chorizanthe rigida"
Rigid Spiny-herb, Turk's rug
See: Polygonaceae (with Chorizanthe)
*Rock Crossosoma - Bigelow Ragged Rock Flower
*"(-" 6 "-) " LCRV-Rock Hibiscus - "Hibiscus denudatus"
Rock Hibiscus, Naked Hibiscus
Pale Face, Paleface - "Note: the "flower petals" are translucent-White, not "Opaque, White"
See: Hibiscus, Malvaceae
*Rosario - Crucifixion Thorn /#1
*Rosemaria - Desert senna
*Rosin brush - Desert Broom
*Rosita - Arizona Centaury
*"(-" 7 "-) "Roundleaf Snowberry - "Symphoricarpos rotundifolius"
Roundleaf Snowberry
Mountain Snowberry
See: Symphoricarpos, Caprifoliaceae
*"(-" 8 "-) " LCRV-Rush Milkweed - "Asclepias subulata"
Leafless Milkweed
Rush Milkweed
Bedstraw Milkweed, Desert Milkweed
See: Apocynaceae//Asclepiadaceae, Asclepias
*"(-" 9 "-) "Russian Knapweed - "Centaurea repens" /("Acroptilon repens"
Russian Knapweed
Puna Grass
See: Centaurea, Asteraceae
Now: "Naturalized"
*"(-" 10 "-) " LCRV-Russian Thistle - Tumbleweed

*Saccato Gordo - Fiddleneck
*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV-Saguaro - "Carnegiea gigantea"
*Sacred Datura - Jimson Weed
*Sahuaro - Saguaro
*Salsola - See: Tumbleweed
*Saltbush - Atriplex:*Desert Saltbush - "Atriplex polycarpa":*Four-wing Saltbush - "Atriplex canescens":*Saltbush /1 - "Atriplex polycarpa":*See: Amaranthaceae
*Salt bush /2 - Desert Holly /#2
*Saltcedar - "Tamarix chinensis"
See: Tamarix
*Salt Grass
*"(-" 2 "-) " Salt-grass - "Distichlis spp":*See: Poaceae:*See: List of Poaceae genera
*(Salvia columbariae) - Chia
See: Lamiaceae, Salvia
*"(-" 3 "-) " LCRV-Salt Heliotrope - "Heliotropium curassivicum"
Salt Heliotrope, Quail Plant
Cola de Mico
Chinese parsley
Monkey Tail
See: Heliotropium, Boraginaceae
*Saltwort - Tumbleweed
*Sandbar Willow - =Coyote Willow
*Sandbar Willow - "Salix exigua"
See: Willow
*Sand Verbena
*"(-" 4 "-) " LCRV-Sand-verbena:*Abronia (plant):*Sand-verbena - "Abronia villosa"
::Sand-verbena, Desert Sand Verbena
Hairy Sand Verbena
Wild lantana:*See: Nyctaginaceae
*Sangre-de-drago (Dragon's Blood) - Limber Bush
*Sauco - Mexican Elder
*"(-" 5 "-) " Scale Bud - "Anisocoma acaulis"
:*See: Asteraceae, Anisocoma:*See: List of Asteraceae genera
the Bulrush or Tule
*Screwbean Mesquite - "Prosopis pubescens"
See: Mesquite, Prosopis
*"(-" 6 "-) " LCRV-Scruffy Prairie Clover - "Dalea albiflora"
Scruffy Prairie Clover
White Dalea
See: Dalea, Fabaceae/Faboideae
*Seepwillow - Baccharis:*Mule-fat:*Mulefat - "Baccharis salicifolia":*Seepwillow - "Baccharis salicifolia"
*"(-" 7 "-) " Senecio - "Senecio quercetorum"
See: Senecio, Asteraceae
*Senna - Desert senna
*(Senna covesii) - See: Desert senna
*Shrub Tobacco - See: Nicotiana glauca
*Shrubby Butterweed - Threadleaf Groundsel
*"(-" 8 "-) " LCRV-(Kofa Mtns) Shrubby Coldenia - "Tiquilia canescens"
Shrubby Coldenia, Oreja de perro
See: Tiquilia, Boraginaceae
*Single-leaf Pinyon - "Pinus monophylla"
*Small-flowered Wire-lettuce - Desert Straw
*Small-Leaf Elephant Tree - Elephant Tree
*Small Leaf Mallow - Little Leaf Globemallow
*"(-" 9 "-) " LCRV-Smoke-Tree - "Dalea spinosa"
See Fabaceae/Faboideae
*Soaptree yucca - "Yucca elata"
Soaptree Yucca, Soapweed
Whipple Yucca
Spanish Bayonet
See also: Yucca, Agavaceae
*Soapweed - Soaptree yucca
*Sore-eye-poppy - Desert Globemallow
*Sorrel - Canaigre Dock
*Sotol - Common Sotol
*Southwestern Condalia - Gray Thorn
*Spanish Bayonet - Soaptree yucca
*"(-" 10 "-) " LCRV-Spanish Needles - "Palafoxia arida" "(Palafoxia linearis)"
Spanish Needles
Desert Palafox
See: Palafoxia, Asteraceae
*Spider Agave - "Agave bracteosa"
*Spider Antelope Horns - Antelope Horns
*Spinyleaf Zinnia - Wild Zinnia
*Squaw Weed - Threadleaf Groundsel
*Starflower - Broad Leaved Gilia
*Star-Thistle/#2 - Russian Knapweed
*Star Thistle/#1/Starthistle /#1 - Yellow starthistle/#1
*Starthistle /#1 - Yellow starthistle/#1
*Steve's Dustymaiden - Esteve's Pincushion
*"(-" 11 "-) " Stevia - "Stevia lemmoni"
Sweet Leaf, Sugarleaf
See: Stevia, Asteraceae
*Stinkweed - Tree of heaven
*Stoneseed - Fringed Gromwell
*Sugarbush /Sugar Bush - Sugar Sumac
*"(-" 12 "-) " LCRV-Sugar Sumac - "Rhus ovata"
Sugar Sumac
Sugarbush, Sugar Bush
Chaparral Sumac
See: Rhus/(Sumac), Anacardiaceae
*Summer Poppy - Arizona Caltrop
*Sweetbush - Chuckwalla's Delight
*Switch-Sorrel - Dodonaea viscosa
*"(-" 13/14 "-) " Sycamore - Platanus (6 species):*Arizona Sycamore - "Platanus wrightii":*Mexican Plane - "Platanus mexicana":*See: Platanus


*Tabaquillo - Desert Tobacco
*Tackweed - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*Tall Mountain Larkspur - Barestem Larkspur
*Tamarisk - Tamarix
*"(-" 1/2 "-) " LCRV-Tamarix
Tamarisk, Tamarix, tamarisco
pino salado
five-stamen tamarisk:*(LCRV)Athel Tamarisk - "Tamarix aphylla":*(LCRV)Saltcedar - "Tamarix chinensis"
*Tanglebrush - Desert Olive /#1
*Tanglebush - Tanglebrush
*Tapiro - Mexican Elder
*Tarote - Elephant Tree
*Tarweed - Fiddleneck
*Teddy-bear Cholla - "Opuntia bigelovii"
*Tesota - Ironwood_(=Desert Ironwood)
*Thimbleberry - New Mexican Raspberry
*"(-" 3 "-) " Thistle - (Several genera):*Annual Sow Thistle - "Sonchus oleraceus":*California Thistle - "Cirsium arvense"
*"(-" 4 "-) " Thistle - Salsola
Russian thistle
See: "Tumbleweed"
*Thistle Poppy - Bluestem Pricklepoppy
*Thornapple - Jimson Weed
*"(-" 5 "-) " Threadleaf Groundsel - "Senecio douglasii"
Threadleaf Groundsel, Felty Groundsel
Bush Senecio
Butterweed, Shrubby Butterweed
Douglas' Ragwort, Threadleaf Ragwort
More names: Old Man
Creek Senecio
See: Senecio, Asteraceae
*Threadleaf Ragwort - Threadleaf Groundsel
*Thurberia - Arizona Desert Cotton
*"(-" 6 "-) " Thurber's Stephanomeria - "Stephanomeria thurberi"
Thurber's Stephanomeria, Thurber's Wire-lettuce
See: Stephanomeria, Asteraceae
*Thurber's Wire-lettuce - Thurber's Stephanomeria
*Tolguacha - Jimson Weed
*Toloache - Jimson Weed
*Torrito - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*Toumey Willow - Willows: "Bonpland Willow"
*Trailing Allionia (Allionia) - Trailing Four O'clock
*"(-" 7 "-) " LCRV-Trailing Four O'clock - "Allionia incarnata"
Trailing Four O'clock
Windmills, Trailing Windmills
Pink Three-flower
Allionia, Trailing Allionia
See: Allionia, Nyctaginaceae
*Trailing Townula - Rambling Milkweed
*Trailing Windmills (Windmills) - Trailing Four O'clock
*Tree Cholla - Cane Cholla
*"Tree from Hell" - Tree of heaven
*"(-" 8 "-) " Tree of heaven - "Ailanthus altissima"
Tree of Heaven
Stinkweed, Copal Tree
Counter nicknames:
"Tree from Hell"
Ghetto Palm
Escapee from cultivation.
See: Ailanthus, Zygophyllaceae
*"(-" 9 "-) " LCRV-Tree Tobacco - "Nicotiana glauca"
Naturalized in SW United States ("Arizona")
*Trembling Aspen - Quaking Aspen
*Trembling Poplar - Quaking Aspen
*Tribulus, - Tribulus terrestris, See: Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*Tule - Schoenoplectus:* = Bulrush
*"(-" 10 "-) " LCRV-Tule
Tule, Common Tule
Hardstem bulrush
Hardstem tule, Tule, Viscid bulrush
*"(-" 11 "-) " LCRV-Tumbleweed/Salsola - "Salsola iberica"("Salsola kali") -
Salsola, Saltwort
Russian Thistle
See: Salsola, (Caryophyllales)//Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae
*Turk's rug - Rigid Spiny Herb


*"(-" 1 "-) " Unicorn plant
"Proboscidea parviflora" - Doubleclaw,
also a "Devil's Claw":*See: Proboscidea, Martyniaceae:*See: Devil's Claw /#2


*"(-" 1 "-) " Velvet Mesquite - "Prosopis velutina"
Velvet Mesquite, Common Mesquite
See: Prosopis; See also: Mesquite
*Vine Cactus - "Ocotillo"


*Wait-a-minute tree/bush - Acacia
*Wait-a-minute tree - "Acacia greggii"
*Waxberry - Roundleaf Snowberry
*Waxflower - Cliffbush/Jamesia
*Western Jimson - Jimson Weed
*Western Red Raspberry - Red Raspberry
*"(-" 1 "-) " Western Soapberry - "Sapindus saponaria" var. "drummondii"
Western Soapberry
Jaboncillo, Cherioni
Wild China-Tree
See: Sapindus, Sapindaceae
*Whipple Yucca - Soaptree yucca
*White Dalea - Scruffy Prairie Clover
*White Dalea /#2 - Emory Dalea
*"(-" 2 "-) " LCRV-White Ratany - "Krameria grayi"
White Ratany, (White Rhatany)
See: Krameria, Krameriaceae
*White Rhatany - White Ratany
*White Zinnia - Wild Zinnia
*Wild China-Tree - Western Soapberry
*Wild Cotton - Arizona Desert Cotton
*Wild Delphinium - Barestem Larkspur
*Wild Hazel - Jojoba
*Wild lantana - Sand-verbena
*Wild Olive /#1 - Desert Olive
*Wild Olive /#2- New Mexican Forestiera
*Wild privet - New Mexican Forestiera
*Wild Red Raspberry - Red Raspberry
*Wild Rhubarb - Canaigre Dock
*"(-" 3 "-) " Wild Zinnia - "Zinnia acerosa"
Wild Zinnia, White Zinnia
Spinyleaf Zinnia
Desert Zinnia
See: Zinnia, Asteraceae
*"(-" 4/5/5/7 "-) " Willows
*Willow - "Salix"
Coyote Willow - "Salix exigua"
Coyote Willow - = Sandbar Willow:*"(-" 4 "-) " Goodding Willow - "Salix gooddingii"
:*"(-" 5 "-) " Sandbar Willow - "Salix exigua'
*"(-" 6 "-) " Bonpland Willow - "Salix bonplandiana"
Bonpland Willow
Toumey Willow
Polished Willow, Red Willow
See: Salix, Salicaceae
*Desert-willow - "Chilopsis linearis"
*"(-" 7 "-) " Seepwillow - Baccharis
See: Seepwillow
*"(-" 8 "-) " Windmills (Trailing Windmills) - Trailing Four O'clock
*"(-" 9 "-) " LCRV-Woolly Tidestromia - "Tidestromia lanuginosa"
See: Amaranthaceae, (T. lanuginosa not listed.)
Tridestromia not listed in 5 subfamilies.
*Wishbone Bush - Desert Wishbone Bush
*Wood Spider - "Devil's Claw /#2"


*Xanthium - Cocklebur
*Xantu's pincushion - "Chaenactis xantiana"
See: Chaenactis xantiana


*Yellow Mentzelia - Desert Blazing Star
*Yellow Star thistle - Yellow starthistle/#1
*"(-" 1 "-) " LCRV-Yellow starthistle/#1 - "Centaurea solstitialis"
Yellow starthistle
Yellow Star Thistle, Star Thistle/#1, Starthistle/#1
Barnaby Thistle
*Yellow Vine - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)
*"(-" 2-3-4 "-) " Yucca - "Yucca" :*Banana yucca - "Yucca baccata"
:*Joshua Tree - "Yucca brevifolia"
:*Soaptree yucca - "Yucca elata":*See: Agavaceae


:"Abronia villosa" -- Sand-verbena:"Abronia villosa" / (LCRV)-- Sand-verbena:(Acacia greggii) / (LCRV)- Catclaw_Acacia:"Acourtia nana", ("Perezia nana") -- Desert_Holly /#1:"Acourtia wrightii", ("Perezia wrightii") -- Perezia:("Acroptilon repens"/"Centaurea repens") -- Russian_Knapweed:"Agave. Agave americana" -- Century plant:"Agave bracteosa" -- Spider_Agave:"Agave lechuguilla" -- Lechuguilla:"Agave parryi" -- Parry's_Agave/Parry's_century_plant:"Agave vilmoriniana" -- Octopus agave:"Ailanthus altissima" -- Tree of heaven::"Escapee" "from cultivation," (Phoenix, etc.):"Allionia incarnata" / (LCRV)-- Trailing_Four_O'clock :"Ambrosia trifida", (Heliantheae) -- Buffalo_Weed:"Amsinckia intermedia" - Fiddleneck:"Anisocoma acaulis" -- Scale Bud:"Androstephium breviflorum" -- Funnel_Lily:"Anemone tuberosa" -- Desert_Anemone:"Arctostaphylos pringlei" -- Pringlei_Manzanita, or Mexican_Manzanita:"Arctostaphylos pungens" -- Pointleaf_Manzanita:"Argemone pleiacantha" -- Bluestem_Pricklepoppy:"Asclepias asperula" -- Antelope_Horns:"Asclepias subulata" / (LCRV)-- Rush_Milkweed:"Atriplex canescens" ---- Four-wing_Saltbush:"Atriplex hymenelytra" / (LCRV)- Desert_Holly_/#2:"Atriplex polycarpa" ---- Saltbush(Desert_Saltbush):"Baccharis salicifolia" -- Seepwillow(Mulefat):"Baccharis sarothroides" - Desert_Broom:"Baileya" -- Desert_marigold:"Bebbia juncea" / (LCRV)-- Chuckwalla's_Delight:"Berberis fremontii"/"Mahonia fremontii" -- Fremont_Barberry:("Mahonia harrisoniana"), "Berberis harrisoniana" / (LCRV)- Kofa_Mountain_Barberry:"Bumelia lanuginosa" - Gum_Bumelia:"Bursera microphylla" / (LCRV)-- Elephant_Tree :"Calochortus kennedyi".(Liliaceae) -- Desert_Mariposa:"Canotia holocantha" - Crucifixion_Thorn_/#2:"Carnegiea gigantea" / (LCRV)-- Saguaro:"Cassia covesii" -- Desert senna:"Castela emoryi"("Holacantha emoryi") - Crucifixion_Thorn:"Castilleja chromosa" -- Indian_Paintbrush:"Centaurea repens" /("Acroptilon repens" -- Russian_Knapweed:"Centaurea solstitialis" / (LCRV)-- Yellow starthistle/#1:"Centaurium calycosum" / (LCRV)-- Arizona_Centaury:"Cercidium .Cercidium floridum" -- ---Blue_Palo_Verde:"Cercidium .Cercidium microphyllum" -- Foothills_Palo_Verde:"Chaenactis fremontii" / (LCRV)-- Fremont's_Pincushion:"Chaenactis stevioides" -- Esteve's_Pincushion:(Chaenactis xantiana) / (LCRV)-- Mojave pincushion:"Chenopodium album" -- Fat Hen // Lamb'squarters:"Chilopsis .Chilopsis linearis" -- Desert-willow:"Chorizanthe rigida" / (LCRV)-- Rigid_Spiny-Herb:"Crossosoma bigelovii" -- Bigelow_Ragged_Rock Flower, (or_Bigelow's_Crossosoma):"Cucurbita digitata" ------ Finger_Leaved_Gourd:"Cucurbita foetidissima" - Buffalo_Gourd:"Cynodon dactylon" -- Bermuda_grass:"Dalea albiflora" / (LCRV)- Scruffy_Prairie_Clover:"Dalea emoryi" ----- Emory_Dalea:"Dalea parryi" ---- Parry_Dalea:"Dalea spinosa" --- Smoke-Tree:"Dasylirion wheeleri" -- Common_Sotol:"Datura meteloides" -- Jimson_Weed-Sacred_Datura:"Delphinium scaposum" -- Barestem_Larkspur:"Distichlis spp" -- Salt-grass:(Dodonaea viscosa) -- (Florida)-Hopbush/Hopseed/Akeake:"Echinocereus fendleri" -- (Fendler)-Hedgehog_Cactus:( Encelia) - Brittlebush:( Encelia farinosa) / (LCRV)- Brittlebush:"Ephedra" -- Mormon_Tea:"Eremalche rotundifolia" -- Desert five-spot:"Eriogonum inflatum" -- Desert trumpet:"Eschscholzia mexicana" -- Mexican_Gold_Poppy :"Eschscholzia minutiflora" -- Little_Gold_Poppy:"Fagonia laevis" ("Fagonia californica")/ (LCRV)-- Fagonia:"Forestiera neomexicana" -- New_Mexican_Forestiera:"Forestiera shrevei"-("Forestiera phillyreoides") -- Desert_Olive:"Fouquieria columnaris" -- Boojum tree:"Fouquieria splendens" / (LCRV)--- Ocotillo:"Frangula californica" /Rhamnus californica" -- California_Buckthorn:"Fraxinus lowelii" -- Lowell_Ash:"Geraea canescens" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Sunflower:"Gilia latifolia" -- Broad_Leaved_Gilia:"Gossypium thurberi" -- Arizona_Desert_Cotton :"Gutierrezia microcephala" -- Broom_Snakeweed:"Harpagophytum procumbens" -- Grapple_Plant (Devil's_Claw_/2):"Heliotropium curassivicum" / (LCRV)- Salt_Heliotrope:"Hesperocallis undulata" / (LCRV)-- Ajo_Lilly:"Hibiscus denudatus" / (LCRV)- Rock_Hibiscus:"Hyptis emoryi" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Lavender:"Jatropha cuneata" -- Limber_Bush:"Jamesia americana" -- Cliffbush/Jamesia:"Justicia californica" -- Chuparosa:"Kallstroemia grandiflora" - Arizona_Caltrop:"Krameria grayi" / (LCRV)- White Ratany:"Krameria parvifolia" -- Range_Ratany:"Larrea tridentata" / (LCRV)-- Creosote bush:(Linanthus demissus) -- Humble_Gilia (Desert_Snow):"Lithospermum incisum" - Fringed_Gromwell:"Lonicera interrupta" -- Chaparral_Honeysuckle:"Lotus rigidus" -- Desert rock pea:"Mahonia fremontii" -- Fremont_Barberry:("Mahonia harrisoniana"), "Berberis harrisoniana" - Kofa_Mountain_Barberry

:"Mammillaria" -- Fishhook cactus:"Mentzelia pumila" / (LCRV)- Desert_Blazing_Star:"Mirabilis bigelovii" -- Desert_Wishbone_Bush:(Nicotiana glauca) -- Tree_Tobacco:"Nicotiana trigonophylla" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Tobacco:"Oenothera deltoides" / (LCRV)-- Dune_Primrose:"Olneya .Olneya tesota" -- Desert_Ironwood:"Opuntia basilaris" -- Beavertail Cactus:"Opuntia bigelovii" -- Teddy-bear Cholla:"Opuntia fulgida" ---- Jumping Cholla:"Opuntia imbricata" -- Cane Cholla:"Opuntia ramosissima" / (LCRV)-- Diamond_Cholla:"Palafoxia arida" "(Palafoxia linearis)"/ (LCRV)- Spanish_Needles:"Pectis angustifolia" -- Fetid_Marigold:("Perezia nana")/ "Acourtia nana" -- Desert_Holly /#1:("Perezia wrightii")/"Acourtia wrightii" -- Perezia:"Phacelia distans" -- Blue_Phacelia:"Phalaris (grass)" -- Canarygrass:"Phragmites" -- Common_Reed:"Pinus monophylla" -- Single-leaf Pinyon:"Platanus mexicana" -- Mexican Plane:"Platanus wrightii" -- Arizona_Sycamore:"Populus. Populus fremontii" / (LCRV)-- Cottonwood:"Populus tremuloides" -- Quaking_Aspen:"Proboscidea parviflora" -- Unicorn plant:"Prosopis glandulosa" -- Honey_Mesquite:"Prosopis. Prosopis pubescens" -- Screwbean Mesquite:"Prosopis velutina" -- Velvet_Mesquite/Common_Mesquite:"Purshia. Purshia integra" -- Cliff-rose:"Rhamnus californica" /Frangula californica" -- California_Buckthorn:"Rhus ovata" / (LCRV)-- Sugar Sumac:"Rubus neomexicanus" - New_Mexican_Raspberry:"Rubus strigosus" -- Red_Raspberry:"Rumex hymenosepalus" -- Canaigre (Canaigre_Dock):"Salix bonplandiana" -- Bonpland_Willow:"Salix exigua" ----- Sandbar(Coyote)_Willow:"Salix gooddingii" - Goodding_Willow:"Salsola" / (LCRV)-- Thistle:Thistle:"Salsola iberica"("Salsola kali") -- Tumbleweed/Salsola:(Salvia columbariae) - Chia:"Sambucus mexicana" -- Mexican_Elder:"Sapindus saponaria" var. "drummondii" -- Western_Soapberry:"Sarcobatus. Sarcobatus vermiculatus" / (LCRV)-- Black_Greasewood:"Sarcostemma cynanchoides" -- Climbing_Milkweed:"Sarcostemma hirtellum" / (LCRV)-- Rambling_Milkweed:"Schoenoplectus" -- Tule:"Scirpus californicus" -- California_Bulrush:"Senecio douglasii" -- Threadleaf_Groundsel:"Senecio lemmoni" -- Lemmon's_Butterweed:"Senecio neomexicanus" -- New_Mexico_Butterweed:"Senecio quercetorum" -- Senecio:"Senna covesii" -- Desert senna::"Cassia covesii":"Simmondsia chinensis" -- Jojoba:"Sisymbrium irio" -- London_Rocket:"Sphaeralcea ambigua" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Globemallow:"Sphaeralcea parvifolia" / (LCRV)-- Little_Leaf_Globemallow:"Stenocereus thurberi" -- Organ_Pipe_Cactus:"Stephanomeria pauciflora" -- Desert_Straw:"Stephanomeria thurberi" -- Thurber's_Stephanomeria:"Stevia lemmoni" -- Stevia:"Symphoricarpos rotundifolius" -- Roundleaf_Snowberry:"Tamarix Tamarix aphylla" / (LCRV)---- Athel_Tamarisk:"Tamarix Tamarix chinensis" / (LCRV)- Saltcedar:"Taraxacum (genus) officinale" / (LCRV)-- Dandelion:"Tessaria sericea" / (LCRV)-- Arrowweed:"Tidestromia lanuginosa" -- Woolly_Tidestromia:"Tiquilia canescens" / (LCRV)-- Shrubby_Coldenia, Woody crinklemat:"Tiquilia plicata" ("Coldenia plicata")/ (LCRV)-- Fanleaf crinklemat:"Tribulus terrestris" - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)::Invasive species:"Typha latifolia" -- Cattails:"Urtica" -- Nettle:"Verbascum thapsus" -- Common Mullein // Mullein:Viscaceae / (LCRV)-- Desert Mistletoe, Mistletoe, American_Mistletoe:"Viguiera annua" -- Annual_Goldeneye:"Viguiera deltoidea, var. parishii" -- Parish_Viguiera:"Xanthium .Xanthium spinosum" / (LCRV)-- Cocklebur:"Yucca baccata" -- Banana yucca:"Yucca brevifolia / (LCRV)- Joshua Tree:"Yucca elata" ----- Soaptree yucca:((."Yucca filamentosa" - Adam's_needle.)):((."Yucca schidigera" --- Mojave yucca.)):((."Yucca whipplei" ----- Our Lord's Candle.)):"Ziziphus obtusifolia" -- Gray_Thorn:"Zinnia acerosa" -- Wild_Zinnia

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