- Tiquilia canescens
status = LC
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Lamiales
familia =Boraginaceae
genus = "Tiquilia "
species = "T. canescens"
binomial = "Tiquilia canescens"
binomial_authority = (DC) A.T.Richardson
synonyms ="Coldenia canescens""Tiquilia canescens" (Woody crinklemat), is a
perennial ,shrub in mid- to lower-elevation desert regions in theBoraginaceae family -Borage or theForget-me-not s. It is found in thesouthwestern United States andNorthern Mexico , in the states ofCalifornia ,Nevada ,Arizona ,Utah ,New Mexico ,Texas ,Chihuahua ,Sonora , andBaja California . It is a short, low-growing plant, seldom over 15 in tall.It has pinkish to white, 5-lobed tubular flowers; leaves are ovate, gray green, and fleshy, to 1/2 - 3/4 in long.
* [http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=TICA3 USDA, NRCS: United States Department of Agriculture Plants Profile: "Tiquilia canescens"]
* [http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/img_query?where-genre=Plant&where-taxon=Tiquilia+canescens+var.+canescens "Tiquilia canescens" photo gallery] - CalPhotosee also
* [http://wc.pima.edu/~bfiero/tucsonecology/plants/shrubs_shco.htm Close-up Photo & "T. canescens" description] - wc.pima.edu – "Desert Ecology of Tucson, Arizona"
* [http://www.naturesongs.com/vvplants/coldenia4.jpgField photo: "Tiquilia canescens"] ; [http://www.naturesongs.com/vvplants/coldenia.html Article & species synopsis-leaves, flowers, etc. - gallery] - naturesongs.com – "Shrubby Coldenia"—"Shrubs and Bushes of theVerde Valley & Sedona"
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