List of southern LCRV flora by region

List of southern LCRV flora by region

A List of southern Lower Colorado River Valley-(LCRV) flora by region. The regions included are::#southeast Colorado Desert
(borders the Colorado River on east):#Little Picacho Wilderness
"located in the extreme southeast Colorado Desert"
10 miles northeast of Yuma, Arizona, and Winterhaven, California in southeast Imperial County, California.:#Muggins Mountains Wilderness
17 miles northeast of Yuma, Arizona on the southwest of the Muggins Mountains range:#City of Yuma, Arizona

Many parts of the Lower Colorado River Valley, and especially low- or middle-elevation desert regions are: the "Creosote bush scrub" biome. (Some other indicator species of the biome might be considered to be: "Encelia farinosa", "Krameria grayi", Anderson Thornbush, "Bebbia juncea," etc.) In the western Sonoran Desert this may include the Ocotillo and Saguaro; in the Colorado Desert, only the Ocotillo.

Bolded species are the "Creosote bush scrub biome" species-(i.e. the creosote bush: "Larrea tridentata", Saguaro, Ocotillo), or the endemics, or "near-endemics" to the LCRV region-(endemics listed in final section).

Region: southern LCRV-(compiled list)


Perennials: Common name

*"Anderson Thornbush"
*"Beavertail Cactus"
*"Bebbia" -- Chuckwalla's Delight
*"Buckhorn Cholla"
*"Catclaw Acacia"
*"Creosote bush"
*"Desert fir"
*"Desert Globemallow"
*"Desert Ironwood"
*"Desert Lavender"

*Mesquite-("Prosopis ssp")
*"Hairy milkweed"
*"Rush Milkweed"
**Desert Milkweed, Leafless Milkweed
*"Blue Palo Verde"
*"Rock Hibiscus"
*"Smoketree (Psorothamnus)"
*"White Ratany"

Perennials: Binomial

*"Acacia greggii"
*"Asclepias subulata"
*"Bebbia juncea"
*"Carnegiea gigantea"
*"Cercidium floridum"
*"Encelia farinosa"
*"Fouquieria splendens
*"Hibiscus denudatus"
*"Hyptis emoryi"
*"Krameria grayi"

*"Larrea tridentata"
*"Lycium andersonii"
*"Olneya tesota"
*"Opuntia acanthocarpa"
**(="Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa"
*"Opuntia basilaris"
*"Peucephyllum schottii"
*"Prosopis ssp"-(Mesquite)
*"Sarcostemma hirtellum"
*"Sphaeralcea ambigua"

Trees, perennials: Common name

*"Catclaw Acacia"
*"Desert Ironwood"
*Mesquite-("Prosopis ssp")

*"Blue Palo Verde
*"Smoketree (Psorothamnus)"

Trees, perennials: Genus-species-(binomials)

*"Acacia greggii"
*"Cercidium floridum"

*"Olneya tesota"
*"Prosopis ssp"-(Mesquite)
*"Psorothamnus spinosus"


Annuals: Common name

*"Ajo Lily"
**"Desert lily"
*"Arizona Lupine"
*"California Fagonbush"
*"Canyon Ragweed"
*"Desert Blazing Star (M. pumila)"
*"Desert Sunflower"
*"Desert Tobacco"
*Desert trumpet
*"Fremont's pincushion"

*"Mojave Desert Star"
*"Narrow-leaved Popcorn Flower"
*"Notch-leaved Phacelia"
*Plantago-("Psyllium ssp")
*Rattlesnake Weed-No 1
*"Rigid Spiny Herb"
*"Sand verbena (A. villosa)"
*"Scruffy Prairie Clover"
*"White-bract Stick Leaf"
**"White-bract Blazing Star"
*"White tackstem"

Annuals: Binomial

*"Abronia villosa"
*"Ambrosia ambrosioides"
*"Calycoseris wrightii"
*"Cryptantha angustifolia"
*"Chaenactis fremontii"
*"Chorizanthe rigida"
*"Dalea albiflora"
*"ReDir" "Eriogonum spp"
**Desert trumpet
*"ReDir" "Euphorbia albomarginata"

*"Fagonia laevis"
*"Geraea canescens"
*"Hesperocallis undulata"
*"Lupinus arizonicus"
*"Mentzelia involucrata"
*"Mentzelia pumila"
*"Monoptilon bellioides"
*"Nicotiana obtusifolia"
*"Phacelia crenulata spp"
*"Psyllium ssp"

All binomials

*"Abronia villosa"
*"Ambrosia ambrosioides"
*"Acacia greggii"
*"Asclepias subulata"
*"Bebbia juncea"
*"Calycoseris wrightii"
*"ReDir" "Carnegiea gigantea"
*"Cercidium floridum"
*"Chaenactis fremontii"
*"Chorizanthe rigida"
*"Cryptantha angustifolia"
*"Dalea albiflora"
*"Encelia farinosa"
*"ReDir" "Eriogonum spp"
**Desert trumpet
*"ReDir" "Euphorbia albomarginata"
*"Fagonia laevis"
*"ReDir" "Fouquieria splendens"
*"Geraea canescens"
*"Hesperocallis undulata"
*"Hibiscus denudatus"

*"Hyptis emoryi"
*"Krameria grayi"
*"Larrea tridentata"
*"Lupinus arizonicus"
*"Lycium andersonii"
*"Mentzelia involucrata"
*"Mentzelia pumila"
*"Monoptilon bellioides"
*"Nicotiana obtusifolia"
**(="Nicotiana trigonophylla")
*"Nolina bigelovii"
*"Olneya tesota"
*"Opuntia acanthocarpa"
**(="Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa"
*"Opuntia basilaris"
*"Peucephyllum schottii"
*"Phacelia crenulata spp"
*"Prosopis ssp"-(Mesquite)
*"Psyllium ssp"
*"Sarcostemma hirtellum"
*"Sphaeralcea ambigua"


Region: southeastern Colorado Desert

Region: the Colorado Desert, which borders the Colorado River, (of La Paz, Yuma, Imperial, and San Bernardino Counties in California and Arizona); the Colorado Desert is in southeastern California – and eastern Imperial and Riverside Counties lie on the west bank of the Colorado River.

Perennials: Common name

*"Anderson Thornbush"
*"Bebbia" -- Chuckwalla's Delight
*"Catclaw Acacia"
*"Creosote bush"
*"Desert fir"
*"Desert Globemallow"
*"Desert Ironwood"
*"Desert Lavender"

*"Rush Milkweed"
**Desert Milkweed, Leafless Milkweed
*"Blue Palo Verde"
*"Smoketree (Psorothamnus)"
*"White Ratany"

Perennials: Genus-species

*"Acacia greggii"
*"Asclepias subulata"
*"Bebbia juncea"
*"Cercidium floridum"
*"Encelia farinosa"
*"Fouquieria splendens

*"Hyptis emoryi"
*"Krameria grayi"
*"Larrea tridentata"
*"Lycium andersonii"
*"Olneya tesota"
*"Peucephyllum schottii"
*"Psorothamnus spinosus"
*"Sphaeralcea ambigua"

Annuals: Common name

*"Ajo Lily"
**"Desert lily"
*"Arizona Lupine"
*"Desert Sunflower"
*"Desert Tobacco"

*"Narrow-leaved Popcorn Flower"
*Rattlesnake Weed-No 1
*"Sand verbena (A. villosa)"
**"Notch-leaved Phacelia"
*"White-bract Stick Leaf"
**"White-bract Blazing Star"

Annuals: Genus-species

*"Abronia villosa"
*"Cryptantha angustifolia"
*"ReDir" "Euphorbia albomarginata"
*"Geraea canescens"
*"Hesperocallis undulata"

*"Lupinus arizonicus"
*"Mentzelia involucrata"
*"Nicotiana obtusifolia"
*"Phacelia crenulata spp"

Little Picacho Wilderness flora

Flora of the Little Picacho Wilderness—("Eastern section, only")

Perennials: Common name

*"Beavertail Cactus"
*"Bebbia" -- Chuckwalla's Delight
*"Buckhorn Cholla"
*"Catclaw Acacia"
*"Creosote bush"
*"Desert fir"
*"Desert Globemallow"
*"Desert Ironwood"
*"Desert Lavender"

*Mesquite-("Prosopis ssp")
*"Rush Milkweed"
**Desert Milkweed, Leafless Milkweed
*"Blue Palo Verde
*"Rock Hibiscus"
*"Smoketree (Psorothamnus)"
*"White Ratany"

Perennials: Genus-species

*"Acacia greggii"
*"Asclepias subulata"
*"Bebbia juncea"
*"Cercidium floridum"
*"Encelia farinosa"
*"ReDir" "Fouquieria splendens"
*"Hibiscus denudatus"
*"Hyptis emoryi"

*"Krameria grayi"
*"Larrea tridentata"
*"Olneya tesota"
*"Opuntia acanthocarpa"
**(="Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa"
*"Opuntia basilaris"
*"Peucephyllum schottii"
*"Prosopis ssp"-(Mesquite)
*"Psorothamnus spinosus"
*"Sphaeralcea ambigua"

Trees, perennials: Common name

*"Catclaw Acacia"
*"Desert Ironwood"

*"Blue Palo Verde
*"Smoketree (Psorothamnus)"

Trees, perennials: Genus-species-(binomials)

*"Acacia greggii"
*"Cercidium floridum"

*"Olneya tesota"
*"Psorothamnus spinosus"

Annuals: Common name

*"Arizona Lupine"
*"California Fagonbush"
*"Desert Sunflower"
*"Desert Tobacco"
*Desert trumpet
*"Fremont's pincushion"

*"Narrow-leaved Popcorn Flower"
*Plantago-("Psyllium ssp")
*Rattlesnake Weed-No 1
*"Rigid Spiny Herb"
**"Notch-leaved Phacelia"
*"White-bract Stick Leaf"
**"White-bract Blazing Star"

Annuals: Genus-species

*"Chaenactis fremontii"
*"Chorizanthe rigida"
*"Cryptantha angustifolia"
*"ReDir" "Eriogonum spp"
**Desert trumpet
*"ReDir" "Euphorbia albomarginata"

*"Fagonia laevis"
*"Geraea canescens"
*"Lupinus arizonicus"
*"Mentzelia involucrata"
*"Nicotiana obtusifolia"
*("Phacelia crenulata spp")
*"Psyllium ssp"


* [,b884JBKT,w Overview write-up of Wilderness] - "trees in the many washes"–(a good general wilderness description-(Note: "Access roads" to the wilderness "Border" can be rough, (and 'washboarded' in places-(No Motorized traffic in wilderness)))
* [ General description] - No mention of plant species

Muggins Mountains Wilderness flora

Flora of the Muggins Mountains Wilderness.

Perennials: Common name

*"Anderson Thornbush"
*"Bebbia" -- Chuckwalla's Delight
*"Catclaw Acacia"
*"Creosote bush"
*"Desert Globemallow"
*"Desert Ironwood"
*"Desert Lavender"

*"Rush Milkweed"
**Desert Milkweed, Leafless Milkweed
*"Blue Palo Verde"
*"Smoketree (Psorothamnus)"
*"White Ratany"

Perennials: Genus-species

*"Acacia greggii"
*"Asclepias subulata"
*"Bebbia juncea"
*"Carnegiea gigantea"
*"Cercidium floridum"
*"Encelia farinosa"
*"Fouquieria splendens"

*"Hyptis emoryi"
*"Krameria grayi"
*"Larrea tridentata"
*"Lycium andersonii"
*"Olneya tesota"
*"Psorothamnus spinosus"
*"Sphaeralcea ambigua"

Annuals: Common name

*"Arizona Lupine"
*"Desert Tobacco"
*"Narrow-leaved Popcorn Flower"

*Rattlesnake Weed-No 1
**"Notch-leaved Phacelia"
*"White-bract Stick Leaf"
**"White-bract Blazing Star"

Annuals: Genus-species

*"Cryptantha angustifolia"
*"R" "Euphorbia albomarginata"
*"Lupinus arizonicus"

*"Mentzelia involucrata"
*"Nicotiana obtusifolia"
*"Phacelia crenulata spp"


*Warren, Scott S. "Exploring Arizona's Wild Areas." Mountaineers Books, 1996, 2nd Ed 2002. (softcover, ISBN 978-0-89886774-9).
**Reference to the common plants -(a short list-(perennials))-(p 265): Muggins Mountains Wilderness: Seasons, Plants and Wildlife: "ocotillo, creosote bush, brittlebush, paloverde, 'Desert ironwood', 'Smoketree (Psorothamnus)';" p.265.

Region: Yuma, Arizona

The city of Yuma, Arizona. Open land areas especially, but also "canal bank" regions, because of their easy and horizontal access points.

Perennials: Common name

*"Anderson Thornbush"
*"Bebbia" -- Chuckwalla's Delight
*"Catclaw Acacia"
*"Creosote bush"
*"Desert Globemallow"
*"Desert Ironwood"

*"Rush Milkweed"
**Desert Milkweed, Leafless Milkweed
*"Blue Palo Verde"
*"Smoketree (Psorothamnus)"
*"White Ratany"

Perennials: Genus-species

*"Acacia greggii"
*"Asclepias subulata"
*"Bebbia juncea"
*"Carnegiea gigantea"
*"Cercidium floridum"
*"Encelia farinosa"

*"Krameria grayi"
*"Larrea tridentata"
*"Lycium andersonii"
*"Olneya tesota"
*"Sphaeralcea ambigua"

Annuals: Common name

*"Desert Blazing Star (M. pumila)"
*"Desert Sunflower"
*"Desert Tobacco"

*"Narrow-leaved Popcorn Flower"
*Rattlesnake Weed-No 1
*"Sand verbena (A. villosa)"

Annuals: Genus-species

*"Abronia villosa"
*"Cryptantha angustifolia"
*"R" "Euphorbia albomarginata"

*"Geraea canescens"
*"Mentzelia pumila" -- (Desert Blazing Star)
*"Nicotiana obtusifolia"

Endemic flora to the Lower Colorado River Valley region

*"Hesperocallis undulata"
the "Ajo Lily"-- or "Desert lily" - [ RangeMap]
*"Nolina bigelovii"
a "Nolina" bunchgrass - [ RangeMap]
*"Peucephyllum schottii"
the "Desert fir"


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