List of flora (LCRV)

List of flora (LCRV)

This is a List of flora "of the" (Lower Colorado River Valley).

The list also includes: "Lepidoptera" (Butterfly & Moth), and "Wildflower" species.

List of flora

The list:

* Acacia greggii
* Atriplex
* Baccharis
* Chenopodium
* Chilopsis
* Cottonwood
* Creosote bush
* Encelia
* Encelia farinosa
* Globemallow
* Joshua Tree
* Linanthus demissus, Humble Gilia
(or Desert Snow)-Linanthus

* Linanthus demissus, Humble Gilia
(or Desert Snow)-Linanthus
* Mesquite
** Screwbean Mesquite
* Nicotiana glauca
* Ocotillo–(not a cactus)
* Palo verde
* Platanus–"Arizona Sycamore"
* Potamogeton
* Screwbean Mesquite
* Saguaro, not a true cactus(?)
* Tamarix
* Typha–"Cattails"
* Yucca elata, the Soaptree yucca

To be added-list

*Canaigre Dock, (Desert Rhubarb)
*Chia, (Desert Sage), Salvia columbariae
*Fishhook cactus
*Abronia (plant)
*Chaenactis xantiana
*Desert trumpet
*Linanthus demissus, Humble Gilia (or Desert Snow)

*Rigid Spiny-Herb
*Canaigre, Rumex hymenosepalus
Family: Polygonaceae
*Desert rock pea

List of cacti

* Barrel cactus
* Cholla
** See Opuntia
* Beavertail Cactus
* Fishhook cactus
* Jumping Cholla
* Ocotillo–(not a cactus)
* Opuntia–"Prickly pear cacti"
* Saguaro

List of bird flora

* Linanthus demissus, Humble Gilia (or Desert Snow)

List of lepidoptera flora

* Atriplex
* Baccharis
* Encelia, Brittlebush
* Encelia farinosa, Brittlebush
* Linanthus demissus, Humble Gilia (or Desert Snow)

List of lepidoptera

* Yucca moth
** with Yucca elata, the Soaptree yucca

List of trees

* Acacia greggii
* Cottonwood
* Creosote bush
* "Desert Ironwood"–Olneya tesota

* Mesquite
** Screwbean Mesquite
* Platanus–"Arizona Sycamore"
* Tamarix
* Yucca elata, the Soaptree yucca

List of water-related flora

* Potamogeton
* Tamarix
* Typha–"Cattails"

List of wildflowers

* Banana yucca
* Beavertail Cactus
* Chaenactis xantiana
* Chilopsis
* Desert five-spot
* Desert larkspur
* Desert rock pea
* Encelia
* Encelia farinosa
* Globemallow

* Joshua Tree
* Langloisia
* Mariposa Lily: "Calochortus kennedyi"
**See: [ Jepson manual map of S Calif.]

* Mojave yucca
* Pink phlox
* Prairie clover
* Purple cymopterus
* Scale Bud
* White woolly daisy

Flowers: Tree-related, cacti, etc:

* Banana yucca
* Beavertail Cactus
* Chilopsis
**See: [ Jepson Flora Project: "Chilopsis linearis"]
* Cholla
** See Opuntia
* Fishhook cactus
* "Desert Ironwood"–Olneya tesota
* Joshua Tree
* Jumping Cholla
* Mesquite
** Screwbean Mesquite
* Mojave yucca
* Palo verde
* Ocotillo–(not a cactus)
* Opuntia–"Prickly pear cacti"
* Saguaro, not a true cactus(?)
* Screwbean Mesquite

Mojave Desert flowers related with LCRV region:
(Eastern Mojave Desert)

* Chaenactis xantiana
* Desert five-spot
* Desert rock pea

* Pink phlox
* Purple cymopterus
* Scale Bud
* White woolly daisy

Reference picture section

{"Pictures listed by Genus, species")
Plants: Brittlebush(Encelia farinosa), Canaigre("Desert Rhubarb")(Rumex), Chia(Desert Sage)(Salvia columbariae) Desert five-spot(Eremalche), Desert trumpet(Eriogonum), "Humble Gilia" (or Desert Snow)( =Linanthus demissus ), Ocotillo(Fouquieria), Saguaro(Carnegiea)




:*More pictures.
"Humble Gilia" (or Desert Snow)( =Linanthus demissus )




List of Sonoran Desert/LCRV plants by binomial

:"Abronia villosa" -- Sand-verbena:"Abronia villosa" / (LCRV)-- Sand-verbena:(Acacia greggii) / (LCRV)- Catclaw_Acacia:"Acourtia nana", ("Perezia nana") / (LCRV)-- Desert_Holly /#1:"Acourtia wrightii", ("Perezia wrightii") -- Perezia:"Agave. Agave americana" -- Century plant:"Agave bracteosa" -- Spider_Agave:"Agave lechuguilla" -- Lechuguilla:"Agave vilmoriniana" -- Octopus agave:"Ailanthus altissima" -- Tree of heaven::"Escapee" "from cultivation," (Phoenix, etc.):"Allionia incarnata" / (LCRV)-- Trailing_Four_O'clock :"Arctostaphylos pungens" / (LCRV)-- Pointleaf_Manzanita:"Argemone pleiacantha" / (LCRV)-- Bluestem_Pricklepoppy:"Asclepias asperula" -- Antelope_Horns:"Asclepias subulata" / (LCRV)-- Rush_Milkweed:"Atriplex canescens" ---- Four-wing_Saltbush:"Atriplex hymenelytra" / (LCRV)- Desert_Holly_/#2:"Atriplex polycarpa" / (LCRV)---- Saltbush(Desert_Saltbush):"Baccharis salicifolia" / (LCRV)-- Seepwillow(Mulefat):"Baccharis sarothroides" - Desert_Broom:"Bebbia juncea" / (LCRV)-- Chuckwalla's_Delight:"Berberis fremontii"/"Mahonia fremontii" -- Fremont_Barberry:("Mahonia harrisoniana"), "Berberis harrisoniana" / (LCRV)- Kofa_Mountain_Barberry:"Bumelia lanuginosa" / (LCRV)- Gum_Bumelia:"Bursera microphylla" / (LCRV)-- Elephant_Tree :"Carnegiea gigantea" / (LCRV)-- Saguaro:"Cassia covesii" / (LCRV)-- Desert senna:"Castela emoryi"("Holacantha emoryi") / (LCRV)-- Crucifixion_Thorn:"Cercidium .Cercidium floridum" -- ---Blue_Palo_Verde:"Cercidium .Cercidium microphyllum" -- Foothills_Palo_Verde:"Chaenactis fremontii" / (LCRV)-- Fremont's_Pincushion:(Chaenactis xantiana) / (LCRV)-- Mojave pincushion:"Chenopodium album" -- Fat Hen // Lamb'squarters:"Chilopsis .Chilopsis linearis" / (LCRV)-- Desert-willow:"Chorizanthe rigida" / (LCRV)-- Rigid_Spiny-Herb:"Cucurbita digitata" ------ Finger_Leaved_Gourd:"Cucurbita foetidissima" -/ (LCRV)- Buffalo_Gourd:"Cynodon dactylon" / (LCRV)-- Bermuda_grass:"Dalea albiflora" / (LCRV)- Scruffy_Prairie_Clover:"Dalea emoryi" / (LCRV)----- Emory_Dalea:"Dalea parryi" ---- Parry_Dalea:"Dalea spinosa" / (LCRV)--- Smoke-Tree:"Datura meteloides" / (LCRV)-- Jimson_Weed-Sacred_Datura:"Distichlis spp" / (LCRV)-- Salt-grass:"Echinocereus fendleri" -- (Fendler)-Hedgehog_Cactus:(Encelia) / (LCRV)- Brittlebush:(Encelia farinosa) / (LCRV)- Brittlebush:"Ephedra" / (LCRV)-- Mormon_Tea:"Eremalche rotundifolia" / (LCRV)-- Desert five-spot:"Eriogonum inflatum" / (LCRV)-- Desert trumpet:"Eschscholzia mexicana" -- Mexican_Gold_Poppy :"Eschscholzia minutiflora" -- Little_Gold_Poppy:"Fagonia laevis" ("Fagonia californica")/ (LCRV)-- Fagonia:"Forestiera shrevei"-("Forestiera phillyreoides") / (LCRV)-- Desert_Olive:"Fouquieria columnaris" -- Boojum tree:"Fouquieria splendens" / (LCRV)--- Ocotillo:"Gutierrezia microcephala" -- Broom_Snakeweed:"Heliotropium curassivicum" / (LCRV)- Salt_Heliotrope:"Hesperocallis undulata" / (LCRV)-- Ajo_Lilly:"Hibiscus denudatus" / (LCRV)- Rock_Hibiscus:"Hyptis emoryi" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Lavender:"Justicia californica" / (LCRV)-- Chuparosa:"Krameria grayi" / (LCRV)- White_Ratany:"Larrea tridentata" / (LCRV)-- Creosote bush

::("Mahonia harrisoniana"), "Berberis harrisoniana" / (LCRV)- Kofa_Mountain_Barberry:"Mammillaria" -- Fishhook cactus:"Mentzelia pumila" / (LCRV)- Desert_Blazing_Star:(Nicotiana glauca) / (LCRV)-- Tree_Tobacco:"Nicotiana trigonophylla" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Tobacco:"Oenothera deltoides" / (LCRV)-- Dune_Primrose:"Olneya .Olneya tesota" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Ironwood:"Opuntia basilaris" -- Beavertail Cactus:"Opuntia bigelovii" -- Teddy-bear Cholla:"Opuntia fulgida" ---- Jumping Cholla:"Opuntia imbricata" -- Cane Cholla:"Opuntia ramosissima" / (LCRV)-- Diamond_Cholla:"Palafoxia arida" "(Palafoxia linearis)"/ (LCRV)- Spanish_Needles:("Perezia nana")/ "Acourtia nana" -- Desert_Holly /#1:"Phalaris (grass)" -- Canarygrass:"Phragmites" -- Common_Reed:"Pinus monophylla" -- Single-leaf Pinyon:"Populus. Populus fremontii" / (LCRV)-- Cottonwood:"Prosopis. Prosopis pubescens" / (LCRV)-- Screwbean Mesquite:"Purshia. Purshia integra" -- Cliff-rose:"Rumex hymenosepalus" -- Canaigre (Canaigre_Dock):"Salix exigua" -----/ (LCRV) Sandbar(Coyote)_Willow:"Salix gooddingii" / (LCRV)- Goodding_Willow:"Salsola" / (LCRV)-- Thistle:Thistle:"Salsola iberica"("Salsola kali") -- Tumbleweed/Salsola:"Sarcobatus. Sarcobatus vermiculatus" / (LCRV)-- Black_Greasewood:"Sarcostemma hirtellum" / (LCRV)-- Rambling_Milkweed:"Schoenoplectus" -- Tule:"Scirpus californicus" -- California_Bulrush:"Senna covesii" / (LCRV)-- Desert senna::"Cassia covesii":"Sphaeralcea ambigua" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Globemallow:"Tamarix Tamarix aphylla" / (LCRV)---- Athel_Tamarisk:"Tamarix Tamarix chinensis" / (LCRV)- Saltcedar:"Taraxacum (genus) officinale" / (LCRV)-- Dandelion:"Tessaria sericea" / (LCRV)-- Arrowweed:"Tidestromia lanuginosa" / (LCRV) -- Woolly_Tidestromia:"Tiquilia canescens" / (LCRV)-- Shrubby_Coldenia:"Tiquilia plicate" ("Coldenia plicate")/ (LCRV)-- Crinkle_Mats:"Tribulus terrestris" / (LCRV)-- Puncture Vine(Goatheads)::Invasive species:"Typha latifolia" / (LCRV)-- Cattails:"Verbascum thapsus" / (LCRV)-- Common Mullein // Mullein:Viscaceae / (LCRV)-- Desert_Mistletoe, Mistletoe, American_Mistletoe:"Xanthium .Xanthium spinosum" / (LCRV)-- Cocklebur:"Yucca baccata" -- Banana yucca:"Yucca brevifolia / (LCRV)- Joshua Tree:"Yucca elata" ----- Soaptree yucca:((."Yucca filamentosa" - Adam's_needle.)):((."Yucca schidigera" --- Mojave yucca.)):((."Yucca whipplei" ----- Our Lord's Candle.)):"Ziziphus obtusifolia" -- Gray_Thorn:"Zinnia acerosa" -- Wild_Zinnia

Unedited Sonoran Desert flora list

:"Abronia villosa" -- Sand-verbena:"Abronia villosa" / (LCRV)-- Sand-verbena:(Acacia greggii) / (LCRV)- Catclaw_Acacia:"Acourtia nana", ("Perezia nana") -- Desert_Holly /#1:"Acourtia wrightii", ("Perezia wrightii") -- Perezia:("Acroptilon repens"/"Centaurea repens") -- Russian_Knapweed:"Agave. Agave americana" -- Century plant:"Agave bracteosa" -- Spider_Agave:"Agave lechuguilla" -- Lechuguilla:"Agave vilmoriniana" -- Octopus agave:"Ailanthus altissima" -- Tree of heaven::"Escapee" "from cultivation," (Phoenix, etc.):"Allionia incarnata" / (LCRV)-- Trailing_Four_O'clock :"Ambrosia trifida", (Heliantheae) -- Buffalo_Weed:"Amsinckia intermedia" - Fiddleneck:"Anisocoma acaulis" -- Scale Bud:"Androstephium breviflorum" -- Funnel_Lily:"Anemone tuberosa" -- Desert_Anemone:"Arctostaphylos pringlei" -- Pringlei_Manzanita, or Mexican_Manzanita:"Arctostaphylos pungens" -- Pointleaf_Manzanita:"Argemone pleiacantha" -- Bluestem_Pricklepoppy:"Asclepias asperula" -- Antelope_Horns:"Asclepias subulata" / (LCRV)-- Rush_Milkweed:"Atriplex canescens" ---- Four-wing_Saltbush:"Atriplex hymenelytra" / (LCRV)- Desert_Holly_/#2:"Atriplex polycarpa" ---- Saltbush(Desert_Saltbush):"Baccharis salicifolia" -- Seepwillow(Mulefat):"Baccharis sarothroides" - Desert_Broom:"Baileya" -- Desert_marigold:"Bebbia juncea" / (LCRV)-- Chuckwalla's_Delight:"Berberis fremontii"/"Mahonia fremontii" -- Fremont_Barberry:("Mahonia harrisoniana"), "Berberis harrisoniana" / (LCRV)- Kofa_Mountain_Barberry:"Bumelia lanuginosa" - Gum_Bumelia:"Bursera microphylla" / (LCRV)-- Elephant_Tree :"Calochortus kennedyi".(Liliaceae) -- Desert_Mariposa:"Canotia holocantha" - Crucifixion_Thorn_/#2:"Carnegiea gigantea" / (LCRV)-- Saguaro:"Cassia covesii" -- Desert senna:"Castela emoryi"("Holacantha emoryi") - Crucifixion_Thorn:"Castilleja chromosa" -- Indian_Paintbrush:"Centaurea repens" /("Acroptilon repens" -- Russian_Knapweed:"Centaurea solstitialis" / (LCRV)-- Yellow_Star_Thistle:"Cercidium .Cercidium floridum" -- ---Blue_Palo_Verde:"Cercidium .Cercidium microphyllum" -- Foothills_Palo_Verde:"Chaenactis fremontii" / (LCRV)-- Fremont's_Pincushion:"Chaenactis stevioides" -- Esteve's_Pincushion:(Chaenactis xantiana) / (LCRV)-- Mojave pincushion:"Chenopodium album" -- Fat Hen // Lamb'squarters:"Chilopsis .Chilopsis linearis" -- Desert-willow:"Chorizanthe rigida" / (LCRV)-- Rigid_Spiny-Herb:"Crossosoma bigelovii" -- Bigelow_Ragged_Rock Flower, (or_Bigelow's_Crossosoma):"Cucurbita digitata" ------ Finger_Leaved_Gourd:"Cucurbita foetidissima" - Buffalo_Gourd:"Cynodon dactylon" -- Bermuda_grass:"Dalea albiflora" / (LCRV)- Scruffy_Prairie_Clover:"Dalea emoryi" ----- Emory_Dalea:"Dalea parryi" ---- Parry_Dalea:"Dalea spinosa" --- Smoke-Tree:"Dasylirion wheeleri" -- Common_Sotol:"Datura meteloides" -- Jimson_Weed-Sacred_Datura:"Delphinium scaposum" -- Barestem_Larkspur:"Distichlis spp" -- Salt-grass:(Dodonaea viscosa) -- (Florida)-Hopbush/Hopseed/Akeake:"Echinocereus fendleri" -- (Fendler)-Hedgehog_Cactus:(Encelia) - Brittlebush:(Encelia farinosa) / (LCRV)- Brittlebush:"Ephedra" -- Mormon_Tea:"Eremalche rotundifolia" -- Desert five-spot:"Eriogonum inflatum" -- Desert trumpet:"Eschscholzia mexicana" -- Mexican_Gold_Poppy :"Eschscholzia minutiflora" -- Little_Gold_Poppy:"Fagonia laevis" ("Fagonia californica")/ (LCRV)-- Fagonia:"Forestiera neomexicana" -- New_Mexican_Forestiera:"Forestiera shrevei"-("Forestiera phillyreoides") -- Desert_Olive:"Fouquieria columnaris" -- Boojum tree:"Fouquieria splendens" / (LCRV)--- Ocotillo:"Frangula californica" /Rhamnus californica" -- California_Buckthorn:"Fraxinus lowelii" -- Lowell_Ash:"Geraea canescens" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Sunflower:"Gilia latifolia" -- Broad_Leaved_Gilia:"Gossypium thurberi" -- Arizona_Desert_Cotton :"Gutierrezia microcephala" -- Broom_Snakeweed:"Harpagophytum procumbens" -- Grapple_Plant (Devil's_Claw_/2):"Heliotropium curassivicum" / (LCRV)- Salt_Heliotrope:"Hesperocallis undulata" / (LCRV)-- Ajo_Lilly:"Hibiscus denudatus" / (LCRV)- Rock_Hibiscus:"Hyptis emoryi" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Lavender:"Jatropha cuneata" -- Limber_Bush:"Jamesia americana" -- Cliffbush/Jamesia:"Justicia californica" -- Chuparosa:"Kallstroemia grandiflora" - Arizona_Caltrop:"Krameria grayi" / (LCRV)- White_Ratany:"Krameria parvifolia" -- Range_Ratany:"Larrea tridentata" / (LCRV)-- Creosote bush:(Linanthus demissus) -- Humble_Gilia (Desert_Snow):"Lithospermum incisum" - Fringed_Gromwell:"Lonicera interrupta" -- Chaparral_Honeysuckle:"Lotus rigidus" -- Desert rock pea:"Mahonia fremontii" -- Fremont_Barberry:("Mahonia harrisoniana"), "Berberis harrisoniana" - Kofa_Mountain_Barberry

:"Mammillaria" -- Fishhook cactus:"Mentzelia pumila" / (LCRV)- Desert_Blazing_Star:"Mirabilis bigelovii" -- Desert_Wishbone_Bush:(Nicotiana glauca) -- Tree_Tobacco:"Nicotiana trigonophylla" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Tobacco:"Oenothera deltoides" / (LCRV)-- Dune_Primrose:"Olneya .Olneya tesota" -- Desert_Ironwood:"Opuntia basilaris" -- Beavertail Cactus:"Opuntia bigelovii" -- Teddy-bear Cholla:"Opuntia fulgida" ---- Jumping Cholla:"Opuntia imbricata" -- Cane Cholla:"Opuntia ramosissima" / (LCRV)-- Diamond_Cholla:"Palafoxia arida" "(Palafoxia linearis)"/ (LCRV)- Spanish_Needles:"Pectis angustifolia" -- Fetid_Marigold:("Perezia nana")/ "Acourtia nana" -- Desert_Holly /#1:("Perezia wrightii")/"Acourtia wrightii" -- Perezia:"Phacelia distans" -- Blue_Phacelia:"Phalaris (grass)" -- Canarygrass:"Phragmites" -- Common_Reed:"Pinus monophylla" -- Single-leaf Pinyon:"Platanus mexicana" -- Mexican Plane:"Platanus wrightii" -- Arizona_Sycamore:"Populus. Populus fremontii" / (LCRV)-- Cottonwood:"Populus tremuloides" -- Quaking_Aspen:"Proboscidea parviflora" -- Devil's claw/Unicorn plant:"Prosopis glandulosa" -- Honey_Mesquite:"Prosopis. Prosopis pubescens" -- Screwbean Mesquite:"Purshia. Purshia integra" -- Cliff-rose:"Rhamnus californica" /Frangula californica" -- California_Buckthorn:"Rhus ovata" / (LCRV)-- Sugar Sumac:"Rubus neomexicanus" - New_Mexican_Raspberry:"Rubus strigosus" -- Red_Raspberry:"Rumex hymenosepalus" -- Canaigre (Canaigre_Dock):"Salix bonplandiana" -- Bonpland_Willow:"Salix exigua" ----- Sandbar(Coyote)_Willow:"Salix gooddingii" - Goodding_Willow:"Salsola" / (LCRV)-- Thistle:Thistle:"Salsola iberica"("Salsola kali") -- Tumbleweed/Salsola:(Salvia columbariae) - Chia:"Sambucus mexicana" -- Mexican_Elder:"Sapindus saponaria" var. "drummondii" -- Western_Soapberry:"Sarcobatus. Sarcobatus vermiculatus" / (LCRV)-- Black_Greasewood:"Sarcostemma cynanchoides" -- Climbing_Milkweed:"Sarcostemma hirtellum" / (LCRV)-- Rambling_Milkweed:"Schoenoplectus" -- Tule:"Scirpus californicus" -- California_Bulrush:"Senecio douglasii" -- Threadleaf_Groundsel:"Senecio lemmoni" -- Lemmon's_Butterweed:"Senecio neomexicanus" -- New_Mexico_Butterweed:"Senecio quercetorum" -- Senecio:"Senna covesii" -- Desert senna::"Cassia covesii":"Simmondsia chinensis" -- Jojoba:"Sisymbrium irio" -- London_Rocket:"Sphaeralcea ambigua" / (LCRV)-- Desert_Globemallow:"Sphaeralcea parvifolia" / (LCRV)-- Little_Leaf_Globemallow:"Stenocereus thurberi" -- Organ_Pipe_Cactus:"Stephanomeria pauciflora" -- Desert_Straw:"Stephanomeria thurberi" -- Thurber's_Stephanomeria:"Stevia lemmoni" -- Stevia:"Symphoricarpos rotundifolius" -- Roundleaf_Snowberry:"Tamarix Tamarix aphylla" / (LCRV)---- Athel_Tamarisk:"Tamarix Tamarix chinensis" / (LCRV)- Saltcedar:"Taraxacum (genus) officinale" / (LCRV)-- Dandelion:"Tessaria sericea" / (LCRV)-- Arrowweed:"Tidestromia lanuginosa" -- Woolly_Tidestromia:"Tiquilia canescens" / (LCRV)-- Shrubby_Coldenia:"Tiquilia plicate" ("Coldenia plicate")/ (LCRV)-- Crinkle_Mats:"Tribulus terrestris" - Puncture Vine(Goatheads)::Invasive species:"Typha latifolia" -- Cattails:"Urtica" -- Nettle:"Verbascum thapsus" -- Common Mullein // Mullein:Viscaceae / (LCRV)-- Desert Mistletoe, Mistletoe, American_Mistletoe:"Viguiera annua" -- Annual_Goldeneye:"Viguiera parishii" -- Parish_Viguiera:"Xanthium .Xanthium spinosum" / (LCRV)-- Cocklebur:"Yucca baccata" -- Banana yucca:"Yucca brevifolia / (LCRV)- Joshua Tree:"Yucca elata" ----- Soaptree yucca:((."Yucca filamentosa" - Adam's_needle.)):((."Yucca schidigera" --- Mojave yucca.)):((."Yucca whipplei" ----- Our Lord's Candle.)):"Ziziphus obtusifolia" -- Gray_Thorn:"Zinnia acerosa" -- Wild_Zinnia

ee also

*List of fauna (LCRV)
*List of flowers
*List of plants by common name
*List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert)

External links

*For "Wildflower tree", Chilopsis:
[ Jepson Flora Project: "Chilopsis linearis"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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