- Neutron backscattering
Science with Neutrons Foundations - Neutron temperature
- Flux · Radiation · Transport
- Cross section · Absorption · Activation
Neutron scattering - Neutron diffraction
- Inelastic neutron scattering
- Triple-axis spectrometer
- Time-of-flight spectrometer
- Backscattering spectrometer
- Spin-echo spectrometer
Other applications - Radiography and tomography
- Activation analysis · Prompt gamma activation analysis
- Fundamental research with neutrons: Ultracold neutrons · Interferometry
Infrastructure - Neutron sources: Research reactor · Spallation · Neutron moderator
- Neutron optics: Guide · Supermirror · Polarizer
- Detection
Neutron facilities Neutron backscattering is one of several inelastic neutron scattering techniques. Backscattering from monochromator and analyzer crystals is used to achieve an energy resolution in the order of μeV. Neutron backscattering experiments are performed to study atomic or molecular motion on a nanosecond time scale.
External links
Existing backscattering spectrometers at reactors:
- IN10 at the Institut Laue-Langevin
- IN13 at the Institut Laue-Langevin
- IN16 at the Institut Laue-Langevin
- High flux backscattering spectrometer (HFBS) at NIST
- SPHERES, an instrument of Forschungszentrum Jülich at FRM II
Inverse geometry spectrometers at spallation sources:
- IRIS at ISIS at Rutherford-Appleton
- OSIRIS at ISIS at Rutherford-Appleton
- MARS at Paul Scherrer Institute
Historic instruments:
- the first backscattering spectrometer was a temporary setup at FRM I: B. Alefeld, M. Birr, A. Heidemann, Naturwissenschaften 56, 410 (1969)
- backscattering spectrometer BSS (also called PI) at the DIDO reactor of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (decommissioned)
A historical and updated review on neutron backscattering and its applications can be found on WEB-site of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy and a more recent version of it [1]
- Heinz Maier-Leibnitz: Grundlagen für die Beurteilung von Intensitäts- und Genauigkeitsfragen bei Neutronenstreumessungen, Nukleonik 8, 61 (1966).
Categories:- Neutron scattering
- Spectroscopy
- Physics stubs
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