List of logicians

List of logicians

A logician is a person, such as a philosopher or mathematician, whose topic of scholarly study is logic. The famous logicians are listed below in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surname).



* Nate Ackerman (USA, 1978 - )
* Wilhelm Ackermann (Germany, 1896 - 1962)
* Sergei Adian (Russia/Soviet Union/Armenia, 1931 - )
* Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (Poland, 1890 - 1963)
* Alice Ambrose (USA, 1906 - 2001)
* Alan Ross Anderson (USA, 1924 - 1972)
* Peter Andrews (USA, 1938 - )
* Aristotle (Greece, 384 B.C. - 322 B.C.)


* Bahmanyar (?, ? - 1067)
* Alexander Bain (?, 1818 - 1903)
*Stefan Banach (Poland, 1892 - 1945)
*Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (Israel, 1915 - 1975)
* Henk Barendregt (?, 1947 - )
*Jon Barwise (USA, 1942 - 2000)
* James Earl Baumgartner (USA, 1943 - )
*Nuel Belnap (1931 - )
* Paul Benacerraf (USA, ? - )
* Johan van Benthem (Netherlands, 1949 - )
* Paul Bernays (Switzerland, 1888 - 1977)
*Evert Willem Beth (Netherlands, 1908 - 1964)
*Jean-Yves Béziau (Switzerland, 1965 - )
* David Blitz (USA, ? - )
* Józef Maria Bocheński (Poland, 1902 - 1995)
* Bernard Bolzano (Austrian Empire, 1781 - 1848)
* Andrea Bonomì (?, 1940 - )
*George Boole (UK, 1815 - 1864)
*George Boolos (USA, 1940 - 1996)
*Nicolas Bourbaki (Pseudonym used by a group of French mathematicians)
*Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (Netherlands, 1881 - 1966)
* Francis Burgersdyk (Netherlands, 1590 - 1629)


*Georg Ferdinand Cantor (Germany, 1845 - 1918)
*Rudolf Carnap (Germany, 1891 - 1970)
*Lewis Carroll (UK, 1832 - 1898)
* Chrysippus (Greece, ? - )
*Alonzo Church (USA, 1903 - 1995)
* Leon Chwistek (Poland, 1884 - 1944)
*Paul Joseph Cohen (USA, 1934 - 2007)
* Garlandus Compotista (?, ? - )
* S. Barry Cooper (Britain, ? - )
*Newton da Costa (Brazil, 1929 - )
*William Craig (USA, - )
*Haskell Curry (USA, 1900 - 1982)
* Tadeusz Czeżowski (Poland, 1889 - 1981)


* T. Edward Damer (?, ? - )
* Martin Davis (USA, 1928 - )
*Augustus De Morgan (UK, 1806 - 1871)
* Dharmakirti (India, ? - )
* Dignāga (India, ? - )
* Stephen Donaho (?, 1965 - )
*Michael A. E. Dummett (1925 - )


* Alexander Esenin-Volpin (Russia, 1924 - )
* John Etchemendy (USA, ? - )


*Solomon Feferman
* Richard Ferrybridge (England, ? - )
*Hartry Field
* Kit Fine (?, 1946 - )
* Matthew Foreman (USA, 1957 - )
* Michael Fourman (Britain, 1950 - )
*Adolf Fraenkel (Germany, 1891 - 1965)
* Roland Fraïssé (France, 1920 - )
*Gottlob Frege (Germany, 1848 - 1925)
*Harvey Friedman


* Dov Gabbay (?, 1945 - )
*L. T. F. Gamut (collective pseudonym used by a group of Dutch logicians)
* Robin Gandy (Britain, 1919 - 1995)
* Sol Garfunkel (?, 1943 - )
*Aksapada Gautama (India, c. 6th century B.C. - 5th century B.C.)
* Peter Geach (?, 1916 - )
*Gerhard Gentzen (Germany, 1909 - 1945)
*Joseph Diaz Gergonne (France, 1771 - 1859)
*Jean-Yves Girard
*Kurt Gödel (Austria, USA, 1906 - 1978)
* Jeroen Groenendijk (?, ? - )


*Susan Haack (UK, 1945 - )
*Petr Hájek (Czech Republic, 1941 - )
* Leo Harrington (USA, ? - )
* Robert S. Hartman (?, 1910 - 1973)
* Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (?, 1770 - 1831)
* Jean Van Heijenoort (?, 1912 - 1986)
*Leon Henkin
*Jacques Herbrand (France,1908 - 1931)
*Arend Heyting (1898 - 1980)
*David Hilbert (Germany, 1862 - 1943)
*Jaakko Hintikka (Finland, 1929 - )
*Alfred Horn (USA, 1918 - 2001)
* William Alvin Howard (?, ? - )
* Ehud Hrushovski (Israel, 1959 - )


* Lyubomir Ivanov (Bulgaria, 1952 - )


* Giorgi Japaridze (?, ? - )
* Stanisław Jaśkowski (Poland, 1906–1935)
* Richard Jeffrey (USA, 1926 - 2002)
* Ronald Jensen (USA, 1936 - )
* William Stanley Jevons (England, 1835 – 1882)
* William Ernest Johnson (?, 1858 - 1931)
* Dick de Jongh (Netherlands, 1939 - )
* Bjarni Jónsson (Iceland, 1920 - )
* Philip Jourdain (Britain, 1879 - 1919)


*David Kaplan (USA, 1933 - )
*Alexander S. Kechris
*Stephen Cole Kleene (USA, 1909 - 1994)
* Bakhadyr (Bakh) Khoussainov (USSR/USA/New Zealand, 1961 -)
* David Kolb (?, 1939 - )
* Tadeusz Kotarbiński (Poland, 1886 - 1981)
* Robert Kowalski (Poland, 1941 - )
* Georg Kreisel (Austria/Britain/USA, 1923 - )
*Saul Kripke (USA, 1940 - )
* Leopold Kronecker (Germany, 1823 - 1891)


* Christine Ladd-Franklin (?, 1847 - 1930)
* M. C. Laskowski (USA, ?)
*Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Germany, 1646 - 1716)
* Stanisław Leśniewski (Poland, 1886 - 1939)
*Clarence Irving Lewis (USA, 1883 - 1964)
*David Lewis (USA, 1941 - 2001)
* David Kellogg Lewis (?, 1941 - 2001)
*Adolf Lindenbaum (Poland, 1904 - 1941)
* Martin Löb (Germany, 1921 - 2006)
* Paul Lorenzen (Germany, 1915 - 1994)
* Jerzy Łoś (Poland, 1920 - 1998)
*Rudolf Hermann Lotze (Germany 1817 - 1881)
*Leopold Löwenheim (Germany, 1878 - 1957)
*Jan Łukasiewicz (Poland, 1878 - 1956)


*Hugh MacColl (Scotland 1837 - 1909)
*Saunders MacLane (USA, 1909 - )
* Dugald Macpherson (?, ? - )
* Penelope Maddy (USA, ? - )
* David Makinson (Australia, 1941 - )
* Isaac Malitz (USA, 1947 - )
*Ruth Barcan Marcus (USA, 1921 - )
* Per Martin-Löf (Sweden, 1942 - )
*Donald A. Martin
* Richard Milton Martin (USA, 1916 - 1985)
* Yuri Matiyasevich (Russia/Soviet Union, 1947 - )
*C. A. Meredith (Ireland, 1904 - 1976)
*John Stuart Mill (England, 1806 - 1873)
*Richard Montague (USA, 1930 - 1971)
*Yiannis N. Moschovakis
* Andrzej Mostowski (Poland, 1913 - 1975)


* Edward Nelson (USA, 1942 - )
*John von Neumann (Hungary, USA, 1903 - 1957)
* Jean Nicod (?, 1893 - 1924)
* Pyotr Sergeyevich Novikov (Russia/Soviet Union, 1901 - 1975)


* William of Ockham (?, 1285 - 1349)
* Piergiorgio Odifreddi (Italy, 1950 - )
* Ivan Orlov (?, 1886 - )


* Jeff Paris (Britain, ? - )
* Charles Parsons (USA, ? - )
* Solomon Passy (Bulgaria, 1956 - )
*Giuseppe Peano (Italy, 1858 - 1932)
* Charles Peirce (USA, 1839 - 1914)
*Charles Sanders Peirce (USA, 1839 - 1914)
* Chaim Perelman (Poland, ? - )
*Walter Pitts (USA, 1923 - 1969)
*Emil Leon Post (USA, 1897 - 1954)
*Dag Prawitz (Sweden, 1936 - )
*Mojżesz Presburger (Poland 1904 -1943)
*Graham Priest (Australia 1948 - )
*Arthur Prior (New Zealand, 1914 - 1969)
*Hilary Putnam (USA, 1926 - )


* Willard Van Orman Quine (USA, 1908 - 2000)


* Michael O. Rabin (?, 1931 - )
* Constantin Rădulescu-Motru (?, 1868 - 1957)
*Frank Plumpton Ramsey (UK, 1903 - 1930)
* Helena Rasiowa (Poland, 1917 - 1994)
* Carveth Read (Britain, 1848 - 1931)
*Abraham Robinson (Israel, UK, Canada, USA, 1918 - 1974)
* Raphael M. Robinson (USA, 1911 - 1995)
* Hartley Rogers, Jr (?, ? - )
*J. Barkley Rosser (USA, 1907 - 1989)
*Richard Routley (New Zealand, 1935 - 1996)
*Bertrand Russell (UK, 1872 - 1970)


* Gerald Sacks (USA, ? - )
* Albert of Saxony (Germany, c. 1316 - 1390)
* Helmut Schwichtenberg (Germany)
* Rolf Schock (b. France, 1933 - 1986)
* Moses Schönfinkel (USSR, 1889 - 1942)
* Ernst Schröder (Germany, 1841 - 1902)
* Dana Scott (USA, 1932 - )
* Duns Scotus (?, 1266 - 1308)
*John Duns Scotus (England, c. 1266-1308)
* Fyodor Shcherbatskoy (Russia, 1866 - 1942)
* Saharon Shelah (Israel, 1945 - )
*William of Sherwood (England, 1190 - 1249)
* Hui Shi (China, ? - )
* Christoph von Sigwart (Germany, 1830 - 1894)
* Raghunatha Siromani (India, 1470s - 1550s)
* Thoralf Skolem (Norway 1887 - 1963)
* Dimiter Skordev (Bulgaria, 1936 - )
* Theodore Slaman (USA, ? - )
* Raymond Smullyan (USA, 1919 - )
* Robert M. Solovay (USA, ? - )
* Peter of Spain
* John R. Steel
* Martin Stokhof (Netherlands, ? - )
* Nyāya Sūtras (India, ? - )
* Richard Sylvan (?, 1935 - 1996)


* Gaisi Takeuti (Japan, 1926 - )
*Alfred Tarski (Poland, 1902 - 1983)
* Pavel Tichý (Czech Republic, 1936 - 1994)
*Anne Sjerp Troelstra (Netherlands, 1939 - )
*Alan Turing (UK, 1912 - 1954)
*Kazimierz Twardowski (Poland, 1866 - 1938)


* Udayana (India, ? - )
* Alasdair Urquhart (Britain, 1945 - )


* Nicolai A. Vasiliev (Russia, 1880 - 1940)
* Robert Lawson Vaught (USA, 1926 - 2002)
* Paul of Venice (?, 1368 - 1428)
*John Venn (England, 1834 - 1923)


* Hao Wang (China/USA, 1921 - 1995)
*Isaac Watts (England, 1674 - 1748)
* Richard Whately (England, 1787 - 1863)
*Alfred North Whitehead (UK, 1861 - 1947)
*Ludwig Wittgenstein (Austria, 1889 - 1951)
*W. Hugh Woodin (USA, 1955 - )
* Georg Henrik von Wright (?, 1916 - 2003)



* Jin Yuelin (China, 1895 – 1984)


*Lotfi Zadeh (Azerbaijan/USA, 1921 - )
*Ernst Zermelo (Germany, 1871 - 1953)
* Zhuangzi (China, ? - )
*Aleksandr Zinovyev (Soviet Union, 1922 - 2006)

External links

* The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive: -- Very complete list of detailed biographies. Many logicians are included.

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