- 6th century BC
The 6th century BC started the first day of
600 BC and ended the last day of501 BC .In India,
Panini , sometime during this century [http://books.google.com/books?id=CKLxjjXqAsQC&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39&dq=panini+BCE&source=web&ots=Gakie80Lfx&sig=oEJkmNhpxv9H9qavcz-XKGdallE&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=10&ct=result] , composed a grammar forsanskrit , which is the oldest extant grammar of any language.In the Near East, the first half of this century was dominated by the Neo Babylonian or Chaldean empire, which had risen to power late in the previous century after successfully rebelling against
Assyrian rule. TheKingdom of Judah came to an end in587 BC when Babylonian forces underNebuchadnezzar II capturedJerusalem , and removed most of its population to their own lands. Babylonian rule was toppled however in the 540's, by Cyrus, who founded thePersian Empire in its place. The Persian Empire continued to expand and grew into the greatest empire the world had yet known.In
Iron Age Europe , the Celtic expansion is in progress. China is in theSpring and Autumn Period .*
Mediterranean : Beginning ofGreek philosophy , flourishes during the5th century BC .
*The lateHallstatt culture period in Eastern andCentral Europe , the late Bronze Age inNorthern Europe .
*East Asia : TheSpring and Autumn Period .Chinese philosophy become theorthodoxy ofChina .Confucianism , Legalism andMoism flourish.Laozi foundsTaoism .
*Middle East : During thePersian empire ,Zoroaster , akaZarathustra , foundedZoroastrianism , adualistic philosophy . This was also the time of theBabylonian captivity of the ancient Jews.
*Ancient India : The Buddha andMahavira foundBuddhism andJainism .
*The decline of theOlmec civilization in America.Events
*Mid-6th century BC — Foundation of
Temple of Olympian Zeus (Athens) is made.
*598 BC —Jehoiachin succeedsJehoiakim as King of Judah.
*March 16 ,597 BC —Babylonia ns captureJerusalem , replaceJehoiachin withZedekiah as king.
*595 BC —Psammetichus II succeedsNecho II as king of Egypt.
*594 BC —Solon appointedarchon ofAthens ; institutesdemocratic reforms .
*590 BC —Egypt ian army sacksNapata , compelling theCush itecourt to move to a more secure location atMeroe near thesixth Cataract [cite web| title = History of the SUDAN| publisher =www.historyworld.net| date = 2007| url =http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=aa86 | accessdate =2007-08-03 ] .
*589 BC —Apries succeedsPsammetichus II as king of Egypt.
*588 BC —Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon begins siege ofJerusalem ; some sources set the date at587 BC .
*587/586 BC —Jerusalem falls to theBabylonia ns, ending theKingdom of Judah . The conquerors destroy the Temple ofJerusalem and exile the land's remaining inhabitants.Babylonian Captivity for the Jews began.
*586 BC — reincarnation ofKing Ding of Zhou , King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*May 28 ,585 BC — Asolar eclipse occurs as predicted byThales , whileAlyattes II is battlingCyaxares . This leads to a truce. This is one of thecardinal date s from which other dates can be calculated.
*585/584 BC —Astyages succeedsCyaxares as King of theMedes .
*585 BC —King Jian of Zhou becomes King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*582 BC —Pythian Games founded atDelphi . (traditional date)
*580 BC — Cambyses I succeeds Cyrus I as king of Anshan and head of theAchaemenid dynasty . (approximate date)
*580 BC —Isthmian Games founded at Corinth. (traditional date)
*579 BC —Servius Tullius succeeds the assassinatedLucius Tarquinius Priscus asking of Rome . (traditional date)
*573 BC —Nemean Games founded atNemea . (traditional date)
*572 BC — Death ofKing Jian of Zhou , King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*571 BC —King Ling of Zhou becomes King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*570 BC —Amasis II succeedsApries as king of Egypt.
*568 BC —Amtalqa succeeds his brotherAspelta as king ofKush .
*562 BC —Amel-Marduk succeeds Nebuchadnezzar as king ofBabylon .
*560 BC —Neriglissar succeedsAmel-Marduk as king ofBabylon .
*560/561 BC —Croesus becomes king ofLydia .
*560 BC — Pisistratus seizes theAcropolis of Athens and declares himselftyrant . He is deposed in the same year.
*550s BC —Carthage conquersSicily ,Sardinia andCorsica .
*559 BC — KingCambyses I of Anshan dies and is succeeded by his son Cyrus II the Great.
*558 BC —Hegesias removed as Archon ofAthens .
*558 BC — The Chinese state of Jin defeats its rival Qin in battle.
*556 BC — Pisistratus is exiled from Athens toEuboea .
*556 BC —Labashi-Marduk succeedsNeriglissar as king ofBabylon .
*556/555 BC —Nabonidus succeedsLabashi-Marduk as king ofBabylon .
*550 BC — Abdera is destroyed by the Thracians.
*550 BC —Cyrus I of Anshan overthrowsAstyages of theMedes , establishing thePersian Empire .
*550 BC — The Late Mumun Period begins in theKorean peninsula .
*547 BC —Croesus ,Lydia n king, is defeated by Cyrus of Persia near theRiver Halys .
*546 BC —Cyrus ofPersia completes his conquest ofLydia , and makesPasargadae hiscapital .
*544 BC — People ofTeos migrate toAbdera, Thrace to escape the yoke of Persia.
*544 BC — King Jing of Zhou becomes King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*543 BC —North Indian Prince Vijaya invadesCeylon and establishes aSinhalese dynasty . (Wrong. Vijaya invaded Sri Lanka 45 years after enlightnment of buddha.)Fact|date=October 2007*543 BC — Pisistratus, tyrant of
Athens , purifies the island ofDelos (approximate date).
*540 BC — Greek city ofElea ofsouthern Italy founded (approximate date).
*540 BC —Persians conquerLycian city ofXanthos now insouthern Turkey (approximate date).
*539 BC —Babylon is conquered byCyrus the Great , defeatingNabonidus .
*c.538 BC — Return of someJews fromBabylonian exile who build theSecond Temple about seventy years after the destruction of theFirst Temple , from520 BC –516 BC .
*537 BC —Jew s transported toBabylon are allowed to return toJerusalem , bringing to a close theBabylonian captivity .
*536 BC — According to tradition, theBiblical prophet Daniel receives an angelic visitor. see [http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?passage=daniel+10%3A4&language=english&version=NLT Daniel 10:4]
*534 BC —Lucius Tarquinius Superbus becomes king ofRome .
*534 BC — Competitions fortragedy are instituted at theCity Dionysia festival inAthens .
*530 BC —Cambyses II succeedsCyrus as King ofPersia .
*528 BC —Gautama Buddha attained Enlightenment, and began his ministry.Gautama Buddha foundsBuddhism inIndia . It becomes a majorworld religion .
*526 BC —Psammetichus III succeedsAmasis II as king of Egypt.
*525 BC —Cambyses II , ruler of Persia, conquers Egypt, defeatingPsammetichus III . This is considered the end of the Twenty-sixth Dynasty, and the start of the Twenty-seventh Dynasty.
*522 BC — Smerdis succeedsCambyses II as ruler of Persia.
*522 BC —Babylon rebels against Persian rule.
*521 BC —Darius I succeedsSmerdis as ruler of Persia.
*521 BC — TheBabylonian rebellion against Persian rule is suppressed.
*520 BC —King Dao of Zhou becomes King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina but dies before the end of the year.
*520 BC —Cleomenes I succeedsAnaxandridas as king ofSparta . (approximate date).
*519 BC — King Jing of Zhou becomes King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*516 BC —Indian subcontinent — Occupation of Punjab is completed by the Persian KingGustasp .
*March 12 ,515 BC — Construction is completed on theTemple in Jerusalem .
*514 BC —King Helu of Wu establishes "Great City of Helu ", the ancient name forSuzhou , as hiscapital inChina .
*513 BC — Darius the Great subdues the Getae and eastThrace in his war against theScythians .
*510 BC — Hippias, son of Pisistratus andtyrant ofAthens , is expelled by a popular revolt supported byCleomenes I , King ofSparta and his forces.
*510 BC — End of reign ofLucius Tarquinius Superbus , last king of the traditional sevenKings of Rome .
*510 BC — Establishment of theRoman Republic .
*510 BC —Demaratus succeeds Ariston as king of Sparta. (approximate date)
*September 13 ,509 BC — Thetemple of Jupiter onRome's Capitoline Hill is dedicated on theides of September .
*508 BC — Office of "pontifex maximus " created inRome .
*507 BC —Cleisthenes , Greekreformer , takes power and increasesdemocracy .
*506 BC —Battle of Bai ju : Forces of theKingdom of Wu underSun Tzu defeat the forces of Chu.
*505 BC — First pair of Romanconsul s elected.
*December 4 ,502 BC —Solar eclipse darkensEgypt . (computed, no clear historical record of observation)
*502 BC — TheLatin League defeats the Etruscans underLars Porsena atAricia .
*502 BC — Naxos rebels against Persian domination sparking theIonian Revolt .
*501 BC —Cleisthenes reformsdemocracy inAthens .
*501 BC — Naxos is attacked by thePersian Empire .
*501 BC — In response to threats by theSabines , Rome creates the office of dictator.
*501 BC —Confucius is appointed governor ofChung-tu .
*501 BC —Gadir (present-dayCádiz ) is captured byCarthage . (approximate date)
*500 BC — Bantu-speaking people migrate into south-westUganda from thewest . (approximate date)
*500 BC —Refugee s fromTeos resettle Abdera.
*500 BC —Darius I of Persia proclaims that Aramaic be theofficial language of the western half of his empire.
*500 BC — Signifies the end of theNordic Bronze Age civilization inOscar Montelius periodization system and begins thePre-Roman Iron Age .
*500 BC — Foundation of firstrepublic inVaishali Bihar India . (This is not right. Vaishali was a republic in the time of buddha.)
*500s BC — TheGutaii tribe began around this time, in Middle andSouthern Africa .
*Persians begin to seize power.
*Persians dominateeastern Mediterranean .
*The Persians underDarius I and laterCyrus invadeTransoxiana .
*Carthage 'smerchant empire slowly dominates thewestern Mediterranean .
*"Tao Te Ching " written (traditional date).
*Confucius formulates hisethical system ofConfucianism , which proves highly influential inChina .
*The Sinhalese emigrate toSri Lanka .
*Apparent writing of theBook of Psalms .
*Abkhazia is colonized by the Greeks.
*Emergence of theProto-Germanic Jastorf culture .
*Temple B,Selinus ,Sicily , is built.ignificant persons
Mahavira ofVaishali , the 24thTirthankara ofJainism , (599 BC –527 BC )
*580s BC — Nebuchadnezzar II, king ofBabylon
*Anaximenes of Miletus , Greekphilosopher (585 BC –525 BC )
*Pythagoras of Samos, Greek mathematician and discoverer of thePythagorean theorem (c.580 BC – c.500 BC )
*580 BC — Death ofCyrus I of Anshan (approximate date)
*Cyrus the Great , king of Persia (576 BC –July,529 BC , reigned559 BC –July,529 BC )
*Ezra andNehemiah , leaders of theJew s returning from theBabylonian Exile
*May,563 BC — Birth ofSiddhartha Gautama , later known asGautama Buddha inLumbini ,Nepal (d. May,483 BC
*563 BC —Queen Maya , mother ofSiddhartha Gautama , dies seven days after giving birth
*c.562 BC — Death of Nebuchadnezzar, king ofBabylon
*Pisistratus, Tyrant ofAthens in561 BC ,559 BC –556 BC and546 BC –528 BC (d.527 BC )
*Solon ofAthens , one of theSeven Sages of Greece (638 BC–558 BC )
*c.556 BC — Birth ofSimonides of Ceos
*553 BC —Emperor Itoku in Japan appeared
*Stesichorus ofSicily , lyricpoet (c. 640 BC–555 BC )
*c.551 BC — Death ofZoroaster
*Confucius , founding figure ofConfucianism (551 BC –479 BC )
*Thales , Greek mathematician (635 BC–543 BC ), predicts solar eclipse in585 BC
*Darius I, King of Persia (born549 BC ; reigned 521–485 BC )
*547 BC — Death ofCroesus
*546 BC — Death ofAnaximander , Greekphilosopher (approximate date).
*545 BC — Death ofKing Ling of Zhou , King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*Sun Tzu , author of "The Art of War " (c.544 BC –496 BC )
*543 BC ((To be verified)) — Death ofGautama Buddha (traditionally inThailand and elsewhere — basis of theThai solar calendar ).
*c.540 BC — Amyntas I becomes king ofMacedon ia.
*539 BC /538 BC — Death ofNabonidus , the last King ofBabylon
*c.535 BC — Birth ofHeraclitus ofEphesus , Greekphilosopher
*c.531 BC — Death ofLaozi , founder ofTaoism
*Aeschylus ,author of Greek tragedies, (525 BC –456 BC )
*525 BC — Death ofPsammetichus III , the lastPharaoh of the Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt
*522 BC — Birth ofPindar , Greekpoet
*March,521 BC — Death ofCambyses II , ruler of ancient Persia (suicide)
*October,521 BC — Death of Smerdis, ruler of ancient Persia
*c.519 BC — Birth ofXerxes I ofPersia
*Epimenides ofKnossos , a famous Cretian seer andphilosopher -poet, associated with theEpimenides paradox
*Lehi, legendary figure, first prophet recorded in theBook of Mormon
*Thespis , founder of Greek theatre.Inventions, discoveries, introductions
archaeological surveys of theArabian peninsula byBabylonian kingNabonidus .
*Sunshu Ao (孫叔敖), China's firsthydraulic engineer, creates an enormous artificialreservoir by damming a river for a massiveirrigation project while employed in the service ofKing Zhuang of Chu (d. 591 BC).References
The invention of Chess in India
Decades and years
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.