

Subjectivation is a philosophical concept coined by Michel Foucault. It refers to the construction of the individual subject. The concept has been often used in critical theory, sometimes with Louis Althusser's concept of "interpellation" (Gilles Deleuze, for example, used it in quite the same negative sense as Althusser's interpellation). As in Gilbert Simondon's theory of individuation, subjectivation precedes the subject in the same way as the process of individuation precedes the creation of the individual. While the classical notion of a subject considers it as a term, Foucault considered the process of subjectivation to have an ontological preeminence on the subject as a term. Suresh Emre [] defines subjectivation as the identity forming process in the context of metaphysics and explains that subjectivation is always followed by objectivation.

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  • subjectivation — [sybʒɛktivɑsjɔ̃] n. f. ÉTYM. 1937; de subjectif, d après objectivation. ❖ ♦ Littér. Fait de devenir subjectif, de prendre un caractère plus subjectif. 1 (…) il se pourrait que, dans ce domaine, le jeu de substitution d une personne à une autre… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Michel Foucault — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Foucault. Michel Foucault Philosophe occidental Époque contemporaine …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Foucault + fold —    by Tom Conley   The most terse and telling formulation of the fold is found in Foldings, or the Inside of Thought (Subjectivation) , the last chapter of Deleuze s Foucault that examines Foucault s three volume study of the history of sexuality …   The Deleuze dictionary

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