- Red-necked Stint
image_caption = winter plumage
name = Red-necked Stint
status = LC
status_system = IUCN3.1
status_ref = [IUCN2006|assessors=BirdLife International |year=2004|id=49078|title=Calidris ruficollis|downloaded=11 May 2006 Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern]
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo =Charadriiformes
familia =Scolopacidae
genus = "Calidris "
species = "C. ruficollis"
binomial = "Calidris ruficollis"
binomial_authority = Pallas,1776
subdivision_ranks = Synonyms
subdivision ="Erolia ruficollis"The Red-necked Stint, "Calidris" or "Erolia ruficollis", is a small migratorywader .Description
These birds are among the smallest of waders, very similar to the
Little Stint , "Calidris"/"Erolia minuta", with which they were once considered conspecific. The Red-necked Stint's small size, fine dark bill, dark legs and quicker movements distinguish this species from all waders except the other dark-legged stints. It can be distinguished from theWestern Sandpiper and theSemipalmated Sandpiper in all plumages by its combination of a fine bill tip, unwebbed toes and longer primary projection.The breeding adult has an unstreaked orange breast, bordered with dark markings below, and a white V on its back. In winter plumage identification is difficult, although it is shorter legged and longer winged than the Little Stint. Juveniles have more contrasting mantle plumage and weaker white lines down the back than their relative. The call is a hoarse "stit".
Distribution and habitat
Red-necked Stints are strongly migratory, breeding along the
Arctic littoral of easternEurasia and spending the non-breedng season inSouth East Asia andAustralasia as far south asTasmania andNew Zealand . They are rare vagrants to westernEurope . They are often seen in westernAlaska and occasionally elsewhere inthe Americas .Behaviour
Red-necked Stints are highly gregarious, and will form flocks with other small "Calidris" waders, such as
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper s andCurlew Sandpiper s in their non-breeding areas.See it here with Curlew Sandpiper [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
Their breeding habitat is
tundra . They nest on the ground.Diet
They forage in wet grassland and soft mud, mainly picking up food by sight. In their non-breeding habitat they feed on intertidal mudflats and along the muddy margins of freshwater lakes. They mainly eat insects and other small invertebrates.
Further reading
* Jonsson, Lars &
Peter J. Grant (1984) Identification of stints and peeps "British Birds" 77(7):293-315
* Alström, Per & Urban Olsson (1989) The identification of juvenile Red-necked and Long-toed Stints "British Birds" 82(8):360-372External Links
* [http://www.bsc-eoc.org/avibase/species.jsp?lang=EN&id=FA31FE309590C8CF&ts=1220274377739&sec=summary Avibase]
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