

name = Stints

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Semipalmated Sandpipers ("Calidris" pusilla")
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
subclassis = Neornithes
infraclassis = Neoaves
ordo = Charadriiformes
subordo = Scolopaci
familia = Scolopacidae
genus = "Calidris" ("partim", and see text)
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = Typically 9, see text

A stint is one of several very small waders in the paraphyletic "Calidris" assemblage - often separated in "Erolia" -, which in North America are known as peeps. They are scolopacid waders much similar in ecomorphology to their distant relatives, the charadriid plovers.

Some of these birds are difficult to identify because of the similarity between species, and various breeding, non-breeding, juvenile and moulting plumages. In addition, some plovers are also similarly patterned, especially in winter. With a few exceptions, stints usually have a fairly stereotypical color pattern, being brownish above and lighter - usually white - on much of the underside. The breast sides are almostVerify source|date=January 2008 always colored like the upperside, and there is usually a lighter supercilium above brownish cheeks. Notably, golden or orangey colors - common in plovers - are absentVerify source|date=January 2008.

ystematics and taxonomy

The genus "Calidris" is not monophyletic in its traditional delimitations and should be restricted to the stout Red Knot and its allies. The genus "Erolia" was often used for the stints ever since it was proposed by Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot in 1816. However, the type species of "Erolia" is the Curlew Sandpiper, which is not traditionally included among the stints.

No firm consensus has been reached on the Curlew Sandpiper's phylogenetic status (i.e., what its closest relatives are) and hence "Erolia" cannot be exactly delimited at present. This nonwithstanding, the stints together with a few slightly more distinct calidrids would indeed warrant separation as a distinct genus. The Sanderling, sometimes placed in "Crocethia", is among these and it may be that this genus name would apply. [Thomas "et al." (2004)]

The species usually considered stints/peeps are:
* Semipalmated Sandpiper, "Calidris pusilla" or "Erolia pusilla"
* Western Sandpiper, "Calidris mauri" or "Erolia mauri"
* Red-necked Stint, "Calidris ruficollis" or "Erolia ruficollis"
* Little Stint, "Calidris minuta" or "Erolia minuta"
* Temminck's Stint, "Calidris temminckii" or "Erolia temminckii"
* Long-toed Stint, "Calidris subminuta" or "Erolia subminuta"
* Least Sandpiper, "Calidris minutilla" or "Erolia minutilla"
* White-rumped Sandpiper, "Calidris fuscicollis" or "Erolia fuscicollis"
* Baird's Sandpiper, "Calidris bairdii" or "Erolia bairdii"

ee also

* Hybridisation in shorebirds



* (2004): A supertree approach to shorebird phylogeny. "BMC Evol. Biol." 4: 28. doi|10.1186/1471-2148-4-28 [ PDF fulltext] [ Supplementary Material]

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  • Stint — Stint, v. i. To stop; to cease. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] They can not stint till no thing be left. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] And stint thou too, I pray thee. Shak. [1913 Webster] The damsel stinted in her song. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Stint — Stint, n. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) Any one of several species of small sandpipers, as the sanderling of Europe and America, the dunlin, the little stint of India ({Tringa minuta}), etc. Called also {pume}. (b) A phalarope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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