Wolfenstein 3D

Wolfenstein 3D

Infobox VG
width =
title = Wolfenstein 3D

caption =
aspect ratio =
resolution =
developer = id Software
publisher = Apogee Software (DOS)
Interplay Entertainment (3DO)
BAM! Entertainment (GBA)
Atari Corporation (Jaguar)
MacPlay (Macintosh)
Imagineer (SNES)
distributor = Manaccom (Australia)
GT Interactive (USA)
Activision (USA)
Valve Corporation (Steam)
designer = John Romero
Tom Hall
license =
series =
engine = Wolfenstein 3D engine
version =
released = May 5 1992 (DOS) July 21 1993
1994 1995 (Source)
2002 2007 (Steam)
genre = First-person shooter
modes = Single player
ratings = ESRB: M
OFLC: MA15+ (re-rating)
platforms = nowraplinks MS-DOS, Mac, Apple IIGS, Acorn Archimedes, NEC PC-9801, SNES, Jaguar, GBA, 3DO nowraplinks end
media = Download
Four 3½" floppy disks
requirements = 80286 class CPU, 640 kB RAM
input = Keyboard
joystick or game controller

"Wolfenstein 3D" (originally "Wolfenstein 3-D", commonly abbreviated to "Wolf 3D") is a video game that is generally regarded as having popularized the first person shooter genre on the PC. It was created by id Software and published by Apogee Software. Released on May 5 1992 for MS-DOS, the game was inspired by the 1980s Muse Software computer games "Castle Wolfenstein" and "Beyond Castle Wolfenstein". It has been ported to a wide variety of systems, including 3DO, Super NES, Game Boy Advance, Acorn Archimedes, Atari Jaguar, and the Apple IIGS.


In "Wolfenstein 3D", the protagonist is an American soldier (Polish descent) named William "B.J." Blazkowicz attempting to escape from the titular Nazi stronghold; there are many armed guards, as well as attack dogs. The building has a number of hidden rooms containing various treasures, food supplies, and medical kits, as well as three different guns and ammunition.

"Wolfenstein 3D" was released as shareware, which allowed it to be copied widely. The shareware release contains one episode, consisting of 10 missions (levels). The commercial release consists of three episodes including the shareware episode, and a mission pack called "The Nocturnal Missions". Like the shareware episode, each commercial episode contains 10 levels, bringing the game to a total of 60 missions.

The episodes are:

The original trilogy:1. "Escape from Wolfenstein" (shareware episode):2. "Operation: Eisenfaust":3. "Die, Führer, Die"The Nocturnal Missions:4. "A Dark Secret":5. "Trail of the Madman":6. "Confrontation"

The game was originally released on the PC and then ported to Macintosh computers, Apple IIGS, Acorn Archimedes, Super NES, Atari Jaguar, Game Boy Advance, and 3DO. The source code of the game was published by id Software on July 21 1995 under a non-profit EULA, starting the long tradition at id Software of opening the entire source code (but not data) to an old game. Some unofficial and unstableFact|date=May 2008 ports to different platforms like Linux and add-ons have been developed.


The first three episodes of the game focus on the character of William "B.J." Blazkowicz's attempts to escape from Castle Wolfenstein and overthrow the Nazi regime.

B.J., an Allied spy, had been captured while trying to find the plans for Operation Eisenfaust, and was imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein. Initially armed only with a knife and a pistol (obtained by overpowering the guard in his cell), B.J.'s initial goal is merely to escape the castle prison. Taking on SS guards, stealing their machine guns and ultimately acquiring a chain gun, he eventually finds himself face to face with the Episode One boss, the ultimate prison guard Hans Grosse.

Having defeated Grosse and escaped the castle, B.J. moves on to "Operation: Eisenfaust". B.J. finds out that the operation is real, and that the Nazis are creating a mutant army of undead zombies in Castle Hollehammer. When the episode begins, B.J. has just entered the castle; the walls are covered in mulch, and the first enemies found are mutants with third arms grafted into their chests holding pistols. The episode boss is the scientist Dr Schabbs, the creator of the zombies. His defeat signals the end of this biological war.

"Die, Führer, Die!" is, chronologically, the final episode. Fighting through Nazi soldiers, and attacking the bunker under the Reichstag, the major centerpiece of the game is reached in the final mission, where the boss is none other than Adolf Hitler himself (equipped with a robotic suit).

The Nocturnal Missions form a prequel storyline, focusing on the Germans' plans for chemical warfare (Giftkrieg). "A Dark Secret" deals with the initial pursuit of the scientist responsible for the development of the weaponry; B.J.'s task is to enter the weapons research facility and hunt down Dr. Otto Giftmacher (Poison Maker).

"Trail of the Madman" is a rather ornate episode taking place in clean and stylish Castle Erlangen. Ostensibly, the episode's goal is to find the maps and plans of the chemical war, guarded by Gretel Grosse (Hans' sister). Hitler's image appears throughout this episode, as posters and wall mosaics, symbolizing his imminent rise to power. All levels are designed with fashion, much decoration, and opulence.

The story comes to a close in "Confrontation", set in Castle Offenbach; a summation of everything that has gone before, including the mutants (in the secret level only), Hans Grosse (in the secret level only), and the overall "feel". The final battle is fought between B.J. and the leader of this war, General Fettgesicht (Fat Face).


"The following section describes aspects of the original MS-DOS versions. The various ports often implemented changes."

Each episode features ten levels (or "missions") which have to be finished sequentially. Only nine levels need to be completed; hidden in one of the first eight missions was an entrance to the tenth, secret level. The secret level of the third episode was notable in that it recreated one of the original "Pac-Man" levels, complete with ghosts, seen by the player from Pac-Man's perspective. "Wolfenstein 3D" was the first game to use the ExMx map/level naming convention.

Each episode has a different boss who has to be killed in the final mission in order to complete the episode. Unlike normal enemies, boss enemies are drawn from one angle instead of eight, so the player can't sneak up on them or take them by surprise; when first encountered they are always facing the player. Bosses also won't notice the player or become active until they see the player. When most bosses are killed, a replay (called a "deathcam") of the boss's death is shown; the episode then ends. In other levels, behind the boss is an exit from the stronghold; entering it causes the camera to rotate around to face Blazkowicz and show him running out and jumping in elation (complete with a freeze frame of him in mid-air). In the version released for the Macintosh, all the bosses, except the final boss, Adolf Hitler, drop a gold key when killed which opens a door to the end of the level. Hitler was proclaimed the 15th greatest video game boss in history by "The Phoenix". [cite web|url=http://thephoenix.com/Boston//RecRoom/24919-20-greatest-bosses-in-video-game-history/|date=October 13 2006|title=The Phoenix]

Despite the presence of Hitler as an episode boss, the game bears no resemblance to any actual Nazi plans or structures. Indeed, many of the level designs are highly fanciful; at least three levels heavily feature swastika-shaped room layouts and maps, going as far as having one level built entirely of a tessellation of them.

The early concept of the game included some innovative stealth concepts - dragging dead bodies, swapping uniforms with fallen guards, silent attacks, etc., like in the old 2D Wolfenstein games, which focused more on stealth than action. These ideas were dropped however, since they drastically slowed the game down and made the controls complicated. [ [http://www1.linkclub.or.jp/~clubey/Mac%20Wolf/wolf.trivia.html Wolfenstein Trivia] ]

Technical implementation

To render the walls in pseudo-3D, the game used ray casting, a special case of ray tracing. This technique sent out one ray for each column of pixels, checked if it intersected a wall, and drew textures on the screen accordingly, creating a one dimensional depth buffer against which to clip the scaled sprites that represented enemies, powerups, and props.

Before "Wolfenstein 3D", the technology had already been used by id Software in 1991 to create "Hovertank 3D" and "Catacomb 3D" for Softdisk, albeit using only EGA 16-color graphics (which the game was designed to use, early in development). Other games using the "Wolfenstein 3D" game engine or derivatives of it were also produced, including, "Blake Stone", "Corridor 7", "Operation Body Count", "Super Noah's Ark 3D", "Rise of the Triad", "Shadowcaster", and "Hellraiser".

According to id Software programmer John Carmack, the game's engine was inspired by a technology demo of Looking Glass Studios'/Origin's first-person CRPG, "" from 1991. Carmack claimed he could make a faster renderer. In this he was successful. The Wolfenstein engine lacks many features present in the Underworld engine, such as ceiling or floor height changes, sloped floors and lighting, but it runs well on relatively weak hardware.

"Holo-walls" are walls created by mapmakers using a glitch in the PC version's engine. They are walls that the player can walk through, and are used in some total conversions to simulate windows that players can climb through, and hedges that players can walk through. One way of creating holo-walls is to place a dead guard in a wall.

Wolfenstein 3D supports the following sound technologies: for sound effects, PC Speaker and Sound Blaster; for digitized sound, Disney Sound Source and Sound Blaster; and for music, Adlib and Sound Blaster.



Due to its use of Nazi symbols such as the Swastika and the anthem of the Nazi Party, "Horst-Wessel-Lied", as theme music, the PC version of the game was confiscated in Germany in 1994, following a verdict by the Amtsgericht München on January 25, 1994 (Az. 2 Gs 167/94). Despite the fact that Nazis are portrayed as the enemy in "Wolfenstein", the use of those symbols is a federal offense in Germany unless certain circumstances apply (see articles [http://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB/86.html 86 StGB] and [http://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB/86a.html 86a StGB] (in German)). Similarly, the Atari Jaguar version was confiscated following a verdict by the Amtsgericht Berlin Tiergarten on December 7, 1994 (Az. 351 Gs 5509/94). [ [http://www.heim-im-web.de/atschie/index/idx_4000.htm Indizierungen - Beschlagnahmen und Einziehung (German)] - [http://www.freetranslation.com/web.asp?sequence=core&language=German/English&url=http://www.heim-im-web.de/atschie/index/idx_4000.htm&submit=FREE%20Translation Translate into English] ]

Due to concerns from Nintendo of America, the Super NES version was modified to not include any swastikas or Nazi references; furthermore, blood was replaced with sweat to make the game seem less violent, and the attack dogs in the game were replaced by giant mutant rats. The dogs were removed due to complaints from animal-rights activists that it was immoral to have a game in which the player is required to kill dogs. Employees of id Software are quoted in "The Official DOOM Player Guide" about the reaction to "Wolfenstein", claiming it to be ironic that it was morally acceptable to shoot people and rats, but not dogs. Two new weapons were added as well. The Super NES version was not as successful as the PC version.

Aborted contest attempts

Level E2M8 features a giant hidden "pushwall" maze consisting of 181 nearly identical 2x2 rooms. Depending on the path taken through the maze, the player is eventually led to treasure, an extra life, or a surprise encounter with Hans Grosse. One and only one correct path leads to a room containing a sign saying "Call Apogee Say Aardwolf." (In some versions there is also an extra life in this room.) This was to have been part of a contest, where the first person to find the sign and carry out its instructions would have won a prize. The actual prize was never decided upon; one of the discussed prize options was reportedly to be registered copies of all Apogee games for life.

However, because the first level editors and cheat programs for the game were released within days of the full version of "Wolfenstein 3D", many players were able to find the sign with minimal effort. Additionally, a cheat code was soon discovered and published that allowed the player to view all of the in-game sprites, including the "Aardwolf" sign. As a result, the planned contest was abandoned before it was ever officially announced, or the grand prize even settled upon. The maze and the sign were left in the game as Easter eggs; a text file included with the registered version distributed by Apogee explained the story behind the "Aardwolf" sign and asked gamers not to call in and say it (many did anyway). A 1997 commercial re-release by Activision removed the sign and replaced it with graphics depicting a pile of bones.

After completing an episode, the player is given a three-letter code in addition to a total score and time. This was part of a high-score contest that was abandoned for similar reasons to the "Aardwolf" one; the code would have been used to verify that a player got that score legitimately, without use of cheat codes.



The game was ported to the Super NES, Atari Jaguar, Mac OS, 3DO, Apple IIGS, Acorn Archimedes, and GBA. Many of the ports had different sounds, graphics, and levels. Some didn't even use the DOS version's episode format.

Some of the ports were derived from other ports and not from the original game. Both the Atari Jaguar and the Mac versions were based on the code of the Super NES port. However, both were developed independently of one another; the Jaguar port by id Software under the cooperation of Atari and the Mac port by MacPlay (the 3DO port was also developed by this team, making it mostly identical to the Mac version). The Apple IIGS port was in turn based on the Mac port.

The Super NES version of the game is notable for being heavily censored and edited, due to the Nintendo of America's censorship policy at the time. Due to this, most of the blood in the game was replaced with sweat (save for B.J.'s face becoming progressively bloodier as health dropped), and Nazi references were removed. Adolf Hitler, who was a character in the game, had his moustache removed and was renamed "Staatmeister" as well. Additionally, in Germany, the blood was turned green and the dogs replaced by giant rats.

In several of the ports (specifically, the Atari Jaguar, Mac, and 3DO versions) the game's sprites and textures are redrawn as 128×128 pixel sprites, rather than 64×64 pixel sprites, allowing more detail in the game's characters and objects. However, they are drawn from one angle, like the bosses, eliminating the stealth element of the game.

In the Atari Jaguar port, the status bar was removed, with only displays for health, the head of B.J., ammo, and keys. Since there was no score, the treasure added to the player's health. There was also a flamethrower, rocket launcher, pistol and chaingun which were based on graphics from "Doom".

The Mac port and all derivative versions are the only ones to use authentic German voices and speech, recorded by native Germans. The other versions contain broken German phrases, with incorrect article and adjective usages, mostly stemming from the misunderstanding of the genders of the nouns.

Unlike the other ports, the Game Boy Advance port closely resembled the PC version of the game. Differences to the PC version included the removal of music and a change in the save system: the player has to complete a floor before they can save, but they can have up to 4 save games on one cartridge. It also used strong mipmapping which made objects and walls in the distance very pixellated.


The game's popularity and historical significance has driven a large number of unofficial ports to platforms on which commercial releases were not considered, including the Amiga, Atari ST, [cite web|url=http://freenet-homepage.de/ray.tscc/wolf3d.htm
date=November 19 2005|title=wolfenstein 3d
] Dreamcast, FreeBSD, GP2X, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo DS, [citeweb|url=http://lazyone.drunkencoders.com/wordpress/?cat=2|date=November 1 2006|title=wolf3d] Palm OS, PlayStation Portable, PocketPC, Symbian, TI-83, and ZX Spectrum.

Mission Pack

Wolfenstein has a mission pack called "Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrades". It can be downloaded as a zip file from the 3D Realms website. It contains Wolf Creator, a random map generator; MapEdit, a level editor/creator; and replacement gamefiles for the original game. It comprises at least 800 new levels (floors). It was released in 1993.


Wolfenstein 3D was followed by several related games:
* "Spear of Destiny", a prequel to "Wolfenstein 3D", released a short time after the original game, using the same engine.

* "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" ("RtCW"), a first-person shooter sequel to "Wolfenstein 3D", released in 2001. The gameplay and the setting are similar to the original, but the graphics and audio elements receive an upgrade due to the "Quake III Arena" rendering engine. "RtCW" begins as the first game does, but from there the two games' storylines diverge. Overall, "RtCW" bears little resemblance to its predecessor, beyond the title and the setting. A small bit of nostalgia is available to players of "RtCW" with a console command. Activating 'cg_uselessnostalgia' via the in-game console overlays a replica of the original game's interface across the bottom of the screen. However, as the name of the command implies, this interface does not keep track of vital game statistics, such as the player character's health or remaining ammunition. The Xbox version of "RtCW" contains the full emulated version of "Wolfenstein 3D" as a bonus for beating the game, while the PC version of RtCW-Game-of-the-Year-Edition features the game as a bonus.
* "", a spinoff to "RtCW", released in 2003. It is a free full-version multiplayer-only game, featuring elements from "RtCW".
*A new game, called simply "Wolfenstein", has been announced for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. It is currently under development by "Raven Software", developer of "id Software"'s "Quake 4". No release date has been announced yet. [citeweb |author=Activision |title=Company Confirms Upcoming Game Lineup and Announces Five New Titles |url=http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20080715005571&newsLang=en]


"Wolfenstein 3D" anticipated the first-person shooter games that continue to be popular today. There were few imitations or clones until the release of id Software's "Doom" in 1993. The other most notable games are "Rise of the Triad" in 1994 and "Duke Nukem 3D" in 1996. Most of these games were distributed via the same shareware strategy as "Wolfenstein 3D".

The game's success ensured that id Software quickly became a high profile developer. id's development efforts were closely watched by fans of the game, and when it released its next first-person shooter, "Doom", it was guaranteed a receptive audience. Rather than rely on the technology that made "Wolfenstein" a hit, however, "Doom" introduced several technological leaps over "Wolfenstein 3D". The technology in "Doom" outdid that of "Wolfenstein 3D" by being playable over a network. It also provided different levels of height (while "Wolfenstein 3D" didn't have any stairs or platforms at all), a lighting system ("Wolfenstein 3D" only had full brightness), multiple levels of detail and characters with more detail and animation than those in its predecessor; it also added a multiplayer mode: "Deathmatch", which grew in popularity as online gaming became widespread.

Influences and connections


* Secret level 3-10 is a replica of the maze from the arcade game "Pac-Man", complete with ghosts which chase the player. The ghosts cannot be killed, and rapidly drain health from the player when touched (on easier difficulty settings, they don't do any damage). The dots are replaced with treasure items and the power pills are replaced with extra lives. To exit the level, the player must find and enter one of the two side tunnels, both of which lead to standard exit rooms. The red "Pac-Man" ghosts can also be found in secret level 6-10. [http://www.3drealms.com/faq/w3dfaq420.txt Wolfenstein 3D FAQ] . [http://www.3drealms.com/ Official 3D Realms website] . Retrieved on 2007-09-22.]
* In levels 3-1 and 6-1, a monotonal "beeping" sound can be heard underneath the background music. This is a Morse Code message; when translated, it reads as the following:::TO: BIG BAD WOLF::DE: LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD::ELIMINATE HITLER::IMPERATIVE: COMPLETE MISSION WITHIN 24 HOURS::OUT:"DE," in this context, is telegraphic shorthand for "From."

Wolfenstein in other games

* The official hint manual establishes that the protagonist of the "Commander Keen" series, Billy Blaze, is BJ Blazkowicz's grandson.cite book | last = id Software | title = The Official Hint Manual for Wolfenstein 3D | publisher = Apogee Software] [ [http://www.3drealms.com/faq/apfaq72.txt The Apogee FAQ] . [http://www.3drealms.com/ Official 3D Realms website] . Retrieved on 2007-09-22.]
* Original releases of "Doom" contained a swastika-shaped area in a room in the level "Command Control" as a reference to "Wolfenstein 3D". The symbol was modified to a generic shape in later versions.
* In another id Software game, "", there are two secret levels that are based on 1-1 and 1-9 of "Wolfenstein 3D". The blue SS soldiers appear, demons take the place of the guard dogs and the Cyberdemon takes the place of Hans Grosse.
* 1-1 was recreated as a level in "Rise of the Triad". However, it wasn't released with the game, because id Software already did the same thing in "Doom II". It was later released as an add-on level. [ [http://www.3drealms.com/faq/rottfaq30.txt Rise of the Triad FAQ] . [http://www.3drealms.com/ Official 3D Realms website] . Retrieved on 2007-09-22.]

See also

* "Maze War" (1973) – The first FPS style game, written for the Xerox Alto.
* "Spasim" (1974) – A first-person shooter computer game, played on the PLATO network.
* "3D Monster Maze" (1981) – Credited as the original first person perspective game released for a home/personal computer.
* "Ken's Labyrinth" – a game written in the same time period completely independently to mimic the Wolfenstein 3D engine graphics before the source was released.
* "Super 3D Noah's Ark".


External links

* [http://www.idsoftware.com/games/wolfenstein/wolf3d/ id's Official Wolfenstein 3D site]
* [http://www.3drealms.com/wolf3d/index.html 3D Realms's Official Wolfenstein 3D site]
* [http://www.3drealms.com/faq/w3dfaq420.txt Apogee FAQ: Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny]
* [http://www1.linkclub.or.jp/~clubey/Mac%20Wolf/fundamentals.html Wolfenstein Fundamentals]
* [http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/ The Wolf 3D Dome] - a fan site with detailed game info
* [http://www.wolf3d.net/ Wolfenstein 3D Archive] - Fan site focusing on Macintosh version

=Ports and remakes=

* [http://newwolf.sourceforge.net/ NewWolf] - Port for OpenGL (discontinued)
* [http://winwolf3d.dugtrio17.com/ WinWolf3D] - Windows port using DirectX
* [http://www.chaos-software.de.vu/ Wolf4SDL] - Open source port for many platforms (Windows, Linux, Macintosh, Dreamcast, GP2x) which includes available advanced features in the source code
* [http://www.sheppyware.net/software-gs/wolf3d/ Wolfenstein 3D for Apple IIGS]

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